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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan

Image is of Azerbaijan's President, Aliyev (left) and Armenia's President, Pashinyan (right) in a meeting a month or two after Azerbaijan took Nagorno-Karabakh.

  1. Never go to a second location.
  2. Always get the interior ministry post.
  3. Never get in a helicopter or any small aircraft.
  4. If someone with a gun enters your car, they’re gonna kill you.
  5. If someone tells you they’re not going to kill you, they’re calming you down to kill you later.
  6. Never give up your nukes.
  7. Never release the opposition's political prisoners.
  8. Never let the opposition delay elections.
  9. If someone starts to get into German runes, drop them.
  10. Never trust a South American with a German name.
  11. Never move anywhere for a religion.
  12. Never go into the sewers unless you’re a sewer guy.
  13. If someone’s trying to get you to commit a crime, they're FBI (sometimes CIA or military intelligence).
  14. Never become an FBI informant.
  15. If you do become an FBI informant, record everything.
  16. Never relinquish your arms.
  17. Always get it in writing.
  18. If you keep gambling, you’ll eventually win.
  19. Never talk to cops without a lawyer.
  20. Always pay your mercenaries.
  21. Don’t let anyone take your passport.

To add an addendum to rule 3, never put your President and Foreign Minister in the same helicopter or small aircraft. Especially if doing so in bad weather conditions. Especially if you're already under threat from a hostile nuclear power in the region with a proclivity for terrorism (though this probably isn't Israel's doing, in this particular case).

Anyway, Azerbaijan. Not a great country, I think. Did some genocides. They're a petrostate that is hosting Cop29, which I suppose is a way for the bourgeoisie to implicitly convey their contempt for the green movement. They got weapons from Israel, too.

Just for the record, there's an Iranian province called East Azerbaijan, which is not the same as Azerbaijan.

The COTW (Country of the Week) label is designed to spur discussion and debate about a specific country every week in order to help the community gain greater understanding of the domestic situation of often-understudied nations. If you've wanted to talk about the country or share your experiences, but have never found a relevant place to do so, now is your chance! However, don't worry - this is still a general news megathread where you can post about ongoing events from any country.

The Country of the Week is Azerbaijan! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

Please check out the HexAtlas!

The bulletins site is here!
The RSS feed is here.
Last week's thread is here.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

If you have evidence of Israeli crimes and atrocities that you wish to preserve, there is a thread here in which to do so.

Sources on the fighting in Palestine against Israel. In general, CW for footage of battles, explosions, dead people, and so on:

UNRWA daily-ish reports on Israel's destruction and siege of Gaza and the West Bank.

English-language Palestinian Marxist-Leninist twitter account. Alt here.
English-language twitter account that collates news (and has automated posting when the person running it goes to sleep).
Arab-language twitter account with videos and images of fighting.
English-language (with some Arab retweets) Twitter account based in Lebanon. - Telegram is @IbnRiad.
English-language Palestinian Twitter account which reports on news from the Resistance Axis. - Telegram is @EyesOnSouth.
English-language Twitter account in the same group as the previous two. - Telegram here.

English-language PalestineResist telegram channel.
More telegram channels here for those interested.

Various sources that are covering the Ukraine conflict are also covering the one in Palestine, like Rybar.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Examples of Ukrainian Nazis and fascists
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict


Defense Politics Asia's youtube channel and their map. Their youtube channel has substantially diminished in quality but the map is still useful. Moon of Alabama, which tends to have interesting analysis. Avoid the comment section.
Understanding War and the Saker: reactionary sources that have occasional insights on the war.
Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict. While he is a reactionary and surrounds himself with likeminded people, his daily update videos are relatively brainworm-free and good if you don't want to follow Russian telegram channels to get news. He also co-hosts The Duran, which is more explicitly conservative, racist, sexist, transphobic, anti-communist, etc when guests are invited on, but is just about tolerable when it's just the two of them if you want a little more analysis.
On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent and very good journalist reporting in the warzone on the separatists' side.

Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.

Pro-Russian Telegram Channels:

Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage. ~ DPR's former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR's forces. Russian language. ~ A few different pro-Russian people gather frequent content for this channel (~100 posts per day), some socialist, but all socially reactionary. If you can only tolerate using one Russian telegram channel, I would recommend this one. ~ Does daily update posts. ~ Patrick Lancaster's telegram channel. ~ A big Russian commentator. ~ One of, if not the, biggest Russian telegram channels focussing on the war out there. Actually quite balanced, maybe even pessimistic about Russia. Produces interesting and useful maps. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. Does daily, if rather bland updates on the number of Ukrainians killed, etc. The figures appear to be approximately accurate; if you want, reduce all numbers by 25% as a 'propaganda tax', if you don't believe them. Does not cover everything, for obvious reasons, and virtually never details Russian losses. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.

Pro-Ukraine Telegram Channels:

Almost every Western media outlet. ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.

  • Didn’t know someone could deserve worse than hell

    For context: “ Israeli occupation soldiers filmed themselves setting fire to the library at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza City, which housed a valuable scholarly collection built up over many years.”

  • Looks like Ireland, Slovenia, Norway and Spain will all officially recognise the State of Palestine tomorrow. Not often we get positive news from Nazi Europe, so I'm happy about this.

  • We are self-deprecating and irony poisoned enough, time for a bit of an antidote.

    This news mega, and Hexbear writ large, is such a great resource for understanding what’s going on in the world. Proof that the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism really is the most powerful lens for understanding the reality around us.

    I sat down and ate breakfast for a long time at a hotel over the weekend. The breakfast room had Fox News blaring the whole time. Obviously you’re getting a heavy reactionary slant on things with them. But beyond that, it’s just the quality of information was so low, it was actively harmful to watch. You’d better informed not watching anything and absorbing information about the world around you from the ether. Saw some MSNBC last month and it’s not much better. Not so much inventing reality from whole cloth like Fox News, but still leaving out plenty of critical information, without which you still really can’t understand the world around you.

    It’s never been more clear to me how deeply propagandized mainstream news is. It’s not even always a conscious act (though it definitely is a lot of the time), just your normal base/superstructure stuff.

    And this news mega, this site, and Marxism broadly is such an oasis. Helps you not only stay properly informed, but keeps your sanity as well.

  • In a meeting with Blinken, he expressed that if Palestine were allowed to join the UN as a state, this would mean that the US would be forced to defund the UN, which would then lead to programs being underfunded. This includes the World Food Program, which helped 150 million people get food in 2023.

