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Not just the UNRWA report: Countless accounts of Israeli torture in Gaza Not just the UNRWA report: Countless accounts of Israeli torture in Gaza

Al Jazeera spoke to several released detainees about their ordeals in Israeli holding facilities.

Not just the UNRWA report: Countless accounts of Israeli torture in Gaza

Practices recorded by UNRWA include the use of a nail gun on prisoners’ knees, sexual abuse against both men and women and the insertion of what appears to be an electrified metal stick into prisoners’ rectums.


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  • Now you're pretending there are no objective facts, like the OVER 12000 DEAD CHILDREN? That all these are "alleged" things?

    Pick up a dictionary, IDF troll.

    plausible /ˈplɔːzɪbl/ adjective (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.

    The UN does not state that something is PROBABLE without good cause, unlike you, who claim that nothing can be proved from anything and nothing is real unless the IDF says it is, and that every objective fact we have isnt' actually an objective fact.

    You're literally defending the massacre of children. How do you sleep at night?

    This isn't war. This is a genocide. Those words have meanings, and the whole world, the UNITED NATIONS OF EARTH, have deemed it PROBABLE that Israel is committing a genocide, with an overwhelming majority.

    The Allies bombed military targets, not an open air prison. Do you think it may have been actually a bit silly if they had warned Germany of the bombs they were gonna drop? Especially because dropping those leaflets would've required an additional flight to drop them, putting the planes in danger? The only warnings were given to Japan about nukes, and there were no conventions about nukes when they were invented. Those came after WWII.

    Keep repeating your propaganda, just like the Nazis did. Every comment you leave is more delusional and every single one is unremovable in the long run, as even if you delete them, they are already archived. Like I said, I'm not debating you. You're a trolly little propaganda bot who keeps ignoring all the actual evidence and can't provide any credible sources for any of his rhetoric. Your comments are here so there's objective proof that you're defending a genocide, and that will never go away.

    "It's all Hamas' fault, they made us do this". Exactly what the Nazis said about the Jews.

    Honestly, it's beyond ironic that Israel is the one to commit an act like this. And to think there are still people alive who were in concentration camps. It beggars belief.

    Stomp your foot and cry all you want, you're still the baddies, and every single comment you leave proves me more and more right, and showcases it to everyone reading this.

    • Pick up a dictionary, IDF troll.

      look. i butt heads with that user, too. i think they are blinded by their biases, and end up spreading false and misleading information due to that fact. BUT this factional-trolling accusation shit has got to stop. it creates a toxic environment. it's a personal attack, which is prohibited in most of the communities on .world, but more than that, it has become so ubiquitous it is also functioning as a thought-terminating cliche.

      please, please, don't do this.

      i can't count how many time's i've been called a republican shill, a russian shill, a hamas shill, or a bot. i've even emailed the admins of .world, asking them to try to reign this in. i don't know what to do about it, but i am asking you to join me and elevate the discourse just a little.

      • You know what has got to stop?

        People thinking any mention of a personal attribute of the other person is an "ad hominem."

        That's not what "argumentum ad hominem" means.

        Here's an example.

        "You are wrong, because [a long list of logic, with good supporting evidence from credible sources], you [enterinsult]."

        That is not an ad hominem. Here's an example of what would be:

        "You are wrong, because you are a [enterinsult.]"

        I'm not inventing this shit. I'm not generalising. He is an Israeli person by all accounts, and he's touting IDF propaganda. So in this case, it is actually factual as well. In most cases, people are using ad hominem, because they're going "no, we don't need to listen to you, because you are a [enterfactioninsult]". That IS an ad hominem. Deconstructing the actual rhetoric used by the IDF and calling the other person a troll for refusing to engage with any of the evidence is actually, factual, and not the argument I'm making.

        "Elevate the discourse."

        You know I'm so tired of this. I'm honestly tired of people getting more worked up about a mild insult online than they are of actual genocide going on. If I could count the times someone's gotten mad and used that as an excuse to highroad me, oh boy, it'd be in the tens of thousands. It's ridiculous. There are far more pressing issues in the world than trying "not cuss" at other people.

        It's infuriating honestly. Especially when it's a really mild and accurate "insulting" description from a comment in which I actually make a proper argument, with sources. In my opinion, that sort of "no we can't use that kind of language" is exactly the sort of attitude why bad people are in power in the world. Because people think "you should always respect the person you're talking to." Fuck that. I'm not going to respect a person who is defending the genocide of children. No, sir, I will not.

        And we shouldn't respect the billionaires and other fuckers either. There's the disconnect. We all want to live in a good world, and want everyone to be respectful and respectable, but not everyone is, and the people who keep exploiting every normal, respectable person, don't deserve respect. And we should make it very clear to them.

        The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.

        • people think “you should always respect the person you’re talking to.”

          i didn't say that. but i do think that you should be respectful in communities where that is a stated value. you don't need to respect them but you do need to be responsible for your own behavior regardless of how much respect you have for them.

        • I’m not going to respect a person who is defending the genocide of children. No, sir, I will not.

          nor should you.

        • People thinking any mention of a personal attribute of the other person is an “ad hominem.”

          did you find an allusion to ad hominem in my comment somewhere?

          • I did, yes.

            • can you show where that was?

              • Honestly, your way of replying is so fucking annoying, that I prefer not to.

                You got mad and left me like 6 replies, and you think you're "elevating the discourse"?

