Senior to Boss?
Senior to Boss?
Senior to Boss?
Your raise schedule should be outlined in your union contract! :)
But if I join a union, then I might have to pay union dues!!! Getting a 20% raise isn't worth losing 2% to dues!!!
Now you see why the right wing tries to neuter schools and education.
Every half decent company will do this, union or not.
"We value none of our workers, it's nothing personal."
Nothing personnel kid
I had exactly the same experience. The manager answered me "wait, I can actually raise you! Here it is!". I merely had to be a dick like them for them to do something. I still left.
The other thing I always tell people is every year you don’t get a raise that’s at least equal to inflation you’re getting a pay cut. Finding a job that does cost of living increases every year is a huge benefit.
My company generally gives yearly raises, and before 2020 they were usually pretty generous. The last few years though, they haven't even come close to matching inflation.
And you are getting a relative pay cut. Doing the same amount of work, but the money you take home doesn’t go as far.
The newcomer: Oh, I don’t have to work here? Thanks for reminding me!
Me: Nobody wants to work! Sorry for our slow service, Covid these hard times 9/11
Also supply chain, egg prices, Biden "I did that!" sticker. Damn lazy avocado toast is killing diamonds with tiktok.
Throwing my hands up and saying "Covid these hard times 9/11” is going to be my new favorite way of ending a conversation or apologizing to somebody.
You actually have to quit periodically and demand more money upfront at a new job.
In a span of like eight years, I did this 4 times to go from $11.25/hour to now $52/hour. All with a gen ed associates degree from a community college. The best time to look for a job is when you already have one. It's your safety net. It enables you to walk away from the table when negotiating after crushing the interview. You are also interviewing them to see if they're worthy of your valuable labor. They have no revenue without workers like you, and they have no profit if they pay you what you're actually worth, so understand that technically every offer they extend to you is a lowball offer. Having the confidence of knowing this makes you appear competent enough to merit higher pay. They will look at candidates and remember that you were the one who had the sauce and stuck out.
Of course you're not going to get a huge raise. Only three ways that happens:
#3 is well-known and obvious to those of us in tech. I often forget that non-techs and young people may not have got the memo. My last job hops have bumped me 30% and 90%.
Non-tech example: My friend took an oil change job when we moved here. That was well below his skillset. He kept proving his skills, improving his skills, moving up a bit and moving on. Now he's at $120,000 and is the service manager for the largest car dealer chain in the area.
And no, employers generally do not expect our lifelong loyalty. They talk like that, because it would be stupid to talk otherwise. I've answered "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?", with, "Let me dig in and see how it goes! I may move on at the 5-year mark to keep my skills growing and fresh."
HR didn't bat an eye. "Well, we hope you enjoy your 5-years here!"
Keep your resume polished and move on!
Option #4: Organize with your coworkers and form a union and collectively bargain for higher wages and better benefits.
That should be an option, and yet my initial reaction was "like that would ever happen."
Boss 2 years later: "why did all of our newcomers quit?! I swear there's no good employees anymore."
"wHy dOeSn't aNyOnE WaNt tO WoRk, AnYmOrE?"
Ive been working at my company for 5 years. The previous senior person in the roll got that promotion after working their for 2 years, so when he left and the senior role became available everyone in the department was expecting me to get it....... then they give the role to the guy who started 3 months ago.
So since then ive just stopped trying. Im not going to get another chance to be promoted until that fucker leaves, so now im working like the minimum effort junior that they treat me like. Going to coast like that for a while until i get a couple more qualifications, then go somewhere better as a senior.
Start sending out applications now, you may already be qualified, and getting a job offer in the back pocket is never a bad idea.
I am probably under qualified for thr job i want and while I may get a job still, i don't think I want to be working at a company that's going to hire under qualified people for senior roles.
Plus even just going through and updating my CV and writing cover letters is a lot of mental effort and time that I would rather just spend on studying for my certs.
The newcomer can start interviewing and have a raise in just a few weeks! The boss is right, he doesn't have to work years for a raise.
Oh, so I can get it right now?