    The threat is, therefore: allow Palestine in, and millions will starve.

  • Ok, I think we have officially reached a new peak of absurdity in domestic American politics regarding Israel. You might not even believe what I am about to tell you:

    Representatives Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) and Max Miller (R-OH) have introduced a bill to Congress which grants Americans serving in the IDF the same benefits as those serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

  • this is the level of expertise being an ivy league graduate brings you 😅

  • Biden denounces ICC for ‘outrageous’ implication of equivalence between Israel and Hamas

    Agreed, Israel is obviously worse.

  • I don't particularly like anti-cortes posting, but incredible comment:

  • Biden administration signals it will support push to hit ICC with sanctions

    Okay this is getting ridiculous lol. I understand the geopolitical reason the US supports Isreal is that it needs a vassal state to exert military influence on the Middle East / North Africa and prevent any attempts of decolonisation. But at this point maintain the state of Israel is costing them the entirety of their soft power in every other region in the world.

    Let's not forget that a massive chunk of America's power(especially in Europe and East Asia) comes from people liking them. Otherwise no one will agree to hosting tens of thousands of their troops in their own country. This is also why the US invests such a large amount on cultural exports like Hollywood movies.

    So I missing something in my analysis? Surely the Middle East can't be more important than Europe and Asia? Or is the American political class so demented they can no longer make rational decisions even in the interests of the bourgeoise?

  • Damn. Communist guest absolutely fucking destroys a Tory MP's narratives about Palestine and student protests on some British TV show: Revolutionary Communist vs. Tory MP Suella Braverman on GB news (18m video)

    This is an excellent example of going on the attack, refusing to be diverted, and keeping reactionaries from controlling the narrative even in a hostile environment. Holy shit.


  • ICJ orders Israel to halt Rafah offensive

    In his reading of the ruling, Judge Salam says the court orders Israel to halt its Rafah offensive.

    Of course, Israel isn't going to comply but still a L.

  • There’s a not unreasonable chance that the presidential election is a tie, based on current polls.

    Trump has a few points lead in Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. That puts him at 268. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are much closer. If Biden wins those he’d be at 269. Finally Trump is a couple points up in Nebraska’s second, which would put him also at 269.

    I hope that happens, it would probably be the funniest outcome.

  • Never go into the tunnels unless you're a tunnel guy.

  • Two more activists were just declared not guilty of criminal damage for occupying, shutting down, and exposing another Israeli owned Elbit drone factory here in the UK.

  • In case you missed it Zelenskyy pushes allies for direct involvement in Ukraine’s war with Russia.

    Some rather legitimately impossible demands from Zelenskyy in there:

    “Russians are using 300 planes on the territory of Ukraine. We [Ukraine] need at least 120-130 planes to resist in the sky,” Zelenskyy said, again calling on Western allies to supply with additional air defence systems. Ukraine is waiting for the delivery of US-designed F-16 fighter jets.

    He just asked for 130 fighter jets from NATO? What the actual hell! Ukraine only had 170 jets in 2014 before the war started. Does any NATO country except for the USA even have that many spare jets? Zelenskyy is asking for an entirely new air force to fight Russia, direct from NATO. He really sees NATO as Amazon Prime for arms shipments or something.

    He [Zelenskyy] said if countries could not supply the planes straight away, they could still fly them from neighbouring NATO states and shoot down Russian missiles.

    Ukraine was also negotiating with international partners to use their weapons to strike Russian military hardware at the border and further inside Russian territory, Zelenskyy said.

    “So far, there is nothing positive,” he said.

    Did he just ask for European airforces to directly participate in the war? Is he out of his mind?! Of course NATO said you you clueless fool!

  • China re-establishes direct flights with Cuba to strengthen relationship with the Caribbean

    Cuba bets on Chinese tourism to help improve economic situation amid embargo


    Last Friday (17), Air China resumed flights between Beijing and Havana, with the first aircraft arriving in the Cuban capital with 116 passengers. The flights resumed after several years of interruption following the Covid-19 crisis.

    With a stopover in Madrid and two flights a week, the Cuban authorities and the Asian giant hope to increase this frequency in the short term in order to increase exchanges and communication between China and Latin America and the Caribbean.

    At the beginning of May, Cuban Tourism Minister Juan Carlos García announced that Cuba would not require a visa for Chinese citizens with ordinary passports wishing to visit the Caribbean island.

    Since then, according to the official Chinese newspaper Global Times, Internet searches about travel from China to Cuba have “skyrocketed”, becoming one of the main trends on the Chinese social network Sina Weibo.

    Cuba's Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, showed up at Havana's international airport to welcome the first flight. After landing, the minister assured that the re-establishment of this air connection was “a dream come true” and that “it's here to stay”.

    Referring to the difficult economic context the country is going through, Marrero said he was grateful for “all of China's cooperation at this time”. He added that the re-establishment of flights between Beijing and Havana “is not an isolated action”, but “will favor government and tourist exchanges”.

    The Prime Minister, noting the strategic importance for Cuba of flights with China, said that the Cuban government is focused on ensuring that “this visa exemption action produces results and facilitates these exchanges”. He also announced that Cuba's next International Tourism Fair will be dedicated to China.

  • In adventurism news, the shooter of Fico's testimony leaked and y'all probably won't hear about it in western media (as i predicted) as it turns out he indeed did it because Fico was anti-Ukraine (amongst others).



  • May 21st: Israel seizes AP News' equipment
    May 24th: AP news runs the article How 2 debunked accounts of sexual violence on Oct. 7 fueled a global dispute over Israel-Hamas war

  • Israel is recalling envoys from Norway and Ireland.

    They keep owning themselves by doing shit like this.

  • China's new drills are extensive.

    I still don't think an invasion will come to pass but they're definitely ready to do one at this point.

  • Any liberal who still defends Israel at this point is completely irredeemable, and should forever be treated as the fascists that they truly are. They deserve no mercy in a post-revolution world.

  • University of Barcelona Breaks Ties With Israeli Institutions


    On Friday, Spanish students will set up a new camp in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

    On Wednesday, the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the University of Chile (UC) severed collaboration agreements with Israeli institutions.

    This occurred as a form of protest against the killing of over 35,700 Palestinians during the offensive that Israeli occupation forces are carrying out in the Gaza Strip, where Palestinian authorities have also recorded over 80,000 injured since October 2023.

