Speedrunner completes Baldur's Gate 3 in only 10 minutes
Speedrunner completes Baldur's Gate 3 in only 10 minutes

A speedrunner has managed to complete Baldur's Gate 3 in only 10 minutes. The world record time was achieved by speedru…

Speedrunner completes Baldur's Gate 3 in only 10 minutes
A speedrunner has managed to complete Baldur's Gate 3 in only 10 minutes. The world record time was achieved by speedru…
Read it so you don't have to - someone found a choice you can make in the second act that counts as an ending. So, they basically ran through act one and made that decision immediately.
They did not play through to what anyone would actually consider the end of the game.
How do you even get past act 1 in 10 minutes? I feel like even the time for dialogue to show up would take more than that
Probably by not engaging in any dialogue.
Side question - Can someone try and define the line between the acts without spoiling? I just hit level 8 and found the nightsong last night. I think I'm in Act 2? Was kinda expecting major cutscenes or narration like DOS and BG2 to define them.
Once you get to the Shadowlands, you're in act 2. Leaving shadowlands is act 3.
If it did, I wonder in how many seconds they speed-ran Wasteland 3.
Thank you. I figured as much. I still like that this is in the game.
Gale disapproves
I saw that news article too and didn't read it because I think it would be a spoiler. But it is interesting that some one figured out a way to do this.
I play Dark Souls and there are people doing speed runs to be the quickest.
I like to take games slow and enjoy the content. But still amazing what these guys do.
I'm not reading it for the same reason you aren't, but I can't help but wonder if there's something similar to the game "Myst" from the 90s going on, because 10 minutes seems way too short. For reference, in Myst, the entire game was essentially puzzles to solve other puzzle to solve other puzzles, but once you had gone through it once, you could "beat it" in like 5 minutes because the you could just go to the last puzzle and solve it using your knowledge from a previous run.
Maybe there's something you can do very early on that ends the game without having to progress through the actual game. I'm bookmarking the article to read after I beat the game.
I will read it too after I finish the game. But the speed runs I saw in other games used game breaking bugs or out of bounds game play to skip areas.
But it could be as simple as an how you play an NPC's story-they would affect the main story and shorten the game to one of the many endings.
Reminds me of the old pick a path adventure books. "What do you do go right or left? I go right. A bugbear jumps out of the shadows and kills your character." Game over you died. LOL
Morrowind has an extremely fast speed run that is a genuine ending.
The myst remake has an achievement for 3 minutes for the good ending.
I’m always impressed by these speed runs, I don’t want to do it myself but I’ve watched a few streamers like elajjaz do dark souls speed runs and it’s something for sure
There really is no point doing this other than for its own sake. The whole game is about the journey, and a short sprint doesn't really qualify.
Speedrunning is also about the journey. For a single good run it probably takes tens or hundreds of hours of failing.
Speedrunners generally play these games longer than most people do casually.
You've successfully described speedrunning 😊
Figuring out the fastest route through a game is one kind of a journey. There’s often big collaborative efforts involved in finding and perfecting the tricks necessary for the run. The actual journey is far longer than the resulting 10 minutes, and some people love being part of that journey.
Gotta go fast
I am of both sides. I play for the story and the choices and such, and take a long time to play... But then after I've seen everything, I like to dick around and see all the ways I can lose, and how fast I can get certain things or how early I can complete the game. For example, beating Chrono Trigger the normal way is cool and all; but have you ever defeated lavos the very first instance you can attempt it? It finishes the game super early, but it's also the hardest challenge the game offers.
ITT people who have no idea what speedruns are about.