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  • Kill la Kill, at least with the primary antagonist as the main villain isn’t really introduced until pretty late in the story.

  • Interview With the Vampire's Lestat was a bloodthirsty murderer. The Vampire Lestat's Lestat was a bloodthirsty murderer ... with a conscience.

    • I loved the Vampire Lestat.

      The golden hour.

    • In Tale of the Body Thief, he drinks orange juice and it makes him think of drinking sunshine.

  • The French version of La Femme Nikita, although it's more of a redemption arc than "villain turning out to be a good guy." She starts out as a junkie petty crook who murders a cop in cold blood, spends most of the film assassinating people for the government, and in the end seems to have gotten her life together.

    But she starts out as a very not-nice person.

  • Interview With a Vampire ... kind of ... Lestat was by no means good to Louis, but their portrayals in the rest of the series was quite different ... I think that Anne Rice was trying to show that neither of them should be considered reliable narrators and Louis will always try to portray his situation as awfully as possible and Lestat is a narcissist and will always try to portray himself in the best light even when acknowledging what he did incorrectly.

    But, when I saw that book 2 was about Lestat, I was like ... wtf ... I hate this guy, why would I want a story with him as the main character and then I read them all, lol.

  • I kinda think this about the Separatists in Star Wars...Dooku aside...

    • I'll never stop complaining that in the second movie Dooku tells Obi-Wan that the Separatists are the good guys and that there's a sith influencing the Senate. Which would have been a cool reveal for the audience, that we're rooting for the bad guys.

      But then Dooku is also a sith anyway. What a wasted opportunity.

      • something something "From my perspective the Jedi are evil."
        something something "You were supposed to bring balance to the force, not destroy it."

  • The Quarians vs the Geth...the Quarians did the Geth dirty

    • It’s important to remember that the Quarians are living in the shadow of a war and exodus they didn’t personally start and have had generations telling them a story of survival and heroism against an unstoppable machine juggernaut. That’s what makes their decision to cooperate all the more powerful. They’ve spent their whole lives trying to plant a tree whose shade they’ll never sit in that they always feel is at risk of being cut down again.

      It’s also understandable when a significant portion of the geth just tried to kill everybody a few years prior and was abducting humans to impale on spikes that turn them into machines-monsters.

  • Braid

    • still ain't finished it after all these years 'cause of how hard some levels are (and i don't wanna use a video every damn time)

      • If it’s the purple/shadow puzzle world just look them up. Those get wonky and the game has so few it’s not like you’ll be watching a hundred YouTube videos

  • the (racist af) Tsukimichi series/manga/webnovel has this Demon race, right? Whole isekai happens because they instigate a war against the h(y)umans outta nowhere and the Goddess needs a hero.

    it only sorta works for this post since the main character is quite indifferent to the conflict war for quite awhile
    interestingly, the story primes you up for that reveal with a precursor villain of sorts