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datahoarder dullbananas (Joseph Silva)

How to download Google Docs version history (hard way, doesn't include how to use the downloaded file)

  1. Copy the document ID. For example, if the URL is, then the ID is 16Asz8elLzwppfEhuBWg6-Ckw-Xtf.
  2. Open this URL: (replace poop with the ID from the previous step). You should see a json file.
  3. Add 0 to the end of the number after end= and refresh. Repeat until you see an error page instead of a json file.
  4. Find the highest number that makes a json file instead of an error page appear. This involves repeatedly trying a number between the highest number known to result in a json file and the lowest number known to result in an error page.
  5. Download the json file. You might need to remove the characters before the first {.

I found the URL format for step 2 here:

I am working on an easy way. Edit: here it is