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Eternity v0.1.0 released!


Hello everyone!

I've just released the first version of Eternity (after changing the name from Infinity for Lemmy). It's been long overdue, but I wanted to finish a few features before this update. This release includes various fixes and new features, such as:

  • Blocking users/communities
  • List blocked users/communities
  • Separate up/down votes (can be disabled in the settings)
  • Private messages
  • Content reporting
  • New themes (including a new default one!)
  • Fixed various crashes.

And a huge thank you to everyone who provided feedback, translated the app, or contributed in any form during the testing phases of this release. Your insights and suggestions were invaluable in making Eternity better for all users. I'll continue to gather feedback and make improvements in the coming updates, so please don't hesitate to reach out with any further thoughts or issues you might encounter. Your support and engagement mean the world to me! Happy browsing!

  • Coming along very nicely. I love how all the reddit stuff is now gone (as far as I can see). The app feels independent now. I'm freaking loving it.

  • When I try to see my profile, the app crashes. Anybody else?

    Edit: It crashes when trying to see any user profile, not just mine.

    • Seems to only happen when User Default Sort Type is set to Top in the Sort Type settings. Changing it to New or Old fixed it for me.

      Edit: or make sure you also set a User Default Sort Time if you're going to be using Top.

    • Hmm.. It works on my end. Is this a new issue in this update?

      It would help me out a lot, if you could share the crash stacktrace? You can find it under the Settings > Advanced > Crash report option. This sounds like a critical bug.

      • Just sent it to codeberg issue #153.

        I think its a new issue, because I have been using the nightly version and its working has expected there.

  • Just tried the new update and it seems to have fixed a lot of issues in the app, but now I can't seem to import new themes into the app anymore, it just says unable to parse theme.

  • After updating, I just got a blank screen after launching. Killing the app and clearing cache didn't help, I had to clear the app data completely.

    Then I browsed for a bit and it happened again, just a completely blank screen out of nowhere (I was either just browsing or opening a post). I don't see anyone mentioning it on Codeberg, is it just me?

    Motorola G6 @ Android 9