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  • Interesting that the "AI" posts alternate between "Oh, AI will lead us into the shining, glorious future!" and "Wow, the new thing that people call 'AI' can't reliably add 2+2, makes up lies that even supposed professionals fall for when asked for real info, and just generally mimics only the form of human communication with no idea whatsoever about the content, often resulting in hilarious claims, images, et cetera that a dog could recognize as wrong!"

    With bosses in charge... ugh. I assume soon if not already someone will be scheduled for heart surgery because WebMDGPT decided their cough was due to irritable bowel syndrome, which it will claim is a form of cancer because that's the sort of crap these things do.

    "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent" somehow applies to Jar-Jar but everybody's impressed with the chatbot that knows literally nothing.

    • It makes me really sad because the techbros are a cargo cult with no understanding of the technology, and the anti-AI crowd is an overcorrection to the techbro hype train which overemphasizes the limitations without acknowledging that this is the first generation of general-purpose AI (distinct from AGI). Meanwhile I, someone who's followed the AI field for 10 years waiting for this day, am overjoyed by the near miracle that is a general-purpose model that can handle any task you throw at it and simultaneously worried this yet-another-culture-war will distract people screeching about utopia vs skynet while capitalists use the technology to lay everyone off and send us into a neotechnofeudal society where labor has no power instead of the socialist utopia where work is optional we deserve...

      • I generally agree but struggle to see where there's any proper "general-purpose AI" involved. The current "AI" seems to be a crop of, simply put, overgrown chat bots. They make things that kinda-sorta look like other things that humans have already made and are getting a lot of attention for getting things very wrong. Hands, mouths, maths, laws, wrong wrong wrong.

        From my perspective (as someone who loves novel tech, was thrilled to take a uni course on evolutionary computation, had PopSci, SciAm, Discover (tech magazines), etc.) people are blowing the hell up praising glorified chat bots as our lord and saviour and it baffles me endlessly. Like... I was evolving solutions to notoriously hard problems as an undergrad roughly a decade ago. The power of evolution itself! Wow, right? No, no one cares any more. Interesting is interesting but the hype train's decided these I'm not going to stop calling them chat bots because that's what they are represent a miracle of advanced, movie-style AGI. Unless my understanding of how it works is way off, it's not really even a good starting point for AGI. I'd even go so far as to say it's less technically interesting to me than Sierra's AGI, but then I do have a deep, burning hatred of memes and excessive, blind popularity/hype and a bit of a taste for old tech so part of that's just me. As for "utopia vs. Skynet" stuff... sigh. No technology is gonna do more to heal or harm humanity than this batch of buttholes is already doing to itself and ELIZA here isn't going to change that.

        tl;dr: The current cultural idea of "AI" is (as always) a damn meme based on chat bots and exploitation, and not a miracle. Wake me when AI is capable of some interesting new kind of NLP or can create something entirely new or something beyond impressing fools (because I actually do like neat tech). Also yes, any big, moneyful/profitable tech-thing is 100% gonna serve money over all else because everything in this capitalist hell-world does. rant rant rant! ... dozes off

    • thats because everyone is trying to treat ai as if its what movies promise us. its not there yet, if itll get there at all. it can be a good tool in the tool chest but its far from being the only tool. like ai might be able to speed up blood tests or screen for more things but its not gonna replace a good doctor yet. or can monitor everyone whos vitals are being monitored and can flag times for doctors to follow up on that arent life threatening that could be missed currently.

  • This looks like another instance where AI could be used to really make doctors and nurses lives easier, provide more and better care at lower cost - but in the hands of greedy corporate types it wont go that way.

  • They worry about the technology making wrong diagnoses,

    You know who I've seen make "wrong diagnoses" over and over again? Human fricken doctors. And not to me (a healthy, upper middle class white male professional) but to my wife (a disabled woman with a debilitating genetic disease from a shitty part of Texas). We had to fight for years and spend tons of money to get "official" diagnoses that we were able to make at home based on observation, Googling and knowledge of her family history. I've watched male neurologists talk to ME instead of her while staring at her boobs. I've watched ER doctors have her history and risks explained to them in excruciating detail, only to send her home (when it turns out she needs emergency surgery).

    revealing sensitive patient data

    Oh, 100%, this is gonna happen.

    becoming an excuse for insurance and hospital administrators to cut staff in the name of innovation and efficiency.

    Oh, 100% this is ALSO gonna happen. My wife recently had to visit the ER twice, receive scary spinal surgery and stay over for 2 weeks. The NUMBER ONE THING I noticed was that in this state of the art hospital, in a small, wealthy, highly gentrified town, was DANGEROUSLY understaffed. The nurses and orderlies were stretched so thin, they couldn't even stop to breath (and they were OFTEN cranky and RUSHING to do delicate tasks where they could easily make mistakes). This reckless profiteering is already a problem (that probably needs some more aggressive regulation to deal with it, nothing else will work). If AI exposes it more and pushes it to a breaking point, maybe that could ultimately be a good thing.

  • There are a lot of Doctors in favor of AI too. Imagine realtime patient monitoring that can alert doctors to a say, a possible heart attack. It is something that has been worked on for at least the last 15 years.