Fuck it, give me your most OVERRATED Distros
Fuck it, give me your most OVERRATED Distros
For me
Fuck it, give me your most OVERRATED Distros
For me
Ubuntu is massively overrated. It's a bloated distro owned by a greedy corporation.
I respect a lot what they did though. Ubuntu and Fedora worked and improved a lot of Linux's new technologies. Plus their focus and model is more focused on the server side.
Yeah. Ubuntu has kind of taken a turn over the years but its still a super user friendly distro and they have done a lot to make linux more accessible for the masses. They also serve as a base for a number of other distros to build off of an as a result theyre an easy choice for a newbie to gravitate towards.
Have to agree. They had a great start by enhancing Debian and being user friendly but, then they just kind of lost their way.
It should probably take Mint's place on this list.
indeed. Mint became what Ubuntu used to be, afaik.
I've never really used Ubuntu or Mint. I think I've installed both in VM but that's it.
I agree with this entirely. Back when it was like V 3 or 4, it was amazing to get non-tech people into the Linux userspace. Now, it is atrocious and the last distro I'd ever suggest to someone.
All of them: communities are so used to blow their own horn that every Distro becomes overrated in the public debate.
Each single distro is "fine" at best.
Except for Debian.
Debian is Great, Debian is Love.
And arch. Arch is godly.
(I use Arch btw.)
Been at Ubuntu for a couple of years but I was pleasantly surprised when I went back to debian. Sticking to that one like shit on shingles.
Mint is definitely not overrated. It has done much for the community because they created a distro that is easy to understand if you switch to Linux, easy to maintain and mostly works out of the box. Also they don't use snap.
Agreed. I just have better things to do than muck about with my OS. Just slap Mint on that fucker and get on with your life. Now, of course I i know that many people like to tinker and have everything just so. I'm not in any way knocking that. But if you just want minimal hassle Mint is the shit.
Noob mint user here; first distro, I really like it. What's up with the snap contention that I keep seeing?
Snap is container Software. It's a program that runs software in an isolated area. Snaps is made by canonical, the company behind Ubuntu. And it's really hatred because, IIRC, it's very slow and not completely open source
Manjaro. It just breaks itself randomly, and performs poorly. Endeavour / ARCO Linux are more stable
Manjaro still hasn't broken once for me. I probably have more AUR packages than ones from the official repos at this point, and I've used the three branches it offers.
Manjaro is fine. Ran it for a year straight before I broked it.
My 2 cents is this. Don't install from AUR unless you have to. Thats how i broked my manjaro install when i was uninstalling packages to fix a bad install. So my install order to protect myself is:
Main Repo
Flatpak (if its not a system tool like an IDE)
I personally found Manjaro to be pretty nice, but i do have a lot of linux experience
Manjaro is amazing ( for a while ).
Still no breaks on my side after 3 years of daily use.
Wasn't Manjaro supposed to be the stable version of Arch? That's what I've heard.
The few years I had with Arch was pretty nice, but when something broke, it was pain to get it back working because downgrading wasn't (isn't?) supported. I guess I should have used snapshots of my whole system back then.
Honestly straight arch was more stable for me. I barely knew anything about the AUR back then, I didn't break it installing or tweaking anything. I just customised KDE a bit. I didn't even have a dedicated GPU - I was using Intel integrated
Stable is a vague concept but Manjaro takes more time than Arch to update software versions. To me both are rock solid.
/s (was hoping we'd be able to leave this behind on reddit, but alas, people's sense of humor...)
I know you're making a joke but I was convinced recently to try out Arch. I'm running it right now. I was told it's a DIY distro for advanced users and you really have to know what you're doing, etc etc. I had the system up and running in 20 minutes, and about an hour to copy my backup to /home and configure a few things. I coped the various pacman commands to a text file to use as a cheat sheet until muscle memory kicked in.
..and that was it. What is so advanced about Arch? It's literally the same as every other distro. "pacman -Syu" is no different from "zypper dup" in Tumbleweed. I don't get the hype. I mean it's fine. I don't have any overwhelming desire to use something else at the moment because it's annoying to change distros. It's working and everything is fine. As I would expect it to be. But people talk about Arch like its something to be proud of? I guess the relentless "arch btw" attitude made me think it would be something special.
I guess the install is hard for some people? But you just create some partitions, install a boot loader, and then an automated system installs your DE. That's DIY? You want DIY go install NixOS or Void, or hell, go OG with Slackware. Arch is way overrated. That doesn't mean it's bad, but it's just Linux and it's no different from anything else. KDE is KDE no matter who packages it.
Arch is supposed to be used, it is a normal distribution. It is not hard, it is simple. That's its whole philosophy.
