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Influenza A is spiking in the Southern US An Odd Time for Influenza A

This caught my attention today. I’m hoping it’s nothing, but it’s worth looking into more closely. This is influenza A in wastewater at two sites that are monitored in the Amarill…

An Odd Time for Influenza A

I posted about this in the news mega, but figured I’d post separately too as it seems potentially happening.gif

With the caveat from the article:

H5N1 is a strain of influenza A. It’s impossible to know at this time if this is what is driving this increase, but vigilance is warranted. Hopefully this is simply all a coincidence or just a statistical anomaly. I watch for early signals to monitor.

But an apparent surge of flu in April in a cattle production region is…deeply concerning, given the bird flu situation right now.

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