Looking For Crossword Packs In Machine-Readable Format (.puz, .json etc)
Hi all 👋
I'm looking for some help locating large packs/collections of crossword puzzles (in my case for use with the Shortyz/Forkyz Android app) pretty please (sob story below if you're interested). I promise I'm not trying to be lazy (though it's possible, as my mum would say, that I'm having a boy's look), but I've looked around on archive.org, all my usual pirate sources (the generals and MAM have a bunch of books in PDF/ePub and the like, but nothing in machine-readable format), Forkyz list of sources, and ofc Google, and come up I feel surprisingly empty.
Anyway, thank you in advance to everyone 💙
NB: This is an edited-for-context cross-post from here. Please remove if not appropriate 👍
<sob-story> Dad's in palliative care and my step-mum is getting a bit bored with her Sudoku puzzles, which of course I've had no trouble providing lol. </sob-story>