It is only difficult if you are new to Linux, because it doesn't hold your hands and has no opinion about a lot of things hence you must make many decisions yourself and configure everything like you need it. You have to know what you need and want.
The notion of a difficult distro for the sake of it is ridiculous. Who would ever want to use it? Arch is popular, because it is easy to use, but lets you configure the system to your desires for the most part.
@polygon @valentino @turkalino it’s kinda funny. Arch is like 2 steps away from just being a normal distro. Which is why Endeavor and Steam OS work so well. Just add some functions to take care of things like mirrors or installing the AUR or whatever and it’s a perfectly noob friendly distro. People got indignant about Arch install being added but at the end of the day I’d bet that most arch users at this point have the same defaults
Well, most people installing Arch for the first time have no idea what a typical Linux install does under the hood. That makes it a worthwhile learning experience. The same commands you use during the setup you can later use to fix or change things. It basically forces you to become a somewhat proficient Linux user.
Which GPU are you using?
I spent a good 10-20 hours just trying to get it to boot to a largely error-free experience with SDDM and KDE. I set out to daily drive Hyprland and what a shit show that turned out for me on Nvidia GPU and Alder Lake CPU.
The basic gist is you have add nvidia, nvidia_uvm, nvidia_modeset and nvidia_drm to your mikinitcpio conf, regenerate your initramfs, then adding kernel boot parameters nvidia-drm.modeset=1 and i915.modeset=0 before it can even boot to a usable state. Apparently since 6.0, the igpu grabs the display and refuses to give it back. I don’t know how the fuck any “normal” user is going to figure out how to do all of that. Then I spent another evening trying to figure out how to get VAAPI working properly. There’s lots of outdated info in the wiki and not much else to go on, but I figured it out eventually.
BUT, having said this, I do recognise when you go Arch, you’re asking for all of these jank. And, for science, I wiped and tried out endeavouros, and it was surprisingly painless, mostly just worked out of the box (I didn’t check if it was nouveau but it might have been, I also didn’t check if VAAPI was working).
In the end after what seems like 400 wipes and reinstalls, I got it working just right. But it wasn’t painless and it certainly isn’t meant for the faint hearted.
Yes I know the fault largely lies with Nvidia and their shitty proprietary drivers, and so on. But the exact same machine worked just fine in W11, without a single jank or terminal command (not 100% true because I did run OOBE\BYPASSNRO to skip the online junk).
Moral of the lesson: go vanilla Arch if you are comfortable with figuring out shit on your own. Otherwise, stay the hell away and pick a starter distro like Fedora or Pop!_OS that is mostly jank-free.
obligatory I use Arch btw.
Some people needs recent packages. This is the main point of Arch IMO.
Rolling releases
Yep, this phrase is now broken for me. It's all just turds rolling down hills from here on out. Thanks for that
Even when you are poking fun it is hard to find fault with Arch. Not even “funny because it is true” material.
Ubuntu. I think of it as the Yahoo of linux distros. It used to be good, but then they made terrible decisions that ultimately made them irrelevant.
Seeing Ubuntu now is like seeing your (previously) favourite musician, sold out and washed up.
More like OpenOffice. It still has some power on its branding, but new users should stay away from it and go for LibreOffice, that is any other main distro (Arch, openSUSE, Linux Mint, Debian, etc.). There's nothing exciting happening in Ubuntu anymore, but a lot of people still know its name.
I wish it were irrelevant. It's the default in a lot of non-hobby use cases. Even if it's nobody's favorite, switching requires a business reason and certain degree of consensus among devs/managers/partners/customers.
Gonna go with Manjaro. I can't, for the life of me, understand why it gets the support it does. It's not fantastic to begin with, with an apparently incompetent management team. Add in that all the theming is flat and lifeless, and I'm just confused.
I mean, any Arch derived distro with an "easy installer" kinda confuses me. Archinstall is fairly easy to use (although a bit ugly), and most other Arch based distros seem to miss what I see as the main point of Arch: getting to know and personalize your system. So things like Endeavor, Xero, etc. Don't make a lot of sense to me either. But at least they're not effectively accidentally DDOSing the AUR...
Endeavouros is more community welcoming & does not make bad choices with a real copyleft license.
Oh, I totally agree. If I was going to recommend an Arch derivative with an easier installer, Endeavor would be the one.
I still think, though, if you're looking for an "easy way to install Arch," you're gonna be happier with a different distro. Fedora or OpenSuse Tumbleweed maybe.
One good reason to have distros like EndeavourOS is if you have to use an Enterprise WiFi network while installing Arch. Pain in the ass to get iwd to work with them.