    The University of Barcelona committed to not establishing "agreements with Israeli institutions until the conditions in the Gaza area guarantee a situation of absolute peace and respect for human rights."

    Besides terminating a collaboration agreement with Tel Aviv University, the Spanish university will implement the precautionary suspension of all its agreements and contracts with companies allegedly linked to the conflict. This will occur through a case-by-case analysis.

    University authorities clarified that their institution does not have Israeli suppliers and will not hire any until the Zionist state publicly offers guarantees of peace and respect for human rights. The University of Barcelona Council will request the European Union to block "the participation of Israeli institutions in all projects funded with European funds."

    On Friday, Spanish students will set up a camp in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Starting in June, they will also lead a general strike to protest the genocide in Gaza.

    In Chile, the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities terminated a cooperation agreement with the International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Culture and the Institute of Jewish Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    In justifying its decision, the Dean's Office highlighted its rejection of an Israeli response that is criminal and disproportionate, as well as the deliberate destruction of universities and hospitals by the Zionist army.

  • @AryJeay reports:

    Al-Qassam launched about 10-12 long-range rockets, from Rafah, travelling 100-110km to hit Tel Aviv, after a hiatus of 4 months. The Iron dome failed to intercept the rockets, more than 8 direct impacts were made, causing material damage and the ignition of fire.

    2 settlers were also injured.

  • holy fuck is it exhausting to talk to redditbrained liberals IRL

    I made the mistake to actually engage in a discussion about politics, and all the greatest hits came out -- and the worst, most frustating thing about this that I was treated like the weirdo, and I didn't even get into the "more controversial" topics

    You think socialism is good? How do you explain Pol Pot then?!

    They were literally propped up by the USA/CIA it's not even controversial at this point. [then they looked at me like I said grey aliens killed Princess Diana]

    Well Israel's reaction is understandable, Khamas murdered and raped civilians you see

    ... Israel killed literally 100x as many civilians

    If you are a moral person, you must condemn Putin's invasion of a sovereign country

    Well, USA also invaded sovereign countries, and almost nobody gave a shit

    That was a long time ago

    The US war criminals are literally golfing as we speak

    But Ukraine did nothing they were just minding their own business

    wellll, except UKR did shell civilians in Donbass

    Have you been brainwashed by Ruzzian propaganda?

    Putin wants to bring back the Sovyet Yunyon, and the whole point of the USSR was Russian world domination

    What? THe USSR wasn't even a Russian ethnostate? what the fuck are you talking about? jesse-wtf

    Where did the so called revolution start? St Petersburg! Where is St Petersburg? Russia! It was a Russian plot for world domination


    I guess you also think that the Holodomor was good

    ... Not even Western liberal historians (with a few neocon exceptions) believe that there was a genocide there

    So you DENY the HOLODOMOR??!?!

    As I said, not even Western liberal historians (with a few neocon exceptions) believe that there was a genocide there, unlike what Churchill did to starve Bangladesh, that is actually well documented

    Well we also condemn THAT

    Yet you curiously never bring it up, but if someone mentions anything remotely Russian you start harping about the "Holodomor", and "Soviet-Russian imperialism"....

    So you actually DENY the Holodomor? Like people would just LIE?! And the GULAGS were good?!?!

    You see the GULAG was not a unique phenomenon, at the same time Africa was full of concentration camps run by the Fr*nch and the Bri'ish

    But they did NOT put THEIR OWN people in camps! Putting your own people in camps is the WORST

    I give up, I'm afraid it's a terminal case of brainworms brainworms

  • Windows introduces Bonzi Buddy

  • In regards to the Al-Qassam mujahideen capturing more zionist soldiers, its only a matter of time before they capture some US or UK soldiers in Gaza and the whole world will see just how involved the arrogant imperialist powers are involved in this incomprehensibly evil genocidal war on Gaza.

  • the british government just invited a load of open neo nazis wearing nazi insignia into parliament and then gave them a round of applause

  • China Hints at 25% Car Tariff as Deadline for EU Probe Looms

    China signaled it’s ready to unleash tariffs as high as 25% on imported cars with large engines, as trade tensions escalate with the US and European Union.

    In addition to the jab at the car trade, China has recently hinted it could impose tit-for-tat levies on European wine and dairy products, and begun an investigation into European exports of brandy.

  • "Israel" bombed tents in Rafah. last report over 50 dead. horrific videos and images

    (cw: death, gore)

  • The most wholesome thing you can find on the internet right now are dead occupation soldiers.

  • A map of the countries that recognize a Palestinian state from Al Jazeera. As always its the Same Map international-community-1international-community-2

  • TLDR of Simplicius's article yesterday:

    • Ukraine is, all of a sudden, finding significant success in hitting Russian air defence with ATACMS for some reason. Generally, how it's gone is that Russia shoots most of them down, but one or two missiles in the salvo gets through and wipes out the S-400/300 anyway. The good news is that the Russian doomers now have something to complain about again; it was deeply harmful of Russia to deprive Rybar's habitat of bad news as it's a critical part of their diets. It won't really change the course of the war necessarily, but...
    • Ukraine is also taking shots at Russian early warning nuclear ICBM sites, which is, to say the least, concerning. There's been some news about Russia doing tactical nuke exercises, but Simplicius points out that in this kind of war where vehicles and troops are generally fairly distributed and not in massive parking lots all concentrated together, a tactical nuke wouldn't achieve much that a bunch of conventional explosives couldn't, outside of cities at least. And we both doubt that Russia is close to nuking Ukrainian cities. But there's an implicit threat there nonetheless, which NATO may listen to, or may not.
    • Putin's been talking recently about how Zelensky is now an illegitimate ruler given the lack of elections in Ukraine, which is interesting when combined with the information that Yanukovich was recently spotted landing in Belarus. To be fair, there are alternative explanations (many high-up figures were brought there and perhaps Yanukovich was just asked to tag along due to the whole "brotherly nations" thing) but even so.
    • There have been rumors/claims recently in the media that Putin wants to freeze the conflict along the current front lines and sue for peace; this has been denied by Peskov.
    • There's been a fair amount of activity in rooting out corruption in the Russian army. As I understand it, none of it is incredibly major - some bribes here, a little unauthorized action there, and some punishments for underperforming commanders. But it is still a lot, all at once.
    • As always, rumors of new fronts opening up. Obviously with the whole thing in Kharkov now, I find it much harder to ignore these rumors, but an invasion from Belarus still seems a little unlikely.
    • Speaking of Kharkov, the Russians are now issuing Russian license plates for the region and some officials are beginning to talk about letting Kharkov decide its future and all that jazz. Significant to be sure, but it doesn't herald any imminent attempt to seize all of Kharkov IMO, especially with Putin saying that they wouldn't try to capture it for the forseeable future and the fact that there's like a single Russian division there also indicates that the intent wasn't immediate, massive territorial expansion like with the beginning of the war. Ukraine is stripping men from both Donbass and also Kherson to face Russia up there. It looks like the Kherson front has been basically terminated, with whatever tiny gains Ukraine scraped together being abandoned and the water levels raised via upstream Ukrainian dams to prevent Russia from trying anything clever.
    • Generally the tempo of escalation and mutual threats between Russia and NATO continue, but this has been a theme for literal years now (I remember at least one Putin speech in like summer 2022 warning NATO), so, unlike the new front rumors, I mostly ignore these as just saber-rattling and behind-the-scenes activity that's being aired for effect until I'm given a big reason to believe them.

