Why not allow or maybe even force things like this in favor of destruction for tax write off purposes? I mean I know its probably because the way these specific tax codes are written, but what would the downside be if the law was changed to accommodate allowing works to be in the public domain? The company would still realize zero profits while the public would benefit from the tax write off too.
Then effectively you would be placing Wile E Coyote in the public domain. Anyone could make a movie/merch with him in it and say “No, Thats the public domain Wile E Coyote”
Couldn't you place the copyright for the work in the public domain without doing the same to the trademark on it? If not then what about having the works licensed under creative commons licensing?
I don't buy the dilute the pool agreement. We live in a time of nearly endless media out there for people to consume and blockbusters are still coming put and making money.