Okay. Then use Endeavor. Easy to install, good tools, and not run by people who've let their SSL cert lapse 4 times.
But honestly, if you can't deal with Arch install, I have to wonder if you wouldn't be better off with something other than Arch and Arch based distros. Generally speaking, Arch based distros require more command line and config file editing.
I just don't think Arch and Arch based distros are a good fit for beginners. If you're intimidated by a TUI installer, you should start somewhere else. Fedora has a... usable installer and great GUI tools, for instance.
I'm not judging or bashing on anyone. But it's like trying to learn how to knit by starting with a sweater. You're in over your head before you even get started.
Manjaro is NOT Arch with a user-friendly installer. Once you have installed Manjaro, the system you have is not Arch. Which leads to one of the biggest problems with Manjaro—that it uses the AUR but is totally incompatible with it. Manjaro has its own kernels. Manjaro has its own package repositories. Manjaro uses its own configurations. The crappy management and governance of Manjaro screws all of this up from time to time.
What you described is EndeavourOS.
The notion of there being underrated or overrated distros is, itself, overrated. No, there should not (and cannot) be "one distro to rule them all" because different people have different needs.
Remember that in the free software community we have the freedom to modify and share everything. Those "overrated" distros exist because someone saw a need for them, and they are widely used because other people agree. If Debian was good enough for every use case why do these other distros exist? Why doesn't everyone just use Debian?
The issue is new users.
If you have a vague understanding that Linux has distros and to switch to Linux, you'll likely Google "best Linux distro." Results that say "they all are good for different reasons" are unhelpful. Having sort through 50 options isn't helpful.
New users want to know what to install. This means that some distros get hyped up as the best, and then people point out the cracks.
Until there is a clear and objective list of distros with pros and cons labeled the cycle will continue.
I already gave mine. They're in the video.
You're going to have to start adding your lemmy contact info in the podcast now lol
@valentino NixOS – I mean it is really nice to have a declarative OS, but I don’t like its logo.
Gotta appreciate the pettiness of this. 😆
waaaat? I like the logo tho!
I tried installing NixOS in a VM once and it spent at least 45 minutes doing something with python and I said "That's enough of that" and killed the VM.
Python works, it's pip that doesn't work because it's trying to install stuff into an immutable distro
that logo is ancient and unappealing
I've never seen it before until now, but you're totally right. I'm going to start hating it too now.
You should take a look at the Gentoo logo. That's an international hate crime of a logo.
"Gaming" distros, save for Steam OS as that's for a console-like device.
Pretty much every distro can play games relatively close in performance to any other distro. The only real difference is how new your GPU drivers are.
Ubuntu is not overrated. It probably gets more hate than it deserves just because it is so popular. That said, I hate it. Slow and opinionated ( by bad opinions ).
Manjaro because it is lipstick on a pig. Looks gorgeous, seems to offer the benefits of Arch with less pain, is total garbage.
But it is less pain. Distros that package Arch to make it fit for human consumption perform a vital service for it IMO. Arch is a fine distro that I could never use otherwise because it's too much work to keep it together. With Manjaro, Endeavour, Garuda etc. you get to use Arch albeit indirectly.
Mostly, I agree. Use one of the derivatives if you're not ready for Arch itself. But, Manjaro has legitimate criticisms against it. They've made mistakes in the past which makes it hard to trust them and holding back packages for "stability" will eventually break your system if you start mixing in the AUR.
ETA: Here is a different link, since the original doesn't seem to be working for me anymore.
Only Manjaro. Every distro has something different. Unfortunately, regular breakages isn't a differentiation people are after.
For all its strengths, Arch is kind of a pain in the ass to maintain. I daily drive it but I risk breaking something if I don't update regularly. My youtube laptop can't update at all anymore from something I don't care to fix (when Firefox breaks then its a big deal lmao) and my main rig needed to use the fallback initramfs for a while after I forgot to update for a while. mkinitcpio -P (I think) fixed it though
What do you mean exactly? A running system shouldn't spontaneously break from not being updated. It's just that partial upgrades can break compatibility/dependencies, but running full system upgrades should be fine, as long as you pay attention to breaking changes and major version bumps. Also with timeshift it should always be possible to get back to a working state.
I think the main issue with Arch comes if you try to use it like Debian Stable. Like, if you don't run pacman -Syu
for a year, you probably won't have a bootable system the next time you try. How about six months? My guess is you'd still be stuck fixing shit. Where is the safe "X" in "as long as I update every X, I'll be fine?" Who knows. That's not a very well-defined problem.
