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As far as public support goes, why aren't disabilities and chronic illnesses treated in a similar manner to LGBT issues?

I'm just curious about this. As someone with a chronic illness, I pretty much never hear anyone talk about things related to the sorts of difficulties and discrimination I and others might face within society. I'm not aware of companies or governments doing anything special to bring awareness on the same scale of say, pride month for instance. In fact certain aspects of accessibility were only normalized during the pandemic when healthy people needed them and now they're being gradually rescinded now that they don't. It's annoying for those who've come to prefer those accommodations. It's cruel for those who rely on them.

And just to be clear, I'm not suggesting this is an either or sort of thing. I'm just wondering why it's not a that and this sort of thing. It's possible I'm not considering the whole picture here, and I don't mean for this to be controversial.

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  • A lot of the points here are valid but I personally think it's partly because disabled people aren't "pretty". There's a narrow band of what's sort of socially accepted as a disability and if you're not in that band you're kinda screwed. If it's not visible enough you're faking or overexaggerating or a hypochondriac. If it's too visible it's gross and annoying and 'why are you even out if you need everyone to cater to you?'. And when it comes to issues and accepting them, I feel like most people mainly care about the "normal" people who just happen to be apart of that group. Your Ellen DeGenereses and captain Holts and whatnot. Think about it - whenever you usually see disabilities in media, it's usually the same set of easily identifiable ones and a lot of the time the character in question has something that negates it in a way and if it is something more nonstandard, it seems like it's the butt of the joke a lot of the time. And that doesn't really work for disabilities because of how varied they are and how they often need conflicting things. You can't just fight for the nice socially acceptable ones and call it a day.

    Same goes for mental illness - it feels like most people are still working from the same set of sterotypes where you're either a deranged maniac or an inaccurate sterotype like a savant with no social skills or maybe a hyper idealised version of said condition. And it's hard to fight for accommodation when people don't even understand what you're fighting for.

  • I will add another thing. Many disabled people aren't working force Because they can't/there's no acoomodation, etc What this means is that they don't generate money And corporations/capitalism don't care for people who are a burden

  • A few difficult reasons.

    1. People with chronic illnesses frequently don't have the energy to make noise and bring attention to their cause.
    2. People with significant disability usually aren't hiding in the halls of power, blending in. It's significantly easier to hide a non-straight sexuality for long enough that you can be the decision maker who makes reform happen.
    3. Disability is so varied, one person with one disability can't know what it is like to have a different one. This stymies cross-disability advocacy. This gets even harder for family of people with disabilities, who only conceptually maybe understand their loved one's conditions, let alone other people's
    4. Accessibility accommodations can be complex and can be expensive, LGBT+ inclusion is extremely easy and low effort by comparison.
    5. Understanding how disability affects daily life pervasively is harder than understanding "those two people are in love". Most people internally assume everyone else has roughly the same abilities and needs as themselves.
    6. People with congenital conditions are frequently conditioned into not asking for better treatment. They get used to being second class citizens because it's all they've ever known.
    7. "Coming out" with a disability casts doubt on your ability to "perform" in the workplace. It's very risky, the stigma of disability is huge and impacts how people evaluate you
    8. Most people with disabilities don't consider themselves disabled. For example, glasses are one of the world's most common disability aids, but you'll never hear them referred to as such; and rarely will their users consider their poor eyesight a disability. Mobility disabilities are often written off as "I'm just getting old" or "I'm just a little unfit lately" or "it's just an old injury playing up" instead of "I have a medical condition which limits my daily life".

    There's more, I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch.

    Edited to add a huge one:

    1. People who are born with disability or who acquire them at a young age are frequently unable to access the type of formal education that allows them to become professionals. This makes it even harder for them to be visible in workplaces, because they're considered "unskilled". It also means you won't see people with disabilities regularly in offices. Out of sight, out of mind for everyone else.

    And another:

    1. Money is medical privilege, and the people with the most money make the types of decisions that affect larger quantities of people. For people with disabilities who are born to wealth or who are able to acquire it, their medical conditions can be better treated, managed and therefore hidden. This can result in those people and the people who surround them to not feel like the illness is "a big deal" and hence it's not a priority issue. It's when people with significant money are negatively affected that you begin to hear about the barriers people with no money experience all day long.
  • Protections and accommodations for those groups are codified into law much more firmly and with longer tenure as a part of decent society.

    By contrast, we're unfortunately not far removed from the time when the word "gay", for example, was commonly used as a pejorative for just about everything. LGBTQIA+ people are also very often attacked and killed for their status as such in the modern world.

    So that gap in concrete societal norms and established, ubiquitous law are what demand a more active PRIDE movement right now to help people feel seen and spread awareness to counteract hate and ignorance (which hopefully leads to similar enforced protections for these communities).

    All are valid though and need more support.

  • Advocating for glbtq rights does not endanger the main power structure. Advocating for people suffering from chronic illness would require fundamental changes to how healthcare is distributed, and thus directly affect the bottom line of some very powerful interests.

  • There is actually a quite hardcore history of advocacy that cropped up in the civil rights era where folk with disabilities performed some really heroic protest. The tale of Ed Roberts and the "Rolling Quads" is pretty legendary stuff.

