A cool guide to styles of beer
A cool guide to styles of beer
A cool guide to styles of beer
That's one helluva bartender got all those beers layered like that.
Every other layer is made entirely of oil
There are many things wrong with this.
Yeah, beers are not a gradient like this. They're more like soups, and no reasonable person would put soups on a line like this.
Milk stout, especially peanut butter milk stout, is delightful.
Just ordered a red Irish ale based on this. Will report back.
I got this and it's actually my new favorite beer! Heck yeah!
It's like this suggests hefeweizen is in-between blond and IPA...
I think this is more color profile than flavor
But IPAs don’t have to be red?
Pale ale and IPA are the same, IPA should have spicy, earthy aromas
It's just that IPA became fashionable, and new brewers cover up their inexperience in brewing by adding way too many hops
Looking at you, USA
Oh very yes, and making it all taste like grapefruit FFS!
It's the same in Canada. I avoid small brewers that are known for their IPAs, and also people that claim IPAs are their favourite.
Eh, I totally understand where you're coming from, but I also think that a lot of those up and comers try their hand at hazy IPAs. They might not always be the most polished, but I do appreciate that these new breweries rely more on bold flavor rather than clarified appearance, you know?
If you're looking for a comprehensive beer style guide, I'd recommend checking out the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) style guidelines: https://www.bjcp.org/bjcp-style-guidelines/
It's a pretty comprehensive beer style guide, for those who want to go a bit deeper into all the variations of beer, with a decent amount of detail on each style.
From American Light Lagers through to some obscure and historical styles such as the Piwo Grodziskie, or Sahti... And everything in between.
I do not have permission to access the PDF.
Womp womp.
Looks like they don't allow direct linking to the PDF. I've updated the link.
Out doing some yard work and I could really go for a Maltings Irish Red right about now.
And of course... fresh out.
Lagers aren't universally highly carbonated, that'll depend on the brewer. Also to add on to the Hefeweizen section, it has notes of banana and cloves
Banana and cloves are yeast flavors, so technically they have those covered.
Where’s bitter?
It's called "IPA" and it's so hot right now!