I'll recieve some used games I bought: Ora et Labora, Stronghold 2nd, Hanamikoji and Macao.
I'm eager to play Hanamikoji with my with and will be playing Clash of Culture in a 3p table. I may try Ora et Labora or Macao solo, but planning to play some Baseball Highlights 2045 against the automa.
Never heard of GWT Argentina before, is this an expansion or a standalone game? I love the original GWT although it's quite difficult to explain and it takes a lot of time for the setup..
I came here to say Nemesis, it’s become one of my favorites! It has such great tension between having to work together and trying to figure out if any of the other players are trying to kill you 😆
I do hear very good things. I'm a big fan of co-ops with hidden traitor mechanics, and of the early Alien films (which Nemesis is in no way affiliated with, honest), so this looks right up my street.
I'm going to unbox the brand new version of the classic Swedish RPG Drakar och Demoner (Dragons and Demons) that I just received. I'm going to pour a large glass of calvados and read it like it Holy scripture.
Barrage is my favorite Luciani design so far, by a long shot, compared to Darnwin’s Journey and Golem. I didn’t actually do that well, but I’m itching to play again.
Aegean Sea is very different from the other Carl Chudyk games I’ve played. The cards tend to be pretty restrictive in what they do and need, so there are often cards in hand that you can’t play. This means the gameplay leans more heavily on tactical play from turn to turn, blocking opponents where possible and figuring out what the best move you can perform with a given hand of cards. Still feels very deep in terms of learning how best to leverage your unique faction and how to control the pace of the game.
I'll try to replay Encyclopedia, the first game was fun but I'm scared that there is only one strategy to win (which is to do one single big expedition with one publication at the end).. the first game was won by a friend of mine using this strategy and I can't see how to win in a different way..
Trying to see if my fiancée will play the Dark Souls board game with just the two of us. We played it a few months ago with 4 and it was so fun and I’ve been hankering to play it again
I have Living Forest on the table. My partner also asked for The Taverns of Tiefenthal which I still like more and more after every play so I am happy to oblige. But we change our minds all the time so will have to see.
Edit: won the Living Forest game with Lotus points, I think that's my favorite way to win. Love building up to that "this time I'm gonna get the 12" turn.
@Ineedcoffee O&L is one of my favorite euros. I have a friend who super digs it solo, but its a very different experience then the 3/4p game. Ireland is more forgiving than France, but both are sort of relaxing compared to something like Agricola.
This weekend I'm advancing the game we have in the table well; Kim Kanger's Dien Bien Phu: The Final Gamble. We futzed around a couple weeks ago and made it through turn 1 (it's a monster long game, but even at Origins I got through like 6 turns before we had to pack up), hoping to get to the end of T3 before our time runs out. I suspect we're going to move it to Vassal just because our schedule doesn't sync up well and I'd like to get access to the table well again.