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Are we all fucked?

I'm worried for the world. All I've been thinking about is WW3 and this shit makes me want to vomit. I can't even smoke weed anymore without having a near panic attack. I feel unmotivated. I wake up and immediately just want to go back to bed. I'm not trying to spread fear but the Doomsday clock is 90 seconds till midnight, during the Cuban missile crisis, it was 7 minutes before midnight. Can we just have one day of fucking peace? Can everyone just stop for one day and enjoy one day of peace?

  • Disconnect and seek therapy.

    • I would have simply said touch grass lol.

      People are becoming far too invested with everything.

      • You're not wrong, but so many people have disingenuously used "touch grass" in a condescending and flippant way that it actually just feels like trolling. The way people live in 2024, it isn't such a simple thing for some people to put their devices away, go outside to a park or whatever, and just be mindful of existing in the moment in just the amount of universe within sight. I'm not sure humans were ready to be tuned into this amount of the planet and numbers that are this big. Ape together strong, but maybe just at the community level with basic technology to survive and enjoy life a little bit. We could've just fought off predators together, did a little hunting and gathering, maybe start and maintain a community garden, and otherwise just chill out and eat fruit and swim and fuck and make up games to play and shit. We didn't need to synergize or circle back or ensure 8% growth year over year or commute. We clear time in our schedules to recenter with the nature we abandoned in favor of a system we feel imprisoned by. It's fucking ridiculous.

        But at least we have plumbing and climate control and electricity and Wi-Fi and a comfy bed in our shelters we barely get to spend time in because we spend so much time elsewhere to afford to sleep there.

  • Nope.

    I think people who worry about things outside their control might be missing out on things that really matter most in their lives.

    I grew up during the Cold War era. It was pretty tense and, at least from my personal perspective, it seemed much worse then than it does today. The days after 9/11 were even worse. It really all depends on your geographic location though (I'm between NY and DC). If you're in Gaza right now, yeah, you should be worried. If you're in Oklahoma, go play in the mud and enjoy your life.

    Things will get worse. They always have. Humanity deals with it. It's not a good formula but it's what we've got. I'd be much more worried about the population of the planet exceeding its natural resources and the continued loss of jobs to automation and slave labor (the unrelenting promotion of consumerism) than I would WWIII.

    Not to dismiss the legitimate atrocities that are taking place across the world but I think your issue might be too much media consumption. The media is getting worse faster than the world is. Everything is rage bait to garner viewership and ad revenue and attention and profits for stock holders. Limit your media consumption to your passions and hobbies and to neutral journalism like AP and PBS. I mean, I can't tell you how many articles I read from formerly-legit news outlets that have little to do with a click bait headline now. It's so frustrating that even the news has a bias now - even when it's biased towards my preference.

    With all the energy you're putting towards worrying about the entire planet, I'm sure your immediate community would benefit from a fraction of that concern.

    Edit: Invest some time is setting up an RSS reader. Use it as a filter for the news you want and trust. Fill it with things you’re interested in, blogs, local news, world news, neutral news outlets, newsletters, etc. I’m in the Apple system and have been using Big News for about a year. I like that it gives you an email address to subscribe to newsletters so they don’t fill up your inbox.

  • I personally don’t thing we’re all fucked. I just take in life day by day and appreciate what I have. Let’s make today a day of peace. I’m probably gonna go for a walk and try to do something nice for someone.

  • I grew up during the Cold War, I had zero expectation that I'd live to adulthood, and I'm still unconvinced the world after 2000 exists. The way to cope is nihilism and/or activism.

    Nuclear war, global warming makes the Earth uninhabitable, new plagues wipe out everyone, AI poisons us or creates nanotech grey goo, fascists take over and gas everyone who isn't them, a dinosaur-killer meteor hits the Earth again, eventually the Sun expands and fries the planet. You personally are going to die, probably long before any of those.

    So you can either say "fuck it" and do your usual stuff anyway, or get involved in trying to stop or delay one of the disasters. Have fun with it.

    Or as Morty says: "Everybody's going to die. Come watch TV."

  • All I know is Stardew Valley has a big update today, and there's few better places to hang out when you're feeling stressed.

    • Times like these, I have a 195-unit sized modpack stuffed into Minecraft to be the 100% green-powered, fully-automatic gay luxury dimensional factory owner I once dreamed of being before I learned what profit actually was

  • The old world is dying. The new world is struggling to be born. Now is the time of monsters.

  • Doomsday clock is mostly bullshit.the news only shows the worst of the world with the most sour spin.

    The world will go on and for your own mental health you should take a break from the noise of world news and focus on finding enjoyment in your day to day life.

