The developer of NonSteamLaunchers got in touch to mention that a Steam Deck (Decky Loader) plugin is now available for testing, plus the latest release pulling in a handy tool for being able to Remote Play Together anything.
And it makes it easy to make native looking web apps for the following:
Website Shortcut Creator ✔️
Xbox Game Pass ✔️
GeForce Now ✔️
Amazon Luna ✔️
Netflix ✔️
Amazon Prime Video ✔️
Disney+ ✔️
Hulu ✔️
Youtube ✔️
Twitch ✔️
movie-web ✔️
Finally it imports games installed through the different app stores to make them appear like native apps.
The remote play together integration is great too, because that will easily let you play local multiplayer games online regardless of what store they come from. That alone might make it worth using over heroic for party-style games from epic.