    It's worth noting with the ATACMS thing that some of the big pro-Russian people on Twitter are stating that Ukrainian usage of ATACMS is through the roof and they've already fired an appreciable fraction of all the ATACMS ever produced (and, in typical American fashion, they make very few per year), and that Russian losses aren't so bad comparatively (I mean, they aren't, if I understand the number of destroyed systems versus the number the Russians have ever made/can make per year - which I may not understand as I'm not a military guy). Others can work out if this is accurate reporting or cope, just saying what I've saw. But Simplicius did sound fairly concerned about it in the article. Not very concerned, but fairly concerned.

  • This is old news and not of great importance but it's a silly little story about the uselessness of liberal western progressivism that I don't think has been posted here before:

    On May 8th the chairperson of the Copenhagen Pride organisation resigned to appease angry corporate sponsors who were cutting funding for the parade.

    What angered companies like Google and Mærsk so much was a statement put out back in February by the pride organisation in which they declared that the organisation "stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people" and stated that the organisation would "voice concern over business activities in 'Israel' and the occupied Palestinian territories" to their partners.

    Sponsors and the liberal establishment were deeply offended by the statement that they saw as a demand for them to take a stand against the genocide. The pride organisation demonstrated a complete lack of backbone as soon as the sponsors they depend on fire funding started leaving and put our a new statement apologising for "poor communication" and promised that they were "not asking any questions or making any demands" to their partners regarding 'Israel' and Palestine.

    Eventually the chairperson decided to resign as a way of appeasing sponsors.

    Received mainstream wisdom as communicated through the mainstream media quickly settled on siding with the sponsors. Everybody seems to agree that it was foolish of the organisation to say "please don't be an accessory to genocide" to their corporate sponsors, "experts" in the media are talking about how the pride organisation needs to fire their top leadership and grovel at the feet of corporate sponsors and everybody who have opinions for a living are talking about how you shouldn't connect LGBT rights to "a complex conflict in the middle East".

  • The news coming out of Rafah is horrific. I've deliberately avoided looking at the images, but I can't stop crying.

    I'm not a third worldist, but even with the widespread protests in the west, how can this kind of injustice be resolved without something at least a little like a JDPON?

  • I don’t know what the right word is. My first thought was to call it “gaslighting” but I don’t think this is the right word here. Maybe there’s a better non-English word.

    What I’m referring to is the fact that no one on planet Earth believes Israel isn’t intentionally murdering civilians by the thousands. There is no explanation for not letting food and water in if not for reasons of collective punishment. Like, I’ve even tried to come up with a BS line I would take if I was Israel, and I can’t think of one. To my knowledge Israel hasn’t even really addressed not letting food and water in, they just simply do it.

    We all know what Israel is doing. But the imperialists and Zionists simply trot out lines about “Israel isn’t targeting civilians” and “Hamas is the enemy, not the Palestinian people”. No one believes it but we are sort of “expected” to believe it. What would you actually call this?

  • The White House has said it is looking into the incident wherein Israeli authorities seized equipment from The Associated Press, and called the incident “concerning”.

    White House or Elon Musk?

  • Colombian president orders opening of embassy in the West Bank.

    This comes after the country broke diplomatic ties with Israel


    Colombian President Gustavo Petro has ordered the opening of an embassy in the city of Ramallah, in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, Colombian Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo told journalists on Wednesday (22).

    “President Petro has ordered us to open the Colombian embassy in Ramallah, the Colombian representation in Ramallah, that's the next step we're going to take,” Murillo said.

    Earlier this month, Petro announced that he would cut diplomatic relations with Israel due to its actions in the Gaza Strip.

    The president strongly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and asked to join South Africa's case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which accuses Israel of genocide.

    Ramallah serves as the administrative capital of the Palestinian state (The Palestinian Authority Capital). Israel's response to the Hamas attack on October 7 generated a lot of criticism from the international community.

    More recently, humanitarian aid access to southern Gaza has been disrupted, according to a UN agency, since Israel stepped up military operations in Rafah.

    According to the UN, 900,000 people have been forced to flee due to the fighting in Rafah, which has also increased tensions with Egypt.

  • Blinken Pushing To Let Ukraine Hit Russian Territory With US Weapons

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken is leading a push within the Biden administration to allow Ukraine to use US-provided missile systems and other weapons to hit Russian territory, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

    House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and many other members of Congress are also calling to lift the ban. Ultra-hawk Victoria Nuland, who left the State Department in March, appeared on ABC News this week to make the pitch for Ukraine to extend its use of US weapons to Russian territory.

    It's 100% going to happen

  • It's funny how the current managers of empire are willing to torch their own "international" institutions (that they set up for their own benefit) in order to prop up their settler colonial project that's going to implode in the long run anyway

    I wonder if they truly perceive restraint as weakness and that's why they always double down and never back off

  • Praying for an end to settlement and anti-semitism. The world will never be free of that prejudice until Israel ceases to exist and colonize in its name.

    “Not only do we live in fear of displacement at the hands of a colonialism that professes itself as Jewish, not only are our people bombarded by an army that marches under what it claims is the Jewish flag, and not only do Israeli politicians over enunciate the Jewishness of their operations, we are told to disregard the Star of David soaring on their flag—the Star of David they carve into our skin.”

