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  • If Democrats had won in 2016, women wouldn't be getting arrested for having miscarriages in the 2020s.

    You're not refuting my point by listing examples of regressive policies that are perfectly legal in the "democratic system" they are enacted in. My point is: Voting (in the real world, not in the hypothetical world, were Trump didn't become president) doesn't help improving conditions for the vast majority of the population (read: people who aren't rich).

    If Trump didn't win, the so-called US would still have a deranged far-right party. Tucker Carlson, the heritage foundatio, the Koch brothers, PragerU, Matt Walsh, etc. weren't elected. Remember?

    The election worked against the people because motherfuckers like you convinced people not to vote.

    I didn't tell people "not to vote". I don't like telling strangers what to do. I said "voting doesn't work" (or: voting doesn't matter). There's a difference.

    Trump lost the popular vote. So, technically: He got president because of the weird electoral college system (which Biden voted to uphold in congress, I think).

    Also: the Democrats disenfranchised the poor population by calling white poor population racist rednecks who need to get woke, instead of helping them in their socio-economic situation. Because in the end: both democrats and republicans serve the rich.

    But yeah. I "have no idea", right. /s 🙄

    • Democrats don't need to make life actively better than it currently is to be a better option than Republicans, who actively make life worse. That doesn't make them good, it just makes them not as bad.

      You know, I'm tired and bored enough to pull a typical American take and say: why am I arguing with a German? Don't you have a wind turbine to break down for a coal mine somewhere? You should probably get back to vork

        1. You've confirmed the stupid American stereotype more than you intended, since I'm not a Brit, lol.
        2. I would really like not having to deal with the politics of the so-called "US" so much. I would gladly not bother if you yankees would stop playing world police and affecting the rest of the world so much with your failed state.
          1. Yeah I updated it since I noticed you aren't British, hence the jab about wind turbines being torn down for coal mines. Sorry, I'm just used to Brits being the ones bitching about America all the time

          2. I too would like for us to stop doing that, and letting Republicans win so that they can expand our little MIC doesn't help.

          3. I never said you "told" people not to vote, I said you "convinced" people not to vote–by saying ignorant shit like "voting doesn't matter."

          What do you propose I do in november? Should I vote for the republican, the democrat, or neither?

        • Permanently Deleted

          • hence the jab about wind turbines being torn down for coal mines

            Lol. Is that the best a quick google search had to offer? ^^ I'm not claiming Germany is that much better or that voting here matters way more.

            What do you propose I do in November?


            • So don't vote, let repubs win and instill fascism

              Funny that a German is telling me to do this

              And apologies for the double comment, Jerboa's edit button is right next to the delete button, so I had to rewrite it again

              • Stop strawmanning me. Fascists have the tendency not to stop when not being elected.

                Edit: Actually, the Weimar SPD helped installing fascism by focusing on electoralism and letting the Freikorps murder Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, who were more grass-roots focused.

                So, I don't know shit about American politics and you're trying to school me on German history? Are you for real?

                • I'm literally not strawmanning you. You're telling me not to vote now, and I'm telling you what happens if we let Republicans take the White House this year. Trump wins, stacks the supreme court even more, disenfranchises even more voters, sends even more women and minorities to prison, and ensures that Republicans win every election in the future, no matter how much we organize

                  As opposed to Biden, who will not actively make our lives better.

                  I'm 100% on board with organizing. I've said many, many times that the other 1,460 days between elections should be spent organizing to get a better candidate on the ballot. But when it comes time to vote, there are exactly two options. You can vote for the one that sucks or the one that sucks worse. The choice is plain to me.

                  What good comes from not voting Biden this year? Genuinely, what would we accomplish by staying home from the polls this year instead of voting for Biden?

                  Edit: I'm not trying to school you on German history lmfao it's 04:00 here and I'm making weak jokes because I'm stuck at work until 06:00 and I'm super tired

                  • You're telling me not to vote now

                    Where? Vote or don't: it doesn't really matter.

                    what happens if we let Republicans take the White House this year

                    Yeah, never heard that one before. For ome reason, every election is the most important o our lives. How often does this have to be repeated until you guys figure out that the wholesystem is fucked?

                    disenfranchises even more voters, sends even more women and minorities to prison, and ensures that Republicans win every election in the future, no matter how much we organize

                    Will this problem ever go away if electoralism is the only option? That shit has been going down for years/decades now. Or at least: the electoral system itself has been disenfranchising the people for decades to reach the fascistic state you're in right now. What makes you think that voting harder makes those problems go away?

                    Never believe that the wealthy let you vote away their power.

                    What good comes from not voting Biden this year? Genuinely, what would we accomplish by staying home from the polls this year instead of voting for Biden?

                    I don't want to convince anyone not to vote. Just that it doesn't matter.

                    • For some reason, every election is the most important of our lives.

                      Yeah that's because they legitimately are. Every single Republican president in the last 50 years has been an absolute disaster for this country and the entire world. Many of the Democrats have as well, but all of the Republicans have.

                      Will this problem ever go away if electoralism is the only option?

                      Show me the part where I said or implied that electoralism is the only option. Look at this meme:

                      That's the meme that this discussion is about. This whole discussion is about who to vote for. Arguing about who we should vote for is not an argument against doing anything but voting. I never said electoralism is the only option.

                      I don't want to convince anyone not to vote. Just that it doesn't matter.

                      Can you at least understand what I mean when I say that this rhetoric does convince people not to vote, whether you want it to or not? Saying [activity] doesn't matter is effectively, whether you want it to be or not, an argument against doing [activity], and it does convince people not to do it. It's a large part of why, like I've said multiple times in this thread, there are presently women in prison for having miscarriages.

                      Again, like I've said multiple times in this thread, Americans need to spend the 1,460 days between elections organizing, campaigning, rioting, burning down buildings, etc. But on the first Tuesday of november, they need to go to their local polling location and vote for the person who isn't going to enact sodomy laws in this country. Because if they don't, the person who wants to enact sodomy laws in this country will win, enact sodomy laws in this country, and people who engage in sodomy will have their lives ruined and it'll be because people like you told Americans that it doesn't matter if they vote.

                      Again, like I've said multiple times in this thread and in this very comment, there are presently women in prison for having miscarriages because not enough people voted in 2016. If more people voted in 2016, these women would not be in prison for having miscarriages. ELECTORALISM DOESN'T SOLVE EVERYTHING, BUT IT COULD HAVE SOLVED THIS THING IF MORE PEOPLE VOTED.

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