I sort of understand the issue here. I use Arch because I'm picky about system things, and it seems to require going against the fewest strongly held platform opinions in order to get it the way I want it. In an ideal world, I'd get it set up that way and not need to touch it very much afterwards. Arch requires frequent touches. Fortunately, almost none of them require any real mental energy, and I'm willing to do the occasional bit of "real work" if needed to keep it going, but that's a trade-off that may be more painful for some than others.
I imagine it's a pacman keyring issue. I had it break on me on multiple occasions, on different machines, all after not having updated for a long-ish while.
I don't get this either. Before my current PC, my last install was 6 years old. I could count on one hand the number of times I broke that install and every single time was my own damn fault.
I had Manjaro on a laptop that didn't get updated for about a year. Broken on update because I didn't check Arch news first to see if manual intervention was needed. Was still faster to fix than a backup-reinstall.
Countless other installs of Arch or derivatives on various PCs and laptops without issue.
There can definitely be more of a learning curve but once you're set, I find it much easier to maintain than other distros. 🤷🏻♀️
MX Linux.
I don't know why it gets recommended so often, I don't actually think many people use it, but for some reason it's brought up all the time. I blame Distrowatch.
I was an MX user. It looks nice out of the box (better than Mint at the time) and the "flagship" version runs smooth on old laptops, probably thanks to Xfce. Side note, MX has a rare feature, it provides a choice between two init systems.
100% distro watch
For me, every non-mainstream distro. IMO every fork which is just a rebuild .iso should ratherly be an install script and extra repos. Simply because the lack of maintenancers and userbase tends to make those projects to die or getting updates way less often tahn should. People should join any existing project rather than creating new ones.
Or: meta packages! (Debian nomenclature, but it probably exists on non-Debian distros as well)
Much more secure than executing random code online, usually with root privileges. And reuses the existing infrastructure of the "parent" distro.
I realized Arch was overrated when I got a brand new 7900 XT and it didn't work on Arch at all because their LLVM was a version behind. It was up-to-date on Fedora and even Ubuntu, but not Arch. Then there was the whole broken grub thing. Bleeding edge and unstable I get, but you can't be unstable and also behind. You can run Arch in any distro with distrobox, I don't see why you wouldn't just do that.
Ubuntu has ads in the terminal when you update. Runs a highly modified GNOME that doesn't play well with some extensions. Snaps by default (although maybe not that bad now that they seem to launch a bit quicker). Unfortunately so many things only have Ubuntu support if they have Linux support at all, it's such a shame.
LLVM was held back for a good reason, it was breaking things left and right. Even so, if you really needed it there were always AUR packages for it, or lcarlier's mesa-git repo if you prefer prebuilt packages, so it's not as if you were just SOL. I got my 7900XT in december, and instructions on how to get it running were already all over the forums and subreddit at the time and it was working on the same day that I got it.
I don't know when you got your 7900XT, but it was broken on Ubuntu too for a good while, I'm not even sure that it currently works on 22.04 without using external PPAs. In the mean time, it now works with Arch out of the box.
As for the grub thing, I'm not sure how that could have been handled differently. Upstream introduced a change that created a compatibility issue, so Arch could either not update to a newer version of grub ever, or update anyway and tell its users how to handle the compatibility issue. The latter is what they did.
I got it the day it came out so it was the wild west. I think to get it to work on Arch I figured out you needed to compile the new llvm or something, and I just gave up at that point. Fedora Silverblue on the rawhide branch had everything for it, and as soon as 37 was caught up I just re-based on that branch and have been good ever since. Ubuntu did have some other issue I don't remember, not a new enough kernel maybe.
I'm very critical of all the immutable distrubtions - as an old timer in tech I've seen so many things come and go. I'm also curious, ofcourse, and already tried out a VM with NixOS and everything seemed fine. But I'm going to wait it out before something like that becomes my main driver, I have a job to do (development, systems, stuff) and I cannot afford to say "sorry little to no progress today, my OS needs tinkering".
(Feel free to tell me I'm wrong :-) I love to tinker with new stuff).
I still need to give NixOS the college try. The docs are slowly getting better but other than that I have heard great things from all over the Internet about it once you get your head around it. I failed at figuring it out on my own but the day will come where it makes sense I'm sure.
I think one of the issues with nixos learning materials is that they eschew talking about how to write your own packages. but to really understand anything, you have to get your head around writing and modifying packages. in nix, a package is just a build step that can do I/O during particular phases and produces an output to the nix store, so they're an essential building block for anything that isn't utterly trivial.
the other major stumbling block is working out how modules (the things that let you write config for the system) can actually be composed. adding a new module to imports gives you new config params you can set so you can organize your system config in terms of modules and packages to make things work the way you like.
