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Global Covid-19 cases up 80% as new sub-variant emerges Global Covid-19 cases up 80% as new sub-variant emerges

WHO warned that the reported number of cases and deaths do not reflect the true numbers. Read more at

Global Covid-19 cases up 80% as new sub-variant emerges

WHO warned that the reported number of cases and deaths do not reflect the true numbers. Read more at


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  • They would have worked if we took them seriously.

    "They never would have worked" is a lie told by people unwilling to shoot violators.

    We could have ended it through a (relative to the length of the still ongoing pandemic) short period of massive testing and quarantine, like what Vietnam did.

    Instead white people had to be waited on by wage employees so their could feel important and now millions of people are permanently disabled.

    Also all the deaths.

    • Nope, covid was way too widespread, and exists in multiple animal species, meaning it can easily jump back to humans even if we got rid of it in our populations (which would never have happened).

      In all of human history we've eliminated a single disease, Smallpox, and it doesn't spread through the air. Yet you think a few weeks lockdown would have actually gotten rid of a far more transmissible airborne illness? Get real.

      • We could have done it.

        We have more than enough bullets.

        • For every human, and every wild animal on the planet, sure. Not exactly worth it.

          • Wouldn't have taken that many.

            Especially if vaccine patents were not only shared, the vaccines were administered at the barrel of a gun.

            We could have certainly fared better than the real world plan of "let's infect everyone on purpose as quickly as possible".

            • Yes it would have.

              As already stated covid is present in several animal species, so you would have to kill all muskelids, cats, deer, bats, etc...

              Covid is also asymptomatic in about 50% of people, so you wouldn't even know who to shoot.

              And vaccines are not perfect, I got covid 3 shots in, from someone who had 4 shots of the vaccine.

              And in all of human history, as I have said, we have only ever eliminated 1 disease, despite massive efforts to eliminate others.

              There was never any chance to eliminate covid. That's a fairy tale fantasy only those that lack knowledge could believe.

              • Yes there was and you don't have the wherewithal to carry it out.

                "Animal reservoirs" is the refuge of someone who never wanted to shut down in the first place and fought restrictions the entire way. We never had to "live with Covid".

                Why are you so hung up on killing everybody anyway?

                We can test people. We can test animals. We can vaccinate both. We can isolate people and things.

                We could have controlled this. We chose—Chose—to exacerbate things.

                • You're the one who said we have enough bullets to stop it, it's you who suggested killing everyone.

                  And if it's so easy to eliminate an airborne disease, as you say, then why have we never managed to do it in all of human history?

                  We have been trying to eliminate the flu for over a hundred years, how's that going?

                  We could have controlled this.

                  Nope, we could not. It's a rapidly spreading airborne illness that was already in nearly every country on the planet before it was discovered.

                  • You’re the one who said we have enough bullets to stop it, it’s you who suggested killing everyone.

                    Whoa there I suggested massive testing, vaccination, and isolation at the barrel of a gun. You're the one who thinks those methods can't work and we have to jump straight to slaughtering everyone.

                    We have been trying to eliminate the flu for over a hundred years

                    And there were assholes like you antagonistic to even trying the whole time.

                    Nope, we could not. It’s a rapidly spreading airborne illness

                    Vaccination, isolation, testing.
                    It could have been done.

                    All you "can't" fuckos trail off before "...while still maintaining capitalist production modes" like I should care.

                    • Then why do we need enough bullets? You suggested we should kill people, not me.

                      And I'm not antagonistic, I'm a scientist who actually understands how diseases work, unlike you apparently. And I was early in line to get vaccinated, and boosted.

                      And you think non-capitalist production modes could have mass produced billions upon billions of vaccines and tests in the early months of Covid spreading, before such things were even developed? Because that was impossible.

                      Sorry to shit on your rather short-sighted worldview, but it's entirely wrong.

                      • mocking voice "I'm a scientist."

                        Of shutting the fuck up?

                        Yes, as labor produces vaccines I see no reason it could not do so without it's surplus value being stolen.

                        Then why do we need enough bullets?

                        To enforce quarantines, incentivize vaccine uptake, and shoot infected deer.

                        Christ, why do you shoot (pardon the pun) right past what the guns would be enforcing and in your scenario just start shooting wildly?

                        You've already admitted it's to preserve capitalism—which is really fucked of you—but Jesus dude

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