The poop post
The poop post
The poop post
In 10 years the poop post will be up there remembered as one of the legendary old asklemmy posts
in ten years we will ask each other: "Verily, I did not poop for three days; what food did I eat?" and the answer will always be "Beans!"
Much as we asked on reddit "When does the narwhal bacon" and the call back reply was "at midnight!"
A part of me misses seeing those weird week-long meme trends. Sure the memes got old quick, but it felt like some kind of silly community event and then we all moved on to the next thing.
Was there any follow up to that post??
He survived!
It’s definitely possible to go three days without taking a shit. I’ve had to do it before. I was a 45 minute drive away from the nearest gas station, and the only available toilet within walking distance was an outhouse that was infested with yellowjackets. By the end of the third day, I was considering digging a new outhouse.
At that point I’d shit in a field in full view of anyone that cared to watch god damn
I don't think I've talked about this in the last 10 years or so. Even I had forgotten about it till now. In primary school, I had a friend who would challenge me with things. We'd see who can finish a Popsicle first, or who can run faster, mostly stupid innocuous stuff. One day he challenged me to hold off poop. We'll see who gives up first. Now, back then I only pooped like once every 2 days or so. I thought it won't be a big deal and I'd win easy. But days go by, he claims he still hadn't pooped. Well, I didn't wanna lose, so I didn't poop either. It ended with me having extreme stomach pain, and finally giving in on the 8th day. I ended up seeing a doctor as the pain won't end. My parents were really angry with me when I told them what had happened. (They didn't know I was doing this. I'd go into the toilet, sit a while, flush, and come out. I knew they won't let me do it otherwise.) Then they went to talk to his parents. Turns out that bastard had given up on the second day! We're still in touch, but never did any challenges after that.
It’s not even always that bad, I’ve gone a week and a half before, could’ve gone longer but I forgot my lactaid at home. It’s just genetics and training how long you can hold it. These days I regularly go more than 3 days, usually twice a week.
It's honestly very possible depending on the setting. I've gone over two days before without really realizing it while camping. Part of it is just not eating that much, part of it I think is some subconscious desire to avoid shitting in the woods or in an outhouse. But I've had it happen multiple times where we go camping on a Friday night and I realize late Sunday that I never went.
I realize that's not the same as three full days, but I have to think if I was intentionally eating very little it would be attainable.
Just as long as their were no photos of the birth
I thought it was a joke about the people on the titanic submarine thing :l
It was just before the Wagner Insurection. Oceangate wasn't there yet.
What are friends?...
Things you have i' Ca
*nada? *lifornia? *lico Desert?
Anyone remember the poop knife?
I remember the poop knife
This is going to be the new poop knife lmao
The poop holder
there are few people who understand the dangers of the programmer-to-poop pipeline.
That post is going to be the popular legendary post in Lemmy history. When Lemmy becomes more popular, I can expect YouTubers to show this someday.
Didn’t it also include “DO NOT ASK WHY”?
It did
That made it even funnier. Without DO NOT ASK WHY, it’s just another weird internet question. With it, you wonder if the person who’s asking considers it a secret, or is embarrassed about the situation for some reason. It becomes that much weirder.
The fact that it happened soon after the API changes on the other site helped solidify Lemmy as a true alternative for me. Place was filling with references to the no-poop dude.
Due to medication I have gone the 3 days without pooping so I have won the poop challenge the past 3 days!!! Not on purpose though!
I was there, kids!
I was there man