HW News - Linus Tech Tips' Terrible Response, ESMC, & Starfield x AMD GPUs
HW News - Linus Tech Tips' Terrible Response, ESMC, & Starfield x AMD GPUs
HW News - Linus Tech Tips' Terrible Response, ESMC, & Starfield x AMD GPUs
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So let me get this straight.
What a fucking piece of shit, fuck him. I hate people like this that simply can't own up to mistakes and have to deflect all criticism.
It's not just the Billet Labs thing, GN showed a pattern at LMG of rushing out bad test data and therefore wrong conclusions to keep up the frankly ridiculous volume of videos they put out.
It's the sort of thing that makes me really, really sad for the people working there. That crazy breakneck pace cannot be good for mental health.
This is the kind of thing a union (which Linus, of course, has said he's very against) would help with
I kept thinking about that watching GN's last video and how it's so perfectly in line with what GN exposed.
Unions, the bane of rich people that take advantage of their workers via positions of power.
“I like unions, I just don’t think they’re right for my company” is one of the oldest tricks in the anti-union playbook
I like condoms. I looove condoms. I just don't think they're right for our relationship
he wants to run a business where a union isn’t needed.
That is code for "I hate unions and will do my best to bust them up before they start". Same BS as when a company calls itself a "family". Total and complete bullshit to try and emotionally manipulate you to doing more for less than your worth.
That's how bosses have to phrase being anti union. "Oh we're a family here why do you need a union" shit
If a union isn't needed form one anyway, now you only have to do the contract negotiations once instead of doing the same shtick of "This is the payraise I can offer you, please sign if you are fine with that". There is literally no downside to having a union anyway if you are of the opinion your employees don't need one.
Now if you actually think a union would harm you as a business owner that equation changes and you have every incentive to invent reasons why a union is unnecessary anyway and how unions only exist in companies with crap working conditions. (Cannot speak for the US but at least here some of the best companies are well regarded by employees because of the union, not despite of it.)
He's basically saying the same thing by saying that. Wake the fuck up.
Good ol' double speak
"We want a business where a union isnt needed" is a massive red flag. Kroger said the same to me at an employee orientation in 2016, at the time their starting pay was 7.75 and working pressures massive, as I'm sure they still are.
You should read Catch 22
Do you honestly think he'd come out directly and say "I'm against unions"? Wouldn't it be just as easy for him to say "I'm pro union and I'd support my employees if they decide to unionize" if that's what he believed? C'mon now
They somewhat recently did a "what do lmg employees really think of working here" video, and it seemed like the #1 complaint was the pace. I really hope they take this criticism to heart and just... Slow down for a bit
But they won't. Cos $$$.
Part of the equation here is the transparency. It's good that they are transparent and I do think they listen. Part of the interesting side to watch is the interaction with the community.
I used to like LTT up until their "Linux Challenge" videos which were just a pain to watch. Shit like this coming from the biggest tech channel on youtube just drives me up the wall.
After this happened, GitHub added a Download button to their for preview pages. So they themselves considered it was enough of a problem/inconvenience to not have a download button.
ohh boy, I almost forgot about that. That was super painful. It's a website linus, not a file browser.
That bit made me cringe. You go to the file, and can download using the Raw button or using wget. It’s not hard, it’s ignorance.
It also has nothing to do with Linux and everything to do with how Github works. I actually give him a pass on nuking X while installing Steam, that shouldn't happen(although he did get a nice big warning, but that warning was far from user friendly). But some of the other stuff they ran into was "This doesn't work exactly like windows, therefore is bad." type stuff.
In that video he did everything that everyone recommends not to do when trying out Linux:
He is stupid, he paid the stupid tax. Linux didn't do any of the things that went wrong in that video, it was his own stubbornness and ignorance.
the problem with a lot of these recommendations though is that to a non-linux user: all code is random, and no commands are understood. you only learn by doing, and if you cant do until you know, you'll never get anywhere. you gotta make a few mistakes to learn anything, and thats what happened. yea he paid the stupid tax, but so does everyone else while they learn a new thing. that was the entire point of the challenge: how hard is it? and it turns out, quite! info is scattered, theres lots of commands and code that sounds like it'll do what you want but is actually a bad idea (as evidenced by the recommendations you point out), and things can break easily. thats the video.
Yeah, it's not like people can read and there are several tutorials and manuals freely available all over the internet.
to a new person, those tutorials and manuals are the "random code and unknown commands" that i spoke about in the above comment. i thought i made that very clear. nothing is known until it is learned, and things cannot be learned without practice. practice leads to initial failure, and the frustrations with that are what the linux challenge was about.
How would someone who doesn't use GitHub or linux know how to do that?
And to prove the point there was a website dedicated to taking GitHub links and turning them into download links.
GitHub shouldn't be a method of software distribution, but a lot of FOSS devs take the easy way out. Understandably so; they're volunteering their time. Still, Linus is in a position to show how it works rather than complaining.
I know Linus is more of a hardware guy but c'mon. You learn git freshman year into any Computer Science-related degree. Failing that, 5 seconds of Google or ChatGPT even will set you straight. Maybe it wasn't intuitive, but I like think the biggest tech youtuber would have knowledge of something so fundamental to his field...
As I recall he was trying to use Linux as if he was a regular non-techy person. So it could make sense for him to do that knowing it's wrong. (Which wouldn't apply to "apt install Steam" yes do as I say issue, which a regular user probably wouldn't have tried and ignored the warning even with jargon there).
I don't find it completly unbelievable even a techy could make that mistake because they do not use version control software like git.
Why would a regular non-techy person need to run GoXLR on Linux
Audio creation is a hidden magic I know little of, so the same reasons as on Windows but they're sick of Windows? Do you consider an audio enthusiastic a "techy"? Perhaps I should have said "computer techy".
