"LiNuX uSeR iNsTaLlInG A BrOwSeR haha" meanwhile :
"LiNuX uSeR iNsTaLlInG A BrOwSeR haha" meanwhile :
Terminal > Windows Registry.
"LiNuX uSeR iNsTaLlInG A BrOwSeR haha" meanwhile :
Terminal > Windows Registry.
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LiNuX uSeR iNsTaLlInG A BrOwSeR haha
yeah uh...
sudo apt install firefox
sudo xbps-install firefox
sudo pacman -Syu firefox
nix-env -iA firefox
Bro I think you got too many package managers in your setup. Prob this is gonna cause conflicts.
sudo pacman -S firefox
is also enough. -Syu is for updating.
yay firefox
Ahahahah imagine writing a short story to install a browser
Yeah, totally.
Just imagine trying to do this with Windows Powershell, without a package manager like chocolatey to make it simple like linux...
$workdir = "c:\installer\" If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container) { Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red} ELSE { New-Item -Path $workdir -ItemType directory } $source = "https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-latest&os=win64&lang=en-US" $destination = "$workdir\firefox.exe" if (Get-Command 'Invoke-Webrequest') { Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination } else { $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $webclient.DownloadFile($source, $destination) } Start-Process -FilePath "$workdir\firefox.exe" -ArgumentList "/S" Start-Sleep -s 35 rm -Force $workdir/firefox*
its four words
Could be three. Just make your only account the root user.
Make it two:
emerge firefox
(Gentoo users only)
its four words
By the time you reach writing 4 words on Windows, you''l have enough mental exhaustion for it to be equivalent to a short story.
paru -S firefox
It's been 8+ years since I last used Ubuntu on my laptop. I faced massive issues with staying on the latest version of Firefox because apt had a much older version, and installing using the gui installer wouldn't replace the apt version etc etc. Probably a PEBKAC issue...
But, I do want to know- is this not an issue any more? Will apt
install the latest (or almost latest) version of Firefox? Can I update it from the inbuilt update tool in Firefox?
When you choose a distro, you generally choose to follow what the maintainers give you as the "latest".
Or you get snap
I, personally, would go with AppImage, probably because I once made some myself and liked them.
Can I update it from the inbuilt update tool in Firefox?
Universally regarded as a bad idea on Ubuntu based distros as far as my research goes.
Probably a PEBKAC issue...
Staying on the OTB repos in LTS distros and then complaining about software being slow to update is like staying on the OTB mirror, and then complaining that your download speeds suck.
I'm a Linux noob through and trough, use Glorious Mint, but like... How to get a newer version of VLC, than distributed by upstream is probably the first thing I figured out how to do.
I don't know why you are being an ass to me. I literally admitted that my lack of skill was the issue right at the beginning.
And then people wonder why noobs don't want to bother with Linux.
Can I update it from the inbuilt update tool in Firefox?
Universally regarded as a bad idea on Ubuntu based distros as far as my research goes.
Dunno, but in every forum I've looked, people say not to use it, but let the updates go through the package manager. Sometimes even on threats of FUBARing your system. Could be that all these people are giving old info that's not true, but I never tried it - don't wanna go on the forums and start the thread with "I explicitly did what people say not to. How fix?"
The reason why is because of dependency hell and general packaging conflicts that could occur. You can go with the tar, snap, appimage or flatpak. If you do decide to use the system level package from a 3rd party, just be aware of the risks and be careful.
The issue lay within the difference in standards, the usual target for these companies is Debian using the Debian packaging guidelines, while Ubuntu has their own, Ubuntu and Debian also have different release cycles which can lead to conflict with certain packages.
Perhaps, if you're needs aren't met maybe moving to a semi-rolling or rolling distro is best.
Edit : typos
Oh, that makes sense, thank you. I'm really happy with mint. Pretty sure switching to the nightly repos got me most of what I need, for the rest there's PPAs. Rolling release sounds tempting sometimes, trying out Plasma on a distro that supports it is also tempting, but so far I can't be bothered. Mint seems to just work. :D
Not unless you use the nightly repository.