  • No, we're not all fucked. It's actually a pretty good time to be alive.

    • War and the threat of escalation are in the news, but so far this century has had far less warfare than the last.
    • Crime is in the news, but crime rates are falling, and the 2020-21 peak did not reach the levels of the 1990s.
    • Global warming is likely to cause significant harms, but if you're in a relatively wealthy country, you'll almost certainly be OK. Most people who aren't will also be OK, but their risk exposure is higher.
    • I'm genuinely concerned about rising far-right extremism, but structural protections against fascist dictatorship have held up pretty well in democratic countries.

    "Things are mostly OK, but we should work on a few problems" doesn't drive engagement. Nobody's going to click your headline, vote on your post, or watch your video if you say that, so people saying it don't get much visibility.

  • I think the bigger threat to our lives is the creeping/ crawling/ walking/ running fascism and authoritarianism people have become complacent about and have come to accept.

    World war, nukes, climate change, etc.. Those are big bads. But they aren't every day bads.

    Its the every day bads that grind you down, and the world seems to have forgotten that that a good society to live in requires the commitment and work of its people to maintain it. I blame consumerism for training people to believe they can just shop for the things they want in life and don't have to build them. You can't shop for a better society; you can only build it. This lack of civic duty to me is the real problem beleaguering us, and these other ills extend from it. Individuals need to recognize themselves as responsible for the state of things and to take responsibility for making it better. The government is not some third party to you; its an extension of your-self and if it isn't functioning well, its on you to get involved and fix it.

    I blame consumerism and the lack of personal responsibility it seeks to create in its patrons. People seem to have gotten caught in a mist that they are subject to the forces of this world, rather than recognizing themselves as the force that moves the world. Its a convenient thing for authoritarian leaders to take advantage of. Modern political leadership doesn't want voters involved except in the occasional, minimal interaction that implies consent to be governed.

    We really need to figure out a way to get out of this frog-march into authoritarianism and fascism, because we can't address any of the other issues if that's the direction the whole ship is going.

  • The reality of life is that we will all die. Some will die quietly, peacefully, surrounded by loved ones. Some will die messily, painfully, alone and afraid. This is the reality we must all live in and accept.

    It’s very possible that our species will die out. That is not an inherently bad or evil thing. Countless species have come and gone from Earth. Whether we destroy ourselves through war and ignorance, or we continue to thrive, doesn’t matter right now. What does matter is you.

    You describe symptoms of depression and anxiety. You are sad and scared, and this is in part due to feeling powerless to fix the world. However, the only thing you have power over is yourself. Focus on helping yourself before you try to help the world. Try to find peace within yourself before seeking it in the world. The world is not, and has never been, a place of peace.

    If you’d like practical advice, then I’d say stay away from weed and THC if it’s making you anxious. Keep away from alcohol as it will just exacerbate your depressed feelings. If you haven’t already, please discuss your feelings with a therapist and see a psychiatrist for mental health diagnoses and treatment. If either of these hasn’t worked for you before, I’d urge you to seek second opinions.

  • Nah dude, we were all fucked from jump thats what a lot of people can't face. We're a slime mold on a mote of dust stuck to a spark flying through a cloud.

    Just be glad you ever existed, selfishly existing to prolong your own existence is spitting in the face of everyone who ever died for something and dancing on the not even grave of all the people who were never born. You better go out there and live your life to the fullest, because it's not coming around again, there is no next time, no do over. Just love and be honest, especially when it hurts.

  • As another commenter already mentioned:

    There is a technique I call circles of influence.

    You have „close“ things you can directly influence like things in your home, „near“ things which you can indirectly influence like your friends, family and local politics. Then you have the weather which you cant influence in any significant way.

    The best approach I‘ve seen myself, friends and even clients do was prioritizing close over near and forgetting about the weather.

    In other words: go ahead rn and change something in a positive way which you can absolutely influence. You will feel less anxious and more in control. If you have done enough in your immediate vicinity, you will feel a lot better. Then start influencing friends and family to do the same. Dont let up. Just repeat yourself and dont bother about the weather.

    I‘m doing the exact same rn with you, stranger. Have a good one.

  • There are problems in the world, but it's important to remember that both news and social media get way more engagement when showing you doom and outrage, so the most extreme takes rise to the top.

    It's good to be informed, but don't let the doomsaying scare you out of living your life.

  • Yes, and no. It will likely continue to get worse before it gets better, but as things ramp up, eventually the band will snap and change will happen.

    It's up to us to work towards that change being positive, rather than negative.

  • Only worry about the things you can change right now. Everything else is a waste of energy.

    You can't fix stupid in anyone else no matter how hard you try or how much you want it.