So I shot the Bubble Nebula in true-color last year, but I decided to shoot it again this past month in false color. It really helps to show the extended nebulosity, and gives me and excuse to compare my image to Hubble's. This false color image uses the SHO palette, where the sulfur-ii wavelength is mapped to red, hydrogen-alpha to green, and oxygen-iii is blue. I'm really happy with how the colors turned out on this one. There's also a number of other nebulae and a star cluster in frame. Captured over 14 nights in Jan/Feb 2024 from a bortle 9 zone (I could only get a couple hours max per night on it.
duplicated each image and removed stars via StarXterminator. Ran DBE with a shitload of points to generate background model. model subtracted from original pic using the following PixelMath (math courtesy of /u/jimmythechicken1)
$T * med(model) / model
Narrowband Linear:
Blur and NoiseXTerminator
Duplicated the images before stretching to be used for separate stars-only processing
Slight stretch using HistogramTransformation
iHDR 2.0 script to stretch each channel the rest of the way.
Wow... I will probably never be able to do something like this, but it's fucking awesome and interesting to see the amount of effort you've put into this one picture 😊
One thing that might interest me is how a single, unstacked frame looks like, just in comparison.
Is there a reason you use PixInsight instead of Siril?
I'm very new to this and would like to know differences and experiences in software.