Better target farming is needed so bad, I'm at level 98 now and I've actively spent my whole 90's looking for an upgrade from Sacred to Anscetral Insatiable Fury. I haven't seen one drop since level 60, do you know how many of the other two unique chest pieces I've picked up? At least 8 that I can remember. It's not fun.
Stopped playing my druid because of tempest roar... Started targeted farming with lvl 53. Stopped yesterday at 80 and switched to barrage hunter having the most fun this season...
Well right now you just run specific dungeons that have statistically dropped your type of loot more often. Currently to find my chest piece I'm running specific dungeons that do just that, drop chest armor at a higher rate. You can find resources and stuff online easily but if you don't send me a message and I'll fish up a link for you.