Absolutely HATE the passive voice and I do think the title is terrible and avoids blame.
But the headline isn't TOTALLY without merit. The provided total of dead and injured weren't solely killed by Israeli military. Apparently many were killed or injured when the aid trucks decided to get the hell out of there and ran over a bunch of Palestinians to escape.
Still 100% Israel's fault, but it technically couldn't say "killed by Israeli gunfire".
“Killed in Israeli attack on aid trucks” would work.
If someone deliberately set fire to a theater and 10 people died from being trampled, you would still say they died in the arsonist’s attack, even though they didn’t die from the arsonist’s attack.
Yep, or "IDF causes muderous mayhem in unprovoked slaughter of more than 100 innocent civilians waiting for humanitarian aid." Even a bit of alliteration, news outlets love that.
The problem with war reporting is different sides giving different and bias viewpoints, try not to die first and report later, and no chance of rapid probe or investigation. So who knows, maybe they were already dead. Not too mention the bias in capitalist media. Hell, maybe the stone hearted CNN editor gives no shits about people's lives and just thought that "chaos" buzzword would grab more clicks. I don't know.
But when a Palestinian, who could have easily just said "IDF shot them all" to enhance their vilification, but instead says the truck killed people, my instinct is to take it as a possibility. If Israel alone claimed the trucks killed more, I'd be pure skepticism.
Or maybe in the scary as fuck situation, the witness made assumptions. Reporters can report on what they found and whoever does the analyzing will do what they do.