    -Mohammed El-Kurd

  • The Biden campaign is spending $200 million on ads in rural counties where Trump won landslide victories in order to lower his margins.

    Super cool how we are getting a window into this brand new, bold strategy that has definitely never been tried before. I’m really glad the Biden campaign is letting idiots like us, who don’t think that Biden will win, know that if Biden gets Trump supporters to vote for Biden instead, he will win!

  • China seems to be escalating it's Taiwan policy Essentially, if you're chill we're chill, but if you keep escalating we'll keep escalating "until reunification."

    A few years ago, I would've called anyone suggesting a hot war over Taiwan to be insane. These days... it still seems pretty crazy, but it'll depend on how much Taiwan lets America run their politics. Surely they don't want to be the next Ukraine?

  • Whether or not anything comes from the International Criminal Court or International Court of Justice remains to be seen, but what has been done with these institutions is destigmatize the act of leveling criticism against the state of Israel, criticizing Israeli society; Israel's rampage being livestreamed and frequently archived has permanently tarnished its reputation within the West. The act of enabling genocide has denigrated the legitimacy of the US and its allies.

    The state of Israel has severely diminished its credibility as self-appointed papacy of the Jewish faith and aegis of the Jewish people.

    What this horror has proved is how direct action by activists impacts policy decisions in the private sector and challenges the state for good or ill to take action. Repression and capitulation by state and capital - and not through electoral politics - sheds light to myth that elections and electioneering - abdication of power through delegation - is a farce; this exposition radicalizes the young and heritors of society.

    Though I can't cite when or where Ilan Pappe said this, but he noted that Israel is approaching or in the next stage of BDS. Divestment.

    What I think all of this would amount to is further castration of liberalism's capacity to manage social and class antagonisms; the state will lean into further escalation of force with greater frequency.

    Our democracy, already an extant rotating dictatorship, will punish dissidents across the mainstream with closing parity as it has with internally colonized and preexisting second-class citizens.

  • The Zionist entity resorting to Unit 731 shit:

    There they lie day after day, night after night, in a state of utter sensory deprivation, with nothing to distract from their wounds and pain. In the midst of this, Israeli medical interns can use their exposed, vulnerable flesh as a canvas for experimentation.

    According to one whistleblower, the detention centre has quickly gained a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”.

    There, they are allowed to use Palestinians as little more than lab rats and encouraged to carry out medical procedures they are not qualified to perform.

    A whistleblower told CNN: “I was asked to learn how to do things on the patients, performing minor medical procedures that are totally outside my expertise.”

    Such procedures were frequently done without anaesthesia. Unlike doctors in Gaza, Israeli doctors have ready access to painkillers. It is a choice not to use them.

  • you know who doesn like arrest warrents against war Criminals ?



  • This was posted an hour ago.

    Only 30 minutes of fuel remain at Al-Aqsa Hospital

    [The Gaza Health Ministry] just updated us that the hospital is going to run out of fuel in the next 30 minutes. Unfortunately, we are talking about hundreds of patients that are daily doing dialysis, and most of these patients were transferred from Rafah, from the hospitals there.

    We are also talking about babies connected to incubators, and we’re also talking about people who were injured by Israeli forces and are undergoing surgeries every single hour.

    All these people completely rely on electricity, and Deir el-Balah’s Al-Aqsa Hospital is one of the only hospitals still functioning across the Gaza Strip

    We’re still waiting, and they still have hope that someone can bring them more fuel, but unfortunately, they’re saying that 30 minutes is all the fuel they have left.

  • Yemen announced a missile attack on an Israeli ship, the Essex, in the Mediterranean earlier today. Western state propaganda is doing the usual and denying anything has happened. Also further attacks in the Red Sea on Western companies trying to violate sanctions on Israel.

    It's worth noting that the US itself has admitted that Ansarallah has this capability. An article in Bloomberg puts it:

    The Houthi militants in Yemen have weapons that can reach as far as the Mediterranean Sea, according to a senior defense official, lending some credence to the group’s threats that it can expand its attacks on shipping beyond its immediate borders. The US government is concerned that the Iran-backed group has the capability to extend strikes on shipping beyond the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden to the Mediterranean, said the official, who asked for anonymity to discuss private talks. The official said Houthis have access to advanced weaponry and that their deployment of anti-ship ballistic missiles is virtually unprecedented. The group has also used drones in its attacks.

    The rest of the article is basically repeating the comforting myth that Iran's strike was successfully repelled, and so surely they could probably do the same for Yemen; I assume the fact that the Red Sea blockade is still ongoing despite this "supremacy" in defense is something they would rather like to forget.

  • Eagerly awaiting germans meltdown with icc

  • "On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin NETANYAHU, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav GALLANT, the Minister of Defence of Israel, bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 8 October 2023:

    • Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Statute;
    • Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health contrary to article 8(2)(a)(iii), or cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
    • Wilful killing contrary to article 8(2)(a)(i), or Murder as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
    • Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime contrary to articles 8(2)(b)(i), or 8(2)(e)(i);
    • Extermination and/or murder contrary to articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a), including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity;
    • Persecution as a crime against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(h);
    • Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(k).

    My Office submits that the war crimes alleged in these applications were committed in the context of an international armed conflict between Israel and Palestine, and a non-international armed conflict between Israel and Hamas (together with other Palestinian Armed Groups) running in parallel. We submit that the crimes against humanity charged were committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack against the Palestinian civilian population pursuant to State policy. These crimes, in our assessment, continue to this day.

    My Office submits that the evidence we have collected, including interviews with survivors and eyewitnesses, authenticated video, photo and audio material, satellite imagery and statements from the alleged perpetrator group, shows that Israel has intentionally and systematically deprived the civilian population in all parts of Gaza of objects indispensable to human survival.

    This occurred through the imposition of a total siege over Gaza that involved completely closing the three border crossing points, Rafah, Kerem Shalom and Erez, from 8 October 2023 for extended periods and then by arbitrarily restricting the transfer of essential supplies – including food and medicine – through the border crossings after they were reopened. The siege also included cutting off cross-border water pipelines from Israel to Gaza – Gazans’ principal source of clean water – for a prolonged period beginning 9 October 2023, and cutting off and hindering electricity supplies from at least 8 October 2023 until today. This took place alongside other attacks on civilians, including those queuing for food; obstruction of aid delivery by humanitarian agencies; and attacks on and killing of aid workers, which forced many agencies to cease or limit their operations in Gaza.

