Old photo
Old photo
Old photo
With what? You've confiscated all the knives.
Exactly, they weren't going to go out and buy new knives.
This was a satirical poster; the phrasing is deliberate and it was posted on the underground as a protest against the conservatives.
I have no idea if that is true I hope it is. I don't live in the UK but this isn't exactly helping my understanding of the UK.
The conservatives campaigned on cutting homelessness in half. When in power, they basically cut actual, useful support, in favour of measures that got the homeless out of sight, even if it made things worse (and more deadly) for them.
The light at the end of the tunnel is that they are currently predicted to lose 44-92% ( 77% nominal) of their total seats in the next election. They also have to call it by January. There is the real possibility of them being almost completely wiped off the political stage.
The artist is fokawolf.
“But have you tried ‘kill all the poor’?”
How about "raise VAT and kill all the poor"?
I don't think this fits here the current lot in parliament would do this if they thought it would help their numbers
It would double the number of homeless Labour voters so I doubt they would go through with it.
Oh dear, he doesn’t know that humans can’t reproduce through mitosis yet. Ask your mom about it honey.
For context. This is a satirical poster popped up in the tube over advertising
I don't think you understand what this community is...
I understood that it was way to quite
Whenever I see this picture I think of these lyrics:
This is an announcement from Genetic Control
It is my sad duty to inform you
Of a four-foot restriction, on humanoid height
I hear the directors of Genetic Control
Have been buying all the properties
That have recently been sold, taking risks oh so bold
It's said now that people will be shorter in height
They can fit twice as many in the same building site
They say it's alright
Beginning with the tenants of the town of Harlow
In the interest of humanity, they've been told they must go
Told they must go, go, go, go
Perhaps off topic, and the poster may be satirical, but how is that turning out?
Have they reduced homelessness? Have they cut any homeless in half?
Just tired of empty promises.
Haha, good one! Homelessness has more than doubled since the conservative party took power in 2010. This particular poster (albeit satirical) was from 2021, since then homelessness has increased massively in the UK England.
In all fairness, this could be a very effective strategy.
It would double the homeless population
You have won this argument, I concede.
I see this and I get the Atlanta Braves fight cheer stuck in my head:
"Don't... Stop... The... Chop.."
By shipping one half to Rwanda, am I right?
I'm not sure we should be making jokes about the Rwandan Genocide
I'm just saying that the Brits are sending asylum seekers to Rwanda. Pretty tasteless tbh
Could have been worse. They could have had them quartered.
How many have they cut in half so far?
Zero. They awarded the contract to Lord Fuck-the-poor III who then pocketed the £250million.
You've got my sword!
Gimli: and my axe!
I love seeing this in Wrestling Empire
Have you tried "kill all the poor?"
I'm not saying do it, I'm just saying run it through the computer and see if it would work.
The wording on that is egregious, they mean they are going to cut the number of all homeless people in half by 2025