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GN spends the first segment of their GN News to responding to Linus's comments, and reveals that Linus mislead people on the Billet compensation.

According to Billet themselves, they heard nothing about compensation or payback until about 3 hours after the original GN video went live.. Which Billet hadnt even replied to before Linus made his post saying they've already made the deal on compensation.

  • What a joke. Linus’s response was horrible and I’m glad Steve is calling him out on it.

  • I've enjoyed LTT for a long time. The quality definitely went down, which I had chalked up to growing pains.

    But this is different. This is an absolute loss of trust from me, especially the response Linus posted. What a shame.

    GN has another subscriber, though.

  • People here acting surprised as Linus like hw didn't do the same years ago with the crappy merchandise without warranties that he sold and double down about how everyone was wrong and he was right.

  • LTT has grown to the point they can not act as equal to any small time team or start up. Linus decision has consequence larger than he can afford by pretending "I'm just another tech youtuber". With 100+ employee, and far outsized influence in tech, LTT must be professional in their decisions.