    My Office submits that these acts were committed as part of a common plan to use starvation as a method of war and other acts of violence against the Gazan civilian population as a means to (i) eliminate Hamas; (ii) secure the return of the hostages which Hamas has abducted, and (iii) collectively punish the civilian population of Gaza, whom they perceived as a threat to Israel.

    The effects of the use of starvation as a method of warfare, together with other attacks and collective punishment against the civilian population of Gaza are acute, visible and widely known, and have been confirmed by multiple witnesses interviewed by my Office, including local and international medical doctors. They include malnutrition, dehydration, profound suffering and an increasing number of deaths among the Palestinian population, including babies, other children, and women.

    Famine is present in some areas of Gaza and is imminent in other areas. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned more than two months ago, “1.1 million people in Gaza are facing catastrophic hunger – the highest number of people ever recorded – anywhere, anytime” as a result of an “entirely manmade disaster”. Today, my Office seeks to charge two of those most responsible, NETANYAHU and GALLANT, both as co-perpetrators and as superiors pursuant to Articles 25 and 28 of the Rome Statute.

    Israel, like all States, has a right to take action to defend its population. That right, however, does not absolve Israel or any State of its obligation to comply with international humanitarian law. Notwithstanding any military goals they may have, the means Israel chose to achieve them in Gaza – namely, intentionally causing death, starvation, great suffering, and serious injury to body or health of the civilian population – are criminal.

    Since last year, in Ramallah, in Cairo, in Israel and in Rafah, I have consistently emphasised that international humanitarian law demands that Israel take urgent action to immediately allow access to humanitarian aid in Gaza at scale. I specifically underlined that starvation as a method of war and the denial of humanitarian relief constitute Rome Statute offences. I could not have been clearer.

    As I also repeatedly underlined in my public statements, those who do not comply with the law should not complain later when my Office takes action. That day has come."


    such bipartisanship is a rare sight in these divided times 🤩

    Its real fucking scary how unhinged america behaves, just toss netanyahu to the wolves mates, its an easy out, next israel will behave.

  • The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor Karim Khan has announced that he is pursuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and three Hamas leaders, Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh.

    Yeah nevermind who started all this, gotta target both sides to say fair 🤓

  • UC Strike update. This week grad students at UC Santa Cruz started striking. As this is organized as a standup strike, campuses are getting called in over time. There was some concern about high leadership excessively slow-rolling it, but they announced that UCLA and UC Davis are going to start striking on Tuesday, as Monday is a holiday.

    The UC admin filed an injunction to PERB, the Public Employee Relations Board, which is the regulatory body for our union, saying the strike was illegal and should be shut down. This goes with their letter full of lies claiming the same. This injunction however was denied! Despite their repeated claims, the strike is absolutely not legal, and they can't use the regulatory body to stop it.

    I'm ready to see what's happening next week. While I won't full dox myself, I will be striking next week, which I am so ready for. There's a lot of people trying to push this to something meaningful.

  • Anyone have any idea of the true death toll in Gaza given the genocidal famine conditions? I've seen estimates that around 200 000 people have already been killed by these conditions enforced on Gaza by Israel, and that the world may be looking at over half a million deaths by the end of 2024. If such is true, it is downright irresponsible to keep using the official death toll. With all the hospitals being bombed by Israel, there is no way to accurately track how many people have been killed. This is honestly tragic in ways that cannot be described...

  • Israel's Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich threatens to create one new settlement in the West Bank for every country that recognizes Palestine as a state.

    Machine translation

    Last winter, Norway and Israel agreed that Norway will act as a so-called intermediate station for Palestinian tax money . This means that tax money that Israel collects from Palestinians should be sent to the Palestinian Authority via Norway. Now Israel's Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich says he will withdraw Israel from the new agreement.

    -Norway was the first to unilaterally recognize the Palestinian state today. They cannot be a partner in anything related to Judea and Samaria, Smotrich said. That's what The Irish Times writes .

    Judea and Samaria refers to the West Bank. Smotrich also warns that he will freeze the transfer of tax money from Israel to the Palestinian Authority, and that he will ask Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop all further payments. Smotrich also threatens to create one new settlement in the West Bank for every country that recognizes Palestine as a state.

    NRK has asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to comment on the matter. They have not yet responded to NRK's ​​inquiry.

    Between this and the USA threatening to starve the world if Palestine becomes a full member of the UN, the two countries are really competing for who can be the biggest supervillain, huh?

  • milei is known for doing stupid shit right, like first being born and second choosing anarchocapitalism and nazism and his guide through life. Okay now I spoke yesterday of milei's latest enemy: """Communist Spain""". You know, he went there on an official visit, did not meet with the First Minister of the Soviet Spanish Republics and the King of the Soviets, breaking diplomatic protocol. Instead, he went to a VOX rally, spoke about the dangers of socialism, 150million dead bla bla. And while there he also insulted the PM's wife.

    Spain didn't like it of course and decided to recall it's ambassador and stuff. Now, I will make it clear that I don't believe Spain is going to break diplomatic relations with Argentina, because we have a lot of deep and important matters that links us with Spain, it's just not that easy. HOWEVER, we're living in ancap wonderland and this utter imbecile is indeed capable of almost anything, especially now that he identified Spain as "Socialist" and he made it clear months ago that he will not deal with "Communist countries" (Back then it was China and Brasil).

    Now why I'm a bit worried about this? Because I applied for spanish citizenship a few months ago and I still haven't received it (I'm fully eligible). This process takes quite some time. I understand this process is not done by the Embassy but by the Consulate, different diplomatic institution, and this one continues to function. However, if both countries break relations, doesn't that mean that both the Embassy and the Consulate are closed? What will then happen to my application? Is it sucked into the void never to be seen again?

    And I kinda need that citizenship, first due to family reasons and second because it is my ticket out of this hole if everything goes down like really bad, plus I'd like to go to Spain on vacations one day and perhaps visit other parts of that wretched glorified peninsula known as "Europe". But I swear if this motherfucker, moronic piece of insecure ancap shit kills it I will dedicate my entire life to wage a Protracted People's War against this pro-zionist pro-USA fascist regime.