Nix Pills are the canonical learning material for packages. I don't know of any good learning material for modules - I learned by working on nixpkgs and another involved project that made extensive use of modules.
lastly, nix config files are written in the nix language and it's a bit idiosyncratic. it almost looks and feels like Haskell but it's slightly different in important ways. there's no way around learning it if you have multiple systems and want to share config between them.
Between zero-to-nix.com and nixos.wiki, I think there are enough docs to get started with it quickly.
Funny. Whole reason I use nixos is because I cba to tinker with my systems anymore. Tell me another OS with which I can manage 20+ systems with even less effort and I'd consider switching.
Ah but then you are talking about servers? That would be a different story! The machine that I use for development (laptop) should always work (I would trust nixos with this) and if I want to spin up a container (docker run) or install an application (apt install)or change my vpn client configuration it is currently effortless and I'm not sure nixos can do that.
Actually using nixos for some of my private servers would be a nice use case...
I feel like it is too complicated for a desktop user. Linux is already complicated enough. On Silverblue I had to do some mental gymnastic to make some things work because everything is just made for Workstation. I don't think the advantages outweigh the benefits
I agree that the documentation leaves a lot to be desired. If I may ask, do you remember which things caused the mental gymnastics?
For me there is only two distros. They are Arch an Debian. But that is only me. I don't think that any of those distros are overreted they just have their own user types and needs.
I use Arch BTW
The first distro I feel in love with was Debian (potato I think). Before that I had dabbled here and there but never had something click. Played with Gentoo when it first landed (try a stage one Gentoo build without the internet to go to for answers to really learn it!) and after getting tired of compiling all the time tried this new Ubuntu thing. Stayed with that for years until snaps and decided to try Manjaro to learn about this Arch thing. Got sick of the problems and but the bullet and went "pure" Arch. Feel in love again like I did way back with Debian.
Now I use Debian on important servers and Arch on servers I can afford to play with and my day to day machine.
Never looked back. Debian for stability, Arch for everything else. Never been happier.
My list overrated list additions:
The BSDs are *nix-like systems without glibc with a history and larger communities.
You can run programs requiring glibc on musl-based distros using a simple chroot though (not to mention using Flatpak/Snap or similar solutions).
Also, as someone who uses a distro without systemd (Void) - my boot and shutdown are both very fast and service management is simple (I didn’t need to read any documentation to define new daemons, I just looked at existing definitions); this is in contrast to my experience the last few times I used systemd distros.
I even had a Debian setup I used regularly with SysV init a few years ago, which also had way better boot/shutdown times than with systemd (on the same exact setup otherwise). Service management was a pain with SysV though.
“It’s Linux with extra work!” isn’t a convincing argument for musl based distros.
I ran FreeBSD as my desktop for a long time, and I’m quite fond of it. However, most new software is written for GNU/Linux, and I got tired of fighting against it. (I still run FreeBSD on my personal servers.)
I ran Alpine for a while, and as much as I wanted to like it, software had to be ported to it. It’s the same problem the BSDs have. Software has to be ported to them, and if that’s the case, there’s not much of a point in running Linux for me.
It’s cool people are trying an alternate libc with the Linux kernel. Alpine seems to have made some good progress on porting software, and musl has progressed from what I’ve heard.
That life isn’t for me. If I wanted that, I know where to get it.
Runit still uses shell scripts to start the services, like most alternate init systems, and I’d rather not write shell scripts for services.
There are other niceties with systemd, like timers are an upgrade over cron, as well as some very idiotic decisions, especially for the server side. Overall it’s a nice init for desktops.
Having gone through the Arch install myself, what part dod you find you had to babysit? Boot the install media, format the drive, mount the mounts, install system, configure the system, and done. Maybe it’s just a more involved process than you’d like?
Arch is for sweaty fanboy memes, not workflow
That wiki tho
Arch is a wiki with an association distro
Yea nobody would ever use Arch for the basis of anything game changing coughSteamOScough
Are you saying that Arch is the new Ubuntu?
The good/bad Linux distro circlejerk.
People are constantly speaking about what's the best or worst distro in long argumentation loosing their time. Instead, it would nice to make people actually switch to a Linux distro and stay on a distro. Each people people switching from another OS is a win. This matters and how making Linux distros more accessible to everyone.
Haha, noob. My distro is the best distro and everybody should be using it because nobody has a different use case and expectation anyway. My terminal skills are unrivalled, your mouse is blocking your progress to true productive greatness. My automated installation runs faster than you can download your proprietary drivers. I use imagemagick instead of gimp for its speed and user friendliness. Vim is the only editor you ever need. Do you even internet without your own email server? I rather install rpm's on arch than use flatpack.
