No, hear me out. You know how sovereign citizen types get all worked up about how their LEGAL NAME (all caps, as typed on the birth certificate or whatever) and their Real Name (first letters capitalized only) refer to different entities? Maybe this dipstick thinks he is employing similar logic here.
"No, see, it wasn't actually me because it's spelled..."
Note that I'm not saying it actually makes sense or will work. But perhaps that is the minimal amount of thought process there?
There are other ways to wildly speculate as well if we are doing so evidence-free.
Maybe Ben was being pressured by someone to submit false information and he wanted to ensure his work was scrutinized more and falsehoods uncovered without explicitly bringing attention to the fact that this was his intention.
I remember one time when my dad renewed his car's tags they misspelled his name on one of the forms and he only noticed after he was leaving.
It took another 30 minutes to sign paperwork confirming that (for example) 'Austin' and 'Austyn' are the same person, and that this was not intended to cause fraud. I can imagine someone seeing/experiencing that for the first time and thinking they found the perfect loophole.