Homelab is a place where you can store all your family’s data, self-host applications and services, locally stream media, and experiment with various technologies. A Homelab can start with low-power
I wrote a blog post detailing my homelab setup throughout 2023. It includes the hardware I use, as well as the applications I selfhosted. I also detailed how I automate my home Kubernetes cluster and how I back up my data.
The manifest of my Kubernetes cluster is managed in a Git repository and is automatically deployed via a GitOps tool named Flux CD. When I push changes to the repository, such as adding a new application or upgrading Docker images, the deployment occurs within a few minutes.
This is the way.
Although I use Flux ImageUpdateAutomation instead of Renovate Bot. Did you consider using Flux to do auto updates? Are there any downsides that made you choose Renovate Bot instead?
Thanks! I looked at the documentation of Flux image update automation first but I didn't figured out how to handle Helm chart versions, and it seems it requires manual "marker" to handle image tags in Helm values (which Renovate can manage automatically), so it looks like Renovate fits my needs more.