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Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation

Meta post I've decided to make. I enjoyed the unixporn subreddit a lot when I used reddit more. I enjoy customizing my linux de as much as the next nerd.

But you definitely shouldn't use racist slang to refer to the process.

To be clear, I didn't know the origin of the term 'ricing' until fairly recently. I was chattimg with my friend and used it to describe my de setup. They informed me that apparently it's from car customization, and is a pejorative against generally asian men who customize their car to look like a racecar.

After learning this I was sad to realize just how engrained it is in linux de customization culture. I personally have stopped using the term, and I would ask everyone here stop as well.

  • 100% agree!!

    I've never used the term and the first time I've heard about it even without knowing the origins/meaning it already was clear to be a pejorative term.

    The excuse the mods in the old r/unixporn subreddit was that the term was broadly accepted by the community.

    Well guess what we are not reddit and one of the reasons I left reddit was because I was tired of being in communities like that. We can do better, let's shape our communities with the right values and not just carry on a legacy that should've died with reddit itself.

  • I got called out for saying this once. At first I was like "what's racist about rice" but when I googled it everything that came up was an explicitly anti-asian meme.

    So yeah the word is being used in the west as a racist term so non Asians should reconsider whether using the term helps or hurts their relationships with others within the communities we frequent. I think vigilance is better than ambivalence.

  • How the fresh fuck is this even a thing still? Even back in the 90's I heard dudes making gags about "Uncle Ben Hot Rods". You know. RICE IT UP!

    GET IT? They're shitty race cars made by a shitty race who only makes cheap stuff!


    • Yeah I'm actually amazed people are still using this term. Figures it's about computers though lol, of course the antisocial nerds are stronger holdouts than car enthusiasts.

    • put japanese parts on a hot rod?

  • I honestly don't know what's the problem here and I'm speaking from a person coming from ASEAN which is the one of the most discriminated group of people in the Asian. You have to place the term into the context to determine whether it is racist or not. If you're describing an Asian product a ricer with the point that it is load, this is racist. Otherwise, ricing shouldn't be a problem here. But then again, if you find it offended despite not being an Asian, just use other terms that suit your taste. The "master" shouldn't and must not be used with "slave" in the same text to refer to anything that implies subjugation. But then again, how about the master who is highly skilled in their own field? What do we have to refer such people? And interestingly, not a lot of people have any feeling over the words "monkey". This term is generally used in a pejorative way to describe people from ASEAN, implying that we haven't evolved. Should we stop using the term "monkey"? A lot of these are depended on the context, if you have any little sense and basic on linguistic. In the end, I'll be still using ricing to describe my extensive customisation and you will be using other terms. If your proposed term becomes the dominant term, then for the sake of making people easier to understand what I'm saying, I will use that term too.

    • The origin of the word "monkey" is for the animal and "master" for skilled person or hierarchical boss while the origin of the word "ricer/ricing/riced" is explicitly and only a racist insult

      If your proposed term becomes the dominant term, then for the sake of making people easier to understand what I'm saying, I will use that term too

      You would've went wild in the USA during slavery times

      • "ricing" means customisation, that's it. That's the context. It's not about the origin of the word, otherwise the "f"-word that ends with "t" should be used in your own logic. "gay" was used pejoratively during medieval time, does it mean when we're calling homosexual people that proudly label themselves as that is being homophobic here? It's about the meaning of the word in the context where it's being used. If "ricing" is being used in the context of de, then I don't see a problem here. If you use "ricing" to describe anything that appears loud to you, then for sure you're being racist.

  • Im asian. I eat and like rice, even on my setups. I'm gonna keep using rice cause its not my fault yall western imperialists fuck shit up and dont wanna be reminded of it. also very western centric debate. Good job.

    • Asian here and rice eater here also and I think the right way to respond to racist cliches is with hostility, same way we ought to respond to Nazism and other forms of fascism. if you want to reclaim the word, fine whatever. But you're drawing a false equivalence between westerners trying to self-criticize their use of chauvinistic language, and the imperial governments that enforce that chauvinism in the first place (what the fuck dude)

      Funny you're calling anyone a debate pervert

      • I think the right way to respond to racist cliches is with hostility


        But you’re drawing a false equivalence between westerners trying to self-criticize their use of chauvinistic language, and the imperial governments that enforce that chauvinism in the first place (what the fuck dude)

        true, i fucked up with that. my issue with this (the way i see it) is white people do racist shit, and the rest of us have to move to their tune, including however they feel things need to be fixed and to absolve them of their guilt. id much rather have the racist term and the history all in front and center. this is the history of the term, this is how it was used, and this is how we use it. I see it like the word "queer", was a pejorative at a point that's now been reclaimed.

        Funny you’re calling anyone a debate pervert

        takes one (me) to know one. lol.

  • I am disheartened but not surprised by the “obvious ethnicity based insult is not racist” comments here.

  • I've always thought it's something to do with how you can customize fried rice to your heart's content, and the overall versatility of rice in general.

    But given that it is offensive, what is the closest alternative that gives a similar, if not the same nuance without the offense? What do we mean when we say ‘rice’/‘ricing’ in desktop environment customization anyway?

    • I’ve always thought it’s something to do with how you can customize fried rice to your heart’s content, and the overall versatility of rice in general.

      Wholesome, and grain-accurate.

  • I first heard the term "ricer" from some Asian kids I knew in high school so I've never really considered it racist. But then... The N word is also mostly used by black guys (in my experience; don't run into too many super racist non-black people who use it) and it is racist so... 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Discussions like this always bring me back to one thing...can a word itself be racist? Is it racist to use a word if it's not being said with racist intent? It's reminiscent of the gimp debacle...if a words use isn't intended to offend it's honestly beyond me how anyone could find it offensive. Are we supposed to ban every single word that has the slightest history of being used in an offensive fashion? Feel like we'd have a really long list if we did that.