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  • When you put people in an impossible situation

    In no way were these impossible situations. Before you ask, yes I read the whole thing. I am not covering for LMG, fuck them. If someone there did something to harass her, especially if they see she's struggling, that's just evil and they should pay, but we can't be biased and take all of her words as fact when there are clear issues with her own words full of emotion and not facts.

    These are the same reasons I hated on Reddit threads where someone wrote something about someone abusing them in some way and the hive mind jumping in and being 100% on their side and then somewhere down in the comments they reveal that the OP is schizophrenic, or bipolar or suicidal or something to that effect. It's sad and it's tragic, but most of these people have never had to deal with someone with these issues.

    When they say they were tossed aside by their family, I always wonder in my head: "How many chances were they given?" "How many lives were destroyed?" "How many people did they hurt with their illness?"

    As someone with a schizophrenic and bipolar brother, let me tell you it sucks. The amount of times he has ruined my future, hurt my family, caused me to move houses, put me in debt, and the amount of times we as a family always take him back. It's tiring, my eyes are watering writing this, so let me tell you. We always accept him back, we always suffer and we always hurt.

    During his last breakdown, he caused issues at my work, I was forced to move and as a result my wife and 1 year old daughter were homeless for a few days, we are now $12K in debt that I don't know how to pay off and his wife and 2 kids are now living with me because he can't be trusted to take his medication. I do not have mental issues, I do not suffer from depression, I do not hear voices in my head and I do not cut myself to feel or to get a day off. Even though I am not the cause of these problems, I am always the one that pays.

    Trust me I may not know what it feels like to have mental illness, but I know what it feels like to interact with someone who does. If someone tells me they have something mentally wrong with them, It's sad to say, but I will just stop all contact with them. I just can't. I don't have it in me for another relationship of any kind with another person that will be a drain on me in any way. Having one brother like this is enough. I just can't do it anymore. I just can't.

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