//The linux endboss needs to be a meme. We could make chuck norris level jokes about him.
I've been on arch for 4 or 5 years now. I think the "distro hopping" is mostly a meme my noobs. No hate.
I didn't mean distro hopping. I mean people actually staying on Linux after trying it and not going back to another os.
Elementary OS and Manjaro are the big ones IMO. Sure, they've had their heydays, but it's time to move on.
They're overrated today because they were good at some time in the past and people have to catch up. As for why they're not that good right now:
Elementary OS had at some point in time perhaps the most polished and accessible user interface out of any distro out there. This was mostly due to how much time and effort they had put into their in-house Pantheon desktop environment. And if they would have continued their efforts, then it would have continued to flourish. Unfortunately it failed at keeping their momentum, this is most likely related to internal disputes. I say this because over the years a lot of important members from their team have departed. Right now; it's just a shadow of what it once used to be and the likes of GNOME, KDE and Cinnamon have far surpassed their Pantheon.
While Elementary OS is just plain bad at this point, by contrast Manjaro is actually not that bad. Arguably, it does a lot of good things; Btrfs+Timeshift being one of the big ones. However, freezing packages in a rolling release doesn't make any sense. Furthermore, it's just very unprofessional to let the SSL certificates expire. Mind you; it didn't happen just once or twice, but four times?!?! Today, if one wants a stable rolling release that holds their hands, they should use openSUSE Tumbleweed. If they want to use Arch, then they should just use Arch; archinstall
exists. And if one is not able to install Arch using archinstall
, then they should question themselves if Arch is even the right distro for them. Finally, if they seek any kind of hand-holding, then there's a plethora of derivative distros of Arch that are as good, if not better than Manjaro. So just to make myself very clear; Manjaro is not bad, it's just overrated; people gravitate too much towards it based on old videos/articles and what not, but it doesn't deserve that gravitation in its current state.
AH, so this is a "tell me your favourite distro" post again. Tribalism isn't cool, man.
Linux Mint. People praise it as the perfect Window replacement yet when I tried it for a week, it didn't do anything better than default KDE Plasma Desktop. And since the devs haven't even started to work on Wayland support, the Distro will soon fall way behind.
I use Plasma and like it. I wouldn't have stuck around or really got started if it wasn't for Mint.
It might. Then we can still switch. For the time being it works just fine. The maintainers are a bit conservative for good reasons though. Mint is supposed to just work and for the most part it does just that.
I hated Cinnamon, I tried to like Mint. but it's a botched patched Ubuntu
Mint. Cinnamon is weird. I've had more problems and weird glitches with Cinnamon than any other DE. And it looks like it's straight out of 2004. That's why I'm a KDE junkie on KDE Neon now.
Yeah Mint is really ancient, not shitting on the Devs but everybody is moving to Wayland. While they keep their old project that runs only because of nostalgia. Opensuse TW is better than Neon. The latter is used for testing dunno why people keep using it
As a KDE junkie, I'd still choose Cinnamon as the backup.
And I'm sitting here not understanding why people like KDEs' looks so much.
But then again, looks don't matter when you can theme everything. Nightfox Dusk with Tela Purple icons is a banger
They've recently made some changes to the style that make it a lot more modern, mostly switching to the papyrus icon pack and making the accent colors more saturated.
Definitely Arch and Ubuntu.
what is overrated about them?
Ubuntu, ootb works, but snap all over, and ubuntu pro ads everywhere.. I can't even reinstall the company laptop into Fedora because of their policy... In the end I wrote a piece interface cli to make me felt at home using dnf masking apt, flatpak masking snap, and any dnf or flatpak behavior, works on snap or apt.. it's nightmare, but at least help me coup with using ubuntu... cope.. COPE...
Fedora, in the sense that I often see it widely recommended, especially to new users.
It's not bad by any means, but it's a very opinionated distro that requires end users to install a bunch of additional repositories and packages just to make it useable for the average user.
It also still doesn't come with out-of-the-box system restore functionality that works well with btrfs even though it is the default filesystem, unlike OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.
I ran Fedora 33, and upgraded it in place through to fedora 36. Ran pretty well the whole time.
I had snapper running for btrfs snapshotting, and did a double hop release jump to 38. Somehow I messed up my high water mark config for snapper in the mean time, and ran out of disk space mid-install without realizing. Symptom was firefox crashing. So I rebooted. Borked.
I agree with all of your complaints about it, and there’s plenty to dislike, but it’s still probably a good landing point for new users.
For me, it was the right amount of itjust.works at the right time, coming from debian (an update in 2018 killed my gdm, and I rage switched to fedora). Next stop is Gentoo!
