Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review
$1,300 for a personal computer you'll never fully own or be in complete control of?
Also no one ever needs.
They have this amazing camera on it, but to get the full use out of it you need to manually set the shutter speed, lighting and all kinds of shit. I know so many people who buy these phones because of the camera, and then set it on auto and take mediocre pictures that are on par with my 200 dollar phone. your 144hz screen is useless when you set it to 60 so your battery lasts longer. I sometimes go through half a youtube video on 360 or 480p before realising it on my phone, but i'm sure that people can't live without a 4k screen
He goes over these things in the review and mentions other devices.
I basically had the same thought with the OP 11, by default you don't even get the resolution you bought it for, just some scaled down version "for battery".
Mind at least referencing your daily driver after saying that? I shared the video because I love learning about damn near every device that comes out. He references the price in the review.
I spent just shy $600 on my OP 11, not completely happy with it, pretty set on not buying another OP device.
My personal issues with Samsung aside (from years ago, nothing recent or relevant) prevent me e.g. from buying a Samsung.
TBF it seems like most manufacturers are going to shit these days, wouldn't be surprised if most devices become iPhone look-alikes in the future.
Personally, I feel like we as regular people, need to get to the point where we tell these huge companies that we do get to own stuff that we buy, I know things will likely get worse before they get better (if they do), but I don't think spending $1,000 on a personal computer should not come with restrictions on what you can do with that personal computer.
Anyways, word-pukey.
I didn't downvote your video or anything, I was just expressing an opinion.
Edit: A word
No, The question is, Why buy when I already have a perfectly good phone?
Also reply to my question if possible. You’re downvoting because you aren’t in the market for a new device?
And the answer would only be “duh….”
So people don't think you are a peasant, obviously.
Wait so if i don't purchase this vs. Someone who does... I am a peasant because I still have $1200 in my account? (Continuing the ridiculuousness you pointed out)
Weird, never know how Lemmy’s going to react to a post. The people who downvoted… do you mind chiming in as well? Is Samsung on the buzz word list? Is it because I didn’t use piped? Is it because MKBHD is black? It’s a well done review. I’m very curious.
Dude MKBHD is not what's wrong here. Samsung often does anti-consumer things. People rightfully hate giving $1300 to Samsung.
Yeah, I’ve figured out Samsung was the buzz word. Also they’ve had some improvement apparently as they’re supporting and updating the operating system on these for 7 years now. I have no skin in the game. I don’t use Android. I just love tech. Especially bleeding edge. I’m not here to argue about pricing or what Samsung did somewhere. Just sharing one of MKBHD’s dope videos.
Because its an ad and Im alergic to ads.
I didnt downvoted it, but thought about it.
"Why buy anything else" is a bad title, comes off as a condescending ad.