Not like that
Not like that
Not like that
Das Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
"Cattle marking and beef labeling supervision duties delegation law"
I'm going to say Venezuela.
It could be anywhere in South America really
It's a former law, and there a two of them, together called Rinderkennzeichnungs- und Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, a.k.a. RkReÜAÜG.
(Source Wikipedia
That's one
Since when is an article not a word?
1st word: "Das" 2nd word: "Rindfleischettiketierungs.....gesetz"
School shootings.
Canadian Bacon
Mass shooting
Perforated students
That's a tough one
Germ any
Germ many
So, you take any Germ?
I have some Protozoans and Fungi, take it or leave it.
Denmark, motherfucker!
Danish, do you speak it motherfucker?!
Før helvede!
Ikke efter?
Shut it down, this guy wins.
United States.
of Mexico?
of Tara.
Of whatever.
Ah shit, that trick wouldn't work for me ... I'm not from Poland.
Try, "Not Polish," and they'll still have a shot
One country down only 180ish to go
Maple Syrup
I'm Sorry
Yeah, eh?
you betcha, bud
Wooden shoes
Mostly worn by Matjes?
Österreich! I knew them!!
Poutine eh?
Blame Canada!
Sauf que, les québécois ne disent pas vraiment "eh" et le Québec n'est pas encore un pays.
It's like saying "Nanaimo bars tabarnak".
The only groups of people who I have use "Eh", from least used to most used:
That's three words.
This dish was brought to you by: Vladimir
School shooters.
United States
Of were? You ran out of words
Sorry, eh?
You must be from Canada buddy.
Don't call me buddy, pal!
scotland ?
Nett hier
Eher Baden-Württemberg, oder?
... aber waren Sie schon mal im frankfurter Bahnhofaviertel?
Uwot m8
Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Deadly Spiders
I think you misspelled "Crickey, mate!"
samba feijoada
Ah meu
Earthling country I mean regular country
I'm also from Germany
Nonrobot Factory
Dracula Land.
That could be England, where Bram Stoker wrote his novel, Ireland, where Bram Stoker was from, or Romania, where the non-vampire guy came from.
Global policing
We aren’t required to get involved, but we do. We always do.
Wait a second... that's more than two words!
I felt my two words needed an explanation.
Mispelt Austria
Ah, good old Bangladesh.
Real Georgia
Ok but which is the fake one?
The American one. It's not a country.
G'day mate.
Deadly capitalism
Earth is not a country.
Vege mite
Mama mia
Oh no, here we go again...
Is cheeseburger one word or two? Cause it's either Cheese Burger or Bacon Cheeseburger.
That’s four
Irn Bru
Donut hamburger
United States?
Yee Haw
Not American
Specifically, American backpacker in Europe.
Oi, mate!
Moz art
Hungary, Welcome!
Maple Syrup
I would've gone with "poutine, eh." But sure.
I'm from the same place so....
Cuppa tea / oi mate
Guten Tag!
Spaghetti mandolino
Mint tea
First Order?
All hail the supreme leader.
Tree Octopus
Fuck those guys. They think they're so great climbing trees... well SOME OF US CEPHALOPODS DON'T HAVE TO CLIMB, ERIC!
Fjords, glaciers
I liked the fjord focus
"I won an award for it, you know.." - Slartibartfast
"they give a lovely baroque feel to a continent" - Slartibartfast
New Zealand!
looks up from Newspaper United States goes back to reading Garfield
No mames
Big Gulp
Welp, see ya later
fuck yeah
Old chap
Truck piss
Only one needed: Nazis
Ah, you're from the US too.
European piracy
Część 🤔?
burger land
Ur mother?
I was going more off of the "not like that" title - what answers would fit into two words that would engender that response.
That said, Antarctica is actually a brilliant answer, since not only is pretty much nobody from there, it is also merely one word so wrong on that count as well:-).
Kind but generally really weird? Denmark?
Salmon, oil
exploded journalist
United States