  • fucking incredible

    After 9/11, President George W. Bush and his team argued that a nonstate actor like al-Qaeda could not have pulled off the attacks alone, and that some country must have been behind it all. That state, they insisted, was Iraq—and the United States invaded Iraq. In a savage irony, they may have been right after all about state support, but flat wrong about the state. Should we now invade Saudi Arabia? ..(of course not)

  • I think it's cute that Ken Klippenstein has such a reaction to the statement that came out of the Iranians post Soleimani's assassination, that the west has no heroes, only cartoon characters. He cannot help but compare the dead Iranian president to Wily [sic] Coyote. Of course they're wrong, we have sports champions and movie stars as well. And when they die in a helicopter or car crash it is absolutely not like Wily [sic] Coyote, no matter their personal statements or beliefs.

  • Imagine how popping hexbear and the news mega would be if 9/11 happened today

  • This whole helicopter in a fog thing seemed pretty legit, but now Isntreal has said that they didnt do it and suddenly i am not convinced it was an accident anymore edgeworth-shrug

  • I can't stop thinking about how isntreal's genocide of Palestinians is covered in the media, specifically how CBC was using a graph to illustrate ongoing Palestinian deaths vs isntreali deaths on October 7. I remember thinking when they started it that there was no way they would keep it up as the genocide continued and I was right.

    This is the last time they used it that I could find, from October 31. Since then there has been 25000+ confirmed deaths and god only knows how many people have been murdered that haven't been counted.

    Death to amerikkka and every single one of their lapdogs

  • The European Union will deprive Georgia of its membership candidate status if the country's authorities do not abandon the law on foreign agents - Foreign Policy magazine

    Two birds, one stone. Liquidate their little structures, embrace Lukashenko thought

  • They posted this, problem is that the person in the pic is another person named Mohammed Shabana, who is an Egyptian sports commentator.

  • The failed Congo coup leader had links to the Israeli military

    Video footage has emerged showing Christian Malanga, the leader of the failed coup in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, visiting Israeli occupation forces in Palestine.

  • Even macron is tired of Israel

  • So in light of the recent situation in Goma where a third Congo War might be kicking off, I decided to start reading a book about the first and second Congo Wars, the latter of which is the 21st century's deadliest war (5+ million dead) that myself and seemingly nobody else knows fuck all about. The book is called Africa's World War: Congo, the Rwandan Genocide, and the Making of a Continental Catastrophe by Gérard Prunier, a French scholar of the African Great Lakes region. I wish I could find a book by an African scholar, but doesn't seem like there's much out there in English.

    Anyway, outside of some weird colonial European habits (he has extensive footnotes for why he claims that the Rwandan people are raised to heavily respect and obey authority) it's pretty good. He spends much of the book decrying how the so-called international community didn't give a shit about any of this because it wouldn't make them any money, and how in general Africa is just ignored. I'm only a hundred pages in, and we've just covered the background of post-genocide Rwanda and holy shit, I cannot emphasize enough how much of a nightmare it was. Insane reprisal killings of mostly innocents whilst the actual Interahamwe (the militias who carried out the genocide) fled to Zaire and started raising an army again in UN run refugee camps to reconquer Rwanda. No international Nuremberg style courts at all. An exile Tutsi population that came back to Rwanda and subsequently condemned the Tutsi who survived the genocide as "collaborators" because they didn't die. UN troops watching as RPF troops slaughtered thousands of civilians en masse. People accusing other people of genocidal acts so they could steal their house, corpses littered on the side of the road rotting for weeks. A pervasive societal numbness to violence and atrocity that very clearly leads directly into what kicks off the Congo Wars. Reading this book is difficult because after like ten pages I'm exhausted with the depravity and the failure of our demonic world to care.

  • Abu Obeida announced that they got more prisoners of war

    edit: speculation that they're from Shayetet 13, equivelent to the Navy seals or someshit, point is that the gun they're using is a Scorpion evo 3

  • God i missed the only good news place on the internet

  • Another school encampment has given in. McMaster University this time. Exactly the same 'deal' as the others; a meeting to "discuss" divestment in October. There's a Twitter thread here.

    Obviously these universities are co-ordinating. I do wonder exactly what pressure the institutions are using in these meetings, although I don't discount the idea that some were simply never in it for thr long haul.

  • Daily death to the occupiers post

  • O Allah, please make Abdel-Fattah Al Sisi crash a helicopter

  • Never get in a helicopter or old light aircraft. Honestly gliders (planes with no engines) are probably safer than helicopters.

  • Speaker Johnson Thinks Ukraine Should Use US Weapons on Russian Territory

    On Wednesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) expressed support for Ukraine using US-provided weapons on Russian territory, a step that would risk a major response from Russia.

    Ukraine has been lobbying the US to allow the use of US-provided missile systems on Russian territory in the wake of Russia’s Kharkiv offensive, and the idea is gaining support in Congress.

    A group of bipartisan members of the House sent a letter to President Biden on Monday urging him to lift any restrictions on Ukraine’s use of US weapons. “It is essential the Biden administration allows Ukraine’s military leaders to conduct a full spectrum of operations necessary to respond to Russia’s unprovoked attack on their sovereign land,” the lawmakers said.

    Johnson was asked if he supported the idea of Ukraine hitting Russian territory with US weapons and replied that the US needs “to allow Ukraine to prosecute the war in the way they see fit.”

    “They [Ukraine] need[s] to be able to fight back. And I think us trying to micromanage the effort there is not a good policy for us,” he told Voice of America.

    Moscow recently warned the UK that if Ukraine used British weapons on Russian territory, Russian forces would target UK military sites in Ukraine “and beyond.” The warning came after British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Ukraine had the “right” to use British arms in attacks on Russia.

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is asking NATO to take another step that could lead to a catastrophic escalation. In an interview with The New York Times on Tuesday, he pleaded for the Western alliance to shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine, which would mean direct NATO involvement in the conflict, raising the risk of nuclear war.

  • Trump Versus Biden: The Substantial Fall in Real Wages for Most Workers Under Biden

    Most [american] workers are markedly worse off in real wage terms. Increases in consumption come substantially and potentially entirely from unprecedented wealth gains at the top of the income spectrum, which has lead them to spend freely despite falls in their real incomes too. Note further these conclusions rely on CPI as the measure of inflation, which many commentators and reader complain understates actual inflation.

  • Another heroic action, running up to a tank

  • Serious question: What will Russia's response be if the US gives the OK for the Ukraine to hit sites deep in Russian territory with US missiles? Some options:

    -Russia starts indiscriminately carpet bombing Ukraine. All of it.

