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Europe must be ready for US to quit Nato, diplomats warn. Sweden and Finland must be feeling real smart right about now. 😂 Europe must be ready for US to quit Nato, diplomats warn

Capitals must ‘do the planning’ and reconsider defence capabilities in light of threats by Donald Trump

Europe must be ready for US to quit Nato, diplomats warn

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  • Do they really think Trump would quit NATO? I get that even if there is a 5% chance of it actually happening, they might see it as good to prepare. IDK if a Trump presidency would be good for the world. I imagine he'd continue the farce in Ukraine and also protect corporations from accountability like any other bourgeoisie president would do. He'll also persecute trans people and ethnic minorities to distract from the deteriorating conditions of capitalism

    • I get the impression that Trump faction is isolationist. So, while it will absolutely be terrible for people living in US, it might weaken the hegemony further.

      • They'd sooner axe an isolationist president, than do anything that'd harm their global hegemony, like dismantling NATO.

        • I don't see that US leaving NATO would actually harm their hegemony. It might even strengthen it because US will no longer have direct obligations to Europe, that means Europe will be forced to beg US for help in case of a crisis as opposed to take it for granted.

      • @yogthos @relay I think Trump it'll also strengthen the far right worldwide. They are organized worldwide

        • I don't see Trump as the main factor there. It's the declining material conditions coupled with the the failure of the left that's strengthening the far right. Fascism is capitalism in crisis after all.

        • Things have not gotten that progressive under Biden either. Many liberals are acting like delusional fasicsts warmongering against "Orc" Russians. This new Nakba is escalating under Biden. Biden and the useless democrats have refused to secure abortion rights for women. The fascist border policy under Obama has continued to escalate and is creating migrant slave child workers. At this point I see no difference. Their rhetoric means nothing if they do the same thing.

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