Spitballin here. What if we completely removed border patrol from the border and never arrested a migrant again. Take all those agents. Their full time job now is surprise inspecting every employer in america at random. Mandatory fine of $40,000 per undocumented worker caught being employed. Also first offense we pull your business license for 30 days. Second offense shut you down for 90 days. Third offense liquidate your business forever. How would our "border crisis" look at that point? Think about it. Remember during the drug war when we arrested users and left dealers and smugglers alone? Me neither. This is more in line with what youd actually be seeing if politicians actually gave a rats ass about the BoRdEr cRiSIs
You’d destroy multiple industries that result on exploiting illegal migrants, and low cost labor from those with green cards. Hospitality, sanitation, meat packing, construction, agriculture, etc all would come up floaters
The whiplash from average Americans would be incredible. We’ve priced in domestic exploitation into several industries, and US consumers have come to demand it, and more.