                Don't teach your father to fuck.

                • you think you’re “elevating the discourse”?

                  yea. i didn't make this personal. i am explaining myself as best i can and not assuming your motivation.

                  • "As best as I can"

                    You can't even contain your replies to a single reply, but have to make a separate reply for every little bit that you address. There hasn't been any input into this conversation from you except "don't call IDF trolls IDF trolls though you're clearly not even exaggerating unlike the people I'm speaking out against. Now please proceed to answer my sealioning about my rhetoric because I'm offended."

                    No thanks.

                    Honestly, why do you use several replies when answering a single comment?

                    • Now please proceed to answer my sealioning about my rhetoric because I’m offended.”

                      your characterization of me as a sealion is bad faith and assumes you know what I know, what I don't know, and more about my motivations than I've communicated.

                      your assumptions are incorrect in this regard.

                      further, I didn't think you would be replying after your last comment

                      • I said I prefer not to answer your meandering questions.

                        Looking at your profile, you've been told this several times now, you write incoherently, spam several comments by answering every separate sentence from a comment with a new reply, and you still just do it? "Elevate the discourse", by making it incoherent gibberish?

                        Very reminiscent of poor propaganda techniques. I'm not sure I'm not dealing with another Israeli troll. Or perhaps even with the same one, who just switched accounts. I'm not accusing of that though, because as of now, I'm only suspicious of it.

                        Seems like you're here to confound the discourse, not to elevate it.

                        Hasbara, perhaps?

                    • why do you use several replies when answering a single comment?


                • You got mad

                  no, i didn't.

        • I’m honestly tired of people getting more worked up about a mild insult online than they are of actual genocide going on

          that isn't what's happening here.

        • The paradox of tolerance states that if a society’s practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.

          right... popper also helped develop our approach to undisprovable claims, and claiming someone is a troll or a shill or a bot is one of those. it serves no purpose in the discussion, but it does create a more toxic environment.

    • Your first sentence immediately you're putting words in my mouth again. Are you competent or what?

      Bud, you can find anything on the internet. Your link spam is not persuasive.

      Maybe if you let your lizard brain stop straw manning me for five seconds you'll realize you're tilting at windmills.

      And dude lol at your attempt at deciphering the UN order. Honestly what do you do for work and what's your education because it's obviously not this. Why you pretending?

      • I've said several times, you're not someone who can be persuaded. That's the only thing I'm trying to persuade people of. Hopefully you'd realise that too, but as mentioned previously, you're not a person who can change their mind.

        The point is to showcase just how strong Israeli propaganda is.

        Currently, you're literally chanting "UN doesn't matter, OCHR doesn't matter, human rights don't matter, nothing can ever be proved and everything online is wrong, no reporters should be trusted (unless they're pro-Israel) and in fact, facts don't actually exist, anywhere, at all!"

        What exactly would it take for you to admit that Israel is committing several war crimes, the worst of which is the genocide of Palestinians? This is rhetorical, because you're literally unable to answer that, as there is no amount of evidence that would ever change your mind, because you don't base your opinion on facts, you base it on what you get told.

        Weird how "you can find anything on the internet", but you can't seem to find anyone who disagrees with the UNITED NATIONS and the Human Rights Watch. Guess "anything" doesn't include "support for my propaganda", huh? I mean, ofc it does, but even you realise how ridiculous those propaganda sites would be in comparison to the Human Rights Watch, United Nations, International Court of Justice and the OCHR.

        For instance you trying to assert that you, a random IDF trollito on Lemmy would know better than Raz Segal, the associate professor of holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, who says:

        Perpetrators of genocide rarely express their intentions in direct and explicit ways, so courts are left to infer such intent through an analysis of state actions or leaked memoranda. In the case of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, however, as the Law for Palestine database shows, people with command authority have been making genocidal statements repeatedly over the past three months.

        They have dehumanised Palestinians in their rhetoric, and painted the population in Gaza, as a whole, as Israel’s enemy. Bolstered by the hubris of settler colonial power and the knowledge that it has killed, maimed, destroyed, expelled, humiliated, imprisoned and dispossessed with more than seven decades of impunity and by the continued material and moral support of the United States, Israelis are explicit and unashamed about their genocidal intent because they have imagined and prosecuted a war against people who they see as colonised “savages”.

        Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant described Palestinians precisely in this way, as “human animals”, in his proclamation of the “total siege” on October 9. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Gaza as “the city of evil” on October 7, and then on December 24, framed Israel’s attack as a fight against “monsters”. “This is a battle, not only of Israel against these barbarians, it is a battle of civilisation against barbarism,” he said.

        Israeli President Isaac Herzog said a few weeks earlier, on December 5, that Israel’s attack on Gaza is “a war that is intended, really, truly, to save western civilisation… [from] an empire of evil”.

        Netanyahu and other senior Israeli ministers have left no doubt that saving “Western civilisation” requires the total destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza by describing them as the Biblical people of Amalek – a people perceived in whole as an enemy that must be destroyed – and as Nazis.

        How does it feel being on the wrong side of history?

        • I am so disappointed at We both like crows, we both like John Donne, we both share a lot probably, yet Palestinians like me are okay to starve and kill in his head. I would not feel safe meeting him in person ever. I don't think he would hurt me, but I think if I got sniped in the head right next to him, he would just say "HAMAS" and walk away.

          Meanwhile, Israel is starving Gazans to death.

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