    The wins established a mostly unchallenged veiw at a legal level that differently abled people deserve to have their participation in society facilliatied. It was a major win...

    But with success comes stagnation. Part of why the LGBTQIA+ is so visible is the movement is still marching and there is a secondary purpose to the movement. The visibility of actually running up a flag in those communities is a way to make something potentially invisible visible. To give a sense of solidarity. A lot of subjugation techniques of the past were to make people feel like they couldn't possibly make strides for equality because their numbers were too small. Prides are the antithesis to that form of subjugation and for lost souls cast out from their families to find a non-hostile culture. Prides are run by legacy volunteers and are huge in participation so people who want to gain political points for future votes or as an audience gathering together anyway to advertize to look at tipping their hat to the movement as personally adventageous. They don't nessisarily do it out of generosity and respect. While it's possible they do actually have aligned principles of civil rights it is basic backscratching as the LGBTQIA have something they want. Votes or dollars.

    As far as I am aware Disability civil rights advocacy has moved mostly into the pocketsquare and tie political sphere rather than the rough and tumble social advocacy battles where it began and as a result the short memory of society has forgotten the impact and demands of those voices in the villiage square ring of cultural advocacy. Since fewer people are counted on to be tuned into C-SPAN then can be counted at to go paint some rainbows on their faces and participate in a mardi gras style carnival event it doesn't get the same level of attention.

    In short - effective cultural advocacy along the lines of the LGBTQIA is driven by communities banding together and going out and being visible in force and making some kind of public fuss. All the better if it's an over the top fun day... Or if you set fire to things and riot that basically gets people talking and asking questions too. Basically whatever works to be the loudest squeeky wheel. Otherwise non-minority folk who don't have to think about your needs will forget to ask you what you need or straight up forget you exist.

  • I’ve seen way too many people casually use the R word on Lemmy. Ig people just don’t care about ableism

    • omfg right?! i always call it out then they attack me and say im a tankie etc because im making a straw man without engaging with their point

      no! i agree with your point which why i didn’t engage and disagree with the fact that you think its okay to use a disability as an insult ffs

  • I would assume that first and foremost it's that, as the old saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. And disabled people and their advocates aren't squeaky enough.

    Cynically, I think there's another explanation...

    I think a lot of activism doesn't actually generate meaningful results. To some significant degree, it just serves as something for people to fight over and politicians to fundraise and campaign on.

    To serve those purposes though, it has to be controversial - there has to be a basis on which one party can take a stance in favor and the other a stance opposed. And another handy feature of that sort of activism is that it doesn't have to actually be enacted, and in fact, it's better for the politicians if it's not. That means that the ones who supported it can fundraise and run merely on having supported it and on the need to counter the evil other party who opposed it, while those who opposed it can fundraise and run merely on having opposed it and on the need to counter the evil other party who proposed it. And since no money was spent on any program, that's that much more money the politicians can funnel to their cronies. It's basically free publicity with a bit of "Let's you and them fight" mixed in.

    And LGBT might as well have been tailor-made for that exact purpose.

    But with something like advocacy for the disabled, there's no basis on which either party could dare oppose it, so there's nothing to fight over, and worse yet, if it's proposed, there's no excuse for not passing it, which means they'd have to pay for it, and that's money that they'd rather be funneling to their cronies.

    So politicians mostly just ignore it.

  • Your place of work should be willing and likely already has a policy in place to accommodate disabilities. Talk to them about your needs.

    If that gets you nowhere, seek a less shitty employer. I'd start by trying to find other people with the same/similar disability and asking about the companies they work for. Once you find a good one that's compatible with your area of expertise, keep an eye on their postings.

    What you DON'T want to do is just suffer in silence - no company is going to lift a finger for you unless you specifically ask it to.

  • For those asking for something that needs help/awareness, chronic pain sufferers (and disabled, but speaking from chronic pain myself) pretty much always have diminished mental clarity due to being in pain or stressed all the time. We can be seen as lazy when we don't have a job or have a hard time contributing, but I think people don't realize that getting medical shit done in america is like a full time job. The amount of hoops you need to jump through, repeat appointments to get your doctor to actually listen to your concerns, dealing with administration of doctors, insurance, and government because THEY STILL COMMUNICATE THROUGH FAXES, and just being dead tired of being a broken human being. You have to shout and scream basically or you will be pushed to the wayside.

    So basically, please be aware of invisible illnesses and have patience. We may have the physical capability to do a task on a good day, but shit can get so beaten down. Also medically insurance covered, like, managers/secretaries that help you navigate this bullshit would be great. A real job as a medical advocate for a person should exist.

    There could also be more awareness spread against the stigma/stereotype of people coasting off disability. (Often it's snuffed when it's mental) It's not really enough to live on, it can be taken away extremely easily, you have to resign yourself to poverty because if you can make some money you aren't truly disabled. That and disability submission takes 6 months to process, in which most people are denied first just cause. so they then have to get a lawyer to appeal, which takes months+. It's hard to get disability, and it gives you scraps.

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