I absolutely consider an audio enthusiast a "techy", and anyone looking to use GoXLR is definitely a "techy". Anyone who's found themselves on the GoXLR on Linux GitHub page and hasn't immediately closed the tab is almost certainly going to be knowledgeable* enough to navigate a git repository, or at least be willing to put in more effort than downloading a single file from the repository then giving up when it doesn't work.
You could be right, I don't know enough about audio generally or the audience for an GoXLR.
I really don't think he was acting or anything. Like someone else said, if he knew how it worked he could have used it as a moment to teach others right? Instead he just completely fumbled everything, said it was set up incorrectly and blamed the website for it. Which given recent events is such a Linus thing to do...
I thought he made it explicit going into the Linux challenge but it's not stated clearly as such in the first ep (Linux Hates Me - Daily Driver Challenge Pt.1).
In the video Linus says:
I loved watching him type out "yes I understand the thing that I'm about to do is going to break my computer" and then complain that the thing that he did broke his computer!
Linus shits on entrepreneurship with his continual BS with easily caught bad data. No reputable companies should touch him. Anything he pushes to his viewers should be suspicious. I’ll be wondering how much LMG gets under the table for posting positive reviews.
I've seen videos where he's just basically repeating the script marketing have given him.. zero difficult questions. No doubt they're quite lucrative.
Unfortunately they're his most accurate ones.
Woah woah woah woah!
I dunno how many times this has to be said!
He didn't SELL it! He AUCTIONED it!
That's a distinction that needs to be made!
And it was for CHARITY. Surely that obsolves him right?
I herby start the bidding on LM! Do I hear $500?
I was almost ready to be with you, but after reading the tweet from Madison elsewhere in the thread, Linus is going to have to go above and beyond to fix things.
See, everything's really actually tooootally fine and Linus is a totes wonderful dude who runs a happy little family worth a hundred million dollars.
Except his employees endure various forms of abuse and are visibly afraid of him at least some of the time. So much suffering is clearly a price many are willing to accept. Companies drive people to breakdowns and literal suicide and... oh well, I guess? What are people gonna do, think a little? Care a little? Post one tweet (or Xcretion or whatever the fuck) on the way to go buy the latest from a company that just killed someone, or destroyed their mental health and ability to live, or maybe "just" (said very sarcastically) groped them a bit and caused a crapload of undue stress besides? No wonder my mind's all fucked up: I look at the people around me and few of them would so much as skip a DLC to make this world any better. Everything is fucked and it's only going to get worse and I feel like I'm gonna implode if I have to see one more comfortable prick explain how his precious fucking rich white guy parasocial pal only accidentally constantly screws people over. He's really a nice guy, actually! Probably tons of fun to have a beer with! Funny on screen!
What's some peon's life, or a dozen, or a hundred or thousand or million of them compared to the complete comfort of someone who's just such a good ol' boy?
FWIW, Luke was clearly trying to prod Linus into acknowledging the problem of the "trust me, bro" warranty on the WAN show instead of treating it like a joke. I think he was also making some expressions of dissatisfaction about how that cooler block review was handled, which is a major part of this.
Obviously, there's only so far he can push things on his employer's platform. Plus, the two of them have been friends for a long time. But I do wonder if he's going to break in the not so distant future.
Without Luke on the wan show Linus would be useless. It would be one guy saying whatever comes off the top of his head ranting uncontrollably about everything.
He knows when he goes off on a subject and Luke is there that Luke is going to challenge him if he's being an ass, so you get a better quality of content from Linus than he would produce on his own.
Linus isn't going to watch his mouth, that's honestly his shtick.
If you can stop your friend/boss saying something stupid (which they may regret saying later if they change their mind) then how does responsiblity make that not worthwhile?
I feel what you're saying and I feel like I should be agreeing with you. But we do have to be careful here.
What we know and what we see coming out of LMG is what they want us to know and see. When there's a video of Linus making it right, It's because they wanted to make a video showing him making it right. You're not going to see videos of him making it wrong and screwing over people, (if he does) It would be bad for business.
Likewise one ex employee's statement of bad treatment there isn't gospel He has hundreds of people. There are plenty of people that have left and there's not a lot of consensus that I found that things are horrible there other than pace.
His response to GN is obviously trash, written in a moment of anger. He tends to put his foot in his mouth on live streams when he starts getting angry about a subject.
Him not sending back the prototype block, honestly is probably standard operating procedure. I wouldn't send anything to them that I didn't expect to lose. They receive so much equipment from so many places that they don't even open for years, that they're probably kind of blind to it actually being a hardship on a smaller place. I see the lie about him saying he already offered to pay them back a bit more problematic.
As far as his actual reputation or his character alignment sheet, we don't really know. I would assume that if he was chaotic evil that we would hear a hell of a lot more about that. The guy he brought in to run the place is an insulating factor. When it was pitched it seemed that he was there to insulate Linus from the company, it's also likely that he's there to insulate the company from Linus.
Honestly the only thing out of all this that rings unassailably true is the untrustworthy data claim. He's placing himself and his company to be a ultimate source of truth for benchmarking. But he comes right out and says that he won't strive to make a better benchmark for a product for $500 when the number is obviously off. There really isn't a lot of room for that in what he's trying to build. If you're going to come out and prove that power supplies, video cards, CPUs and motherboards make the numbers they say they're going to make, you're not going to do that with incorrect testing, shrugs and accusations. He's going to need to be honest to a fault and transparent. If he expects us to take the data seriously he's going to have to get out of this "oh that's good enough I'd trust it so you should trust it" mentality.