The third party thing is outdated, you can enable it at install and have access to flathub and fusion repo. So installing Steam or Nvidia drivers is dead simple now. I would still say it's not great for new users because it's ultra minimal.
Nobara fixes quite a few aspects of this.
I really don't understand why backup tools like Timeshift or Snapper aren't shipping preinstalled & preconfigured in all mainstream type distros when you go with btrfs, or at least have an option in the installer for that.
Mint isn't a bad ditro its just overhyped for new users.
Nobara is very overrated. Comes with so much bloat apps and is confusing for new users. Don't understand why people recommended it.
It has some kernel tweaks and niche bug fixes for certain games but its just overrated.
Ubuntu is decent but definitely lost its touch over the years.
I think Pop!OS is a better Ubuntu than Ubuntu is now.
Also I definitely agree about Mint. I don't think it really sets out to hype itself up to be fair, it's just a nice-looking, easy to use and stable distro that does exactly what it's supposed to, and people tend to over-sell it a bit.
I definitely agree when it comes to Nobara. I've used Fedora for some time now, and I was curious about how it would be tailored to gaming. I made up my mind within three minutes using a live USB to go back to standard fedora. Too much preinstalled nonsense.
@valentino I know Ubuntu is the meme answer but I’ve never been satisfied when I use it. On servers and desktops where I want stability, I find Debian to be much more reliable and straightforward. I had two Ubuntu pcs recently and the upgrade gui tool would just kill itself when trying to go to the next version so I had to look up the terminal option. And looking up packages only to find out I’m installing outdated snaps where the permissions get in the way
Gentoo. Gentoo users have pretty much supplanted Arch (btw) users in the "annoying poweruser" niche.
I agree with you a bit on Garuda, even as someone myself who uses it. I've had it break multiple times on me, I still use it mainly because it has all the stuff I like by default (and a cool dragon theme, which should be a requirement of all distros).
Other than that, I'm gonna be boring and say Ubuntu. Just a worse Debian.
Nah, Gentoo has always appealed to annoying power users. Arch users have only recently joined us in that niche. 😉
Gentoo users have pretty much supplanted Arch (btw) users in the "annoying poweruser" niche.
Why do you say that? I still see tons of 'arch btw ' comments and very few 'Gentoo is the be all and end all of Linux distributions' ones.
IMHO NixOS, which is what I'm using (full disclosure), is heavily underrated. His subposition was based on an hour of use "a long time ago", which leads me to believe he doesn't fully grasp the versatility of NixOS - or rather the "nix package manager", which is more of a scriptable deployment tool.
What I can do with a dotfile and a single command equates to many more steps in any other given distros. I can recreate a system simply by running said dotfiles on another install, or indeed convert it to a VM image if I wanted to.
So it's like if you took ansible, the aur and added the ability to configure everything from services, packages, filesystems, modules, virtualization, kernel's, users, from a JSON-like dotfile consisting of booleans, arrays, strings and even functions.
It is however overtly complex, there's a disconnect between old nix ("stable") and new nix (flakes, "unstable", experimental but mainstream in the NixOS community) and the documentation needs work, which is what has been funded and is being worked on now.
Thought I'd just chime in, because this guy's take seems glib, uninformed and dismissive...
...though I agree in regards to elementary and solus though.
Last time I tried NixOS, I tried to get some newer and lesser known wayland window managers to work. After like an hour of trying to get a custom session option into gdm, I had to give up. The nix package manager is fantastic, truly, but NixOS imho alters the way the system works way too much. Either it supports whatever you're trying to do out of the box, then it's very nice, or you'll be in hell trying to map whatever explanations you find online to the clusterfuck that is NixOS's altered file structure. You don't simply add a .desktop
file to the xsessions folder.
Whatever solutions to problems like these you build in NixOS are always meant to be beautiful and reproducible, but building such solutions is a lot of work. For a window manager that I only wanted to try for a couple days, way too much work. For a system that I don't intend to install on any other machine, probably not worth it.
I.e. NixOS trades initial time invested with beauty and future time invested. A solution in NixOS is more beautiful, and much quicker to reproduce on another machine, but it takes way more time to set up the first time around (e.g. just doing it as opposed to writing a script that does it). As someone that does a lot of experimenting with new setups, NixOS was frustrating as hell. But for someone that needs to frequently install the same system on multiple machines, it's a game changer no doubt.
Whichever your favorite one is, that's the most overrated one
Arch btw
It's treason, then
"Overrated" is a very specific word here. Some of the distros he just talks about their users and not the distro itself. Confusingly, he also then ignores the users entirely for other distros. I went into this assuming it would be low effort content, but it went even lower and ended up being just a "what comes to my mind when I think of this distro" list, which doesn't seem very fair towards some of the distros (near the top of the list even!) that don't have real complaints weighed against them.
