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  • Supporting a bigot is bigotry.

    • Bigot: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

      Just supporting some policies of someone who is a bigot doesn't mean you support their bigoted policies.

      • OK. Let me try. Trump espouses bigoted and non-bigoted policies. A person likes the non-bigoted ones. They vote for Trump. Their vote put Trump over the line. Trump enacts both the non-bigoted and bigoted policies. The person in question's vote was the cause of bigoted policies being deployed. Policies that hurt other people. Does it matter whether the person supported Trump's bigoted policies? The end result is the same. The person supporting Trump resulted in bigoted policies hurting people. That person bears responsibility in that result, as someone who voted for Trump. So what we're saying is - you can't hide your responsibility behind the book definition of a bigot. You could try but we see the results in reality and we will judge you by the results of your actions. We're saying - look - your actions constitute bigotry in practice whether you realize it or not, and if you really believe that you're not a bigot and you don't want to be one, perhaps think about the results of your actions and what they produce in reality. Maybe don't vote Trump next time. Replace Trump with any GOP bigot and the person in question with any American that's in a similar position.

        • With the way our government works, it's really hard to not vote for candidates that you don't have at least some problems with. With the way presentational elections seem to be going, you end up having to choose which one is less bad. And in FPTP, voting for a third party is basically useless.

          And not every GOP candidate is a bigot. I'm sure most, if not all of them, genuinely wish for the country to be better (same thing applies for any politician). It's just that disagreement over how to make the country better had devolved into name calling, which is a terrible way to get people to change their opinions.

          I don't change my opinion because someone calls me a bigot. I'll change my opinion if they can show me how my view is flawed, and why their view is better.

          • With the way our government works, it’s really hard to not vote for candidates that you don’t have at least some problems with. With the way presentational elections seem to be going, you end up having to choose which one is less bad. And in FPTP, voting for a third party is basically useless.

            And yet that doesn't change the dynamics of what I described. This is why every voter who has problems with whoever they're considering voting for should be weighing the bad parts. We know how GOP voters weigh the bigotry that comes with voting for its reps. That's all we need to know. The truth is literally laid bare.

            I’m sure most, if not all of them, genuinely wish for the country to be better (same thing applies for any politician).

            That's a nice thought. I see you still haven't run out of benefit of the doubt to give.

            I don’t change my opinion because someone calls me a bigot. I’ll change my opinion if they can show me how my view is flawed, and why their view is better.

            That's your prerogative. We've ran out of arguments to give. "We" is the many people I know who are of this opinion. I've yet to meet a conservative that's arguing in good faith and is willing to change their view when presented with a sound argument. That's where we're at and it ain't our fault. We've spent years of our lives trying and gotten nowhere. The radicalization is just getting started.

            See you at the ballot box!

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