Manjaro Zorin Garuda Nobara. Any Gaming Oriented distro except SteamOS. These 3 especially feel overbloated
Mint works and you can recommend it, but it is a mess with its two versions. The "normal" version is based on Ubuntu, but Ubuntu is already an user friendly distro. Mint also has LMDE version, it makes more sense because directly based on a "rough" Debian, but it seems less popular.
Yes, but Ubuntu has snaps. Cinnamon is preferred by many to Gnome. It has clear differences.
I don’t do derivatives. Arch based distro? Just use Arch! Ubuntu, Mint, Pop or the hundreds alike, go Debian!
Eh, you're being lazy. Just compile the kernel from source.
Real men write their own OS in assembly!
Gentoo. I say this as someone who used to daily drive it.
And arch too.
Fedora is highly overrated.
Flatpaks never worked properly on Fedora for me.
I thought I was going insane with Fedora. Literally every flatpack I tried had major issues. Went back to an ubuntu-based distro after a month of fix attempts.
I think workstation is overrated and silverblue is underrated.
RedStar OS
Nope, it's better then anything else here hands down.
Double checks for Hannah Montana Linux... Nope not listed... Yep it's the best here
Arch in general. As well as Manjaro (the most unreliable distro ever)
6 years on my manjaro install, zero problems.
Lucky guy.
Currently my answer is ubuntu. I tried to use lubuntu recently but just so much wasn't working out of the box like nm-applet wasn't running on startup. The apt package manager is really tedious to use too.
This could also be boiled down to my general incompetence when it comes to Ubuntu based systems though :p
Completely agree on Linux Mint, even though it's still one of my favorite distributions and the one I'm using usually. I'm comfortable with the base Ubuntu system but it comes without all the Canonical garbage (like Snap trying to quietly install itself back when I install an APT package).
Still too much bloatware though, and to my knowledge there is no modern, well documented APT based distro with a community active enough that I can fix my issues reasonnably fast.
I guess I will have to make the jump to Arch. Currently happy with my Regolith install now though, so I'm a bit lazy to explore other options.
A nice introduction to Arch might be EndeavourOS.
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Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
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All the distros that let you install packages from other distros. What's the point?
How many distros is that? Just VanillaOS and Blend? Or anything that hosts Distrobox?
I have been wanting to try Debian Stable with Distrobox / Arch. Stable base with the largest and most up to date package repository sounds like a match made in heaven.
The point is your first sentence?
Mint is hugely over-recommended to new users imo. The fact that it doesn't have an option for a DE like Gnome 3 or KDE just kinda sucks at teaching newbies what to expect. Cinnamon also feels kinda jank in my opinion, looks old and unattractive.
I've never used Mint so wouldn't want to comment but it does seem to get a lot of praise and I can't see why.
EndeavorOS would be my vote. Arch with a GUI installer and horrible theme.
I'm using ZorinOS with Windows 11 Pro. It's good enough for everything I do.
Debian (Testing) I used it for a good month, and man was I disappointed. Only some things are actually up to date and packaged correctly. The nvidia drivers don't load the drm module because it's not called nvidia-drm on Debian (testing) it's called nvidia-current-drm. Also apt is the worst package manager
Use nala instead of apt, it's mostly a different frontend that looks way nicer, but also has vast improvements such as simultaneous downloads and a controllable history
Nala is even worse, so few commands
why do you say apt is the worst pm?
If you need to install a package that the author messed up the dependency lists for your shit outta luck. Other than manually unzipping and installing it you're stuck. Searching for a package is hell cause it's a massive list with like 4 lines per package. Yay/pacman is the best package manager, because it's got quick commands and when you search for something you don't have to make a mental note of the names you can just type 1, 4, 17, etc to choose a package to install. Oh and there aren't built shorter commands for apt! You can't say apt in package you have to write out install every single time
Everything other than Debian :D
I got my slacks on with dramatic music Slackware Linux! crowd gasps
I think Elementary OS a bit. It's not bad necessarily (although I do think they're a bit over-aggressive about monetization which I don't really like) but I always see people talk it up about how functional and beautiful-looking it is, whereas when I tried it it just seemed like a pretty standard Ubuntu-based distro themed to look like a Mac.
Unless there's something amazing in there that I just didn't catch on to, but it just didn't really click for me.
@valentino All of them; they're mostly the same! /jk But seriously try another OS: OpenBSD, Haiku, Serenity, Plan 9...