    -Russia gives the Houthis some Khinzhals and the western fleet in the Red Sea goes bye-bye

    -Russia directly and rapidly arms Israel's opponents, gives them to go-ahead to bye-bye Israel

    -Nuclear war (on the dance floor)-

  • laughing at 'leftists' who think NATO and the Ukraine side has any revolutionary potential like bro what the fuck are you talking about

  • Just heard an amazing take that "people are very resilient" which I don't disagree with per-se, but the part that curled my nose-hairs was they cited Ukraine's GDP going up last year as a reason lmfao. Like oh man, you don't say?! Taking on IMF loans and increasing debt to GDP ratio to nearly 100% make line go up? After collapsing down by a third the year before? This is supposed to be a smart "analyst" type person too. Do they think Ukraine's productive capacity went up last year?

  • I wrote up the following response as an answer to @join_the_iww’s really great question of: ”Do Americans realize that the majority of people ruled over by Israel are not Jewish?” and thought it might have some interesting standalone/discussion value so I’m crossposting the comment here:

    I don’t think pro-Israel Americans know this and I also don’t think pro-Israel Americans would really care all that much/believe you if you told them.

    The average American who supports Palestine is relatively well read on the issue, or at least knows that fundamentally what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people is wrong. They are smaller in number than the Pro-Israel crowd but have way more passion for the issue.


    The average American who supports Israel does so because that’s what the default opinion is supposed to be. They know little to nothing about the situation on the ground. The most the average Pro-Israel American can tell you is: ”Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East.” and ”Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.” and they don’t particularly care about these issues all that much. Generally, they aren’t vocal about the issue at all unless some outside force intentionally riles them up, but the support does quickly as interest wanes.

    That’s why I think this moment for Palestine is huge, but even bigger than most people realize as it pertains to the future of young people in America. The media and government both tried very hard to get American conservatives and liberals aligned and galvanized on the issue by stoking the coals that burn under each side and generally grab their respective interests.

    The media/government tried to galvanize liberals through the traditional method of pinkwashing, espousing Israel’s so-called liberal social beliefs, and advocating for a two state solution so that Israel can appear to no longer be oppressing Palestinians.

    The media/government tried to galvanize conservatives via Islamophobia, “invasion” rhetoric, freedom and democracy rhetoric, badass military rhetoric, etc.

    Historically this has worked well enough, even with younger demographics, but this time it fell flat on its face because the United States and Israel are incapable of adapting this strategy in a way that effectively utilizes the historic method of suppressing information about what exactly Israel is doing. The average nominally pro-Israel American just stopped caring and the issue lost their attention at the same speed it always has. This differs immensely from the pro-Palestine side, which not only sees the ongoing issue with Israel’s actions, but also the issue of the combined effort the media and government are utilizing to suppress the issue/obscure the truth as much as possible.

    I may be jumping to conclusions when I say that Tiktok has been an enormous catalyst in regards to galvanizing young people to be pro-Palestine, but at the very least it has been an incredible tool to study this conflict as a social trend amongst its primary user base. Pro-Palestinian content on Tiktok occurs at a rate 2000% higher than pro-Israeli content. A recent study, conducted by computer scientists at Northeastern University who specialize in mass online sociological patterns, determines that “The pattern of pro-Palestinian posts is consistent with a prolonged social movement… while the pattern of pro-Israeli posts is typical of what follows a major news event.” and we can see that demonstrated in the way support for Palestine has remained steadfast no matter what major news event the combined propaganda departments of the United States and Israel try to throw at it. This is an absolutely unprecedented shift.

    In my opinion, when accounting for the dual issue of the Israel-Palestine conflict and subsequent obvious bias/obfuscation regarding the conflict, this is potentially the largest mass deprogramming/radicalization event for young Americans I can think of in any stretch of American history. I do not see any major event that touches the speed and depth of which young people have turned against a combination of domestic, international, and media dealings AND narratives. I do not believe that even the events surrounding the George Floyd Uprising (and potentially even the Vietnam war) will have such lasting impacts as the shift in young peoples’ opinion on the issue of Israeli settler-colonialism and apartheid; in each of those corresponding issues, never was the entire government, its international allies, and private media propaganda so completely aligned while being so thoroughly rebuked.

  • TSMC’s EUV machines are equipped with a remote self-destruct in case of an invasion (archived page is a bit messy)

    "Yes my liege, we vow to commit industrial seppuku should the mainlanders attack"

    Full article

    TSMC is one of the largest chip makers globally, even beating Intel and Samsung by revenue numbers. And its location in Taiwan is a potential hotspot between the U.S. and China, especially as China (the PRC) considers Taiwan (the ROC) an integral part of its territory. With the regional superpower not discounting a military invasion of the island, the U.S. wants to ensure that TSMC’s chip-making capabilities won't fall into the PRC's hands. Thus, reports indicate that TSMC's EUV machines (made by ASML) have a remote kill switch fitted, for security.

    Just last year, U.S. Congressman Seth Moulton suggested that the U.S. might bomb TSMC facilities in Taiwan if China invaded. However, the Taiwanese government said that it would defend the company against any form of aggression from anyone — including the United States. The Taiwan Security Bureau even said that destroying TSMC’s facilities is an unnecessary move, as producing high-end chips requires more than just the factories.

    “TSMC needs to integrate global elements before producing high-end chips,” says Chen Ming-tong, director-general of the Taiwanese National Security Bureau (via Bloomberg). “Without components or equipment like ASML’s lithography equipment, without any key components, there is no way TSMC can continue its production.”

    Nevertheless, geopolitical issues typically go beyond the business sense. So, even if China knows that capturing these advanced foundries from Taiwan and the U.S. is a futile endeavor, the thought of depriving its primary competitor of the latest chips could be enough motivation to execute a special military operation to ‘liberate’ TSMC. This is especially true as the U.S. said that a Chinese seizure of the company and its facilities would be devastating for the American economy.

    Because of this threat, TSMC and ASML, currently, the only supplier of tools that could make cutting-edge 2nm chips, have added a ‘kill switch’ that will disable TSMC’s EUV machines remotely. According to Bloomberg, the latter added this feature to assuage U.S. fears that the former’s chipmaking capabilities could fall into the wrong hands if war breaks out in East Asia.

    The U.S. has been hard at work trying to limit China’s technological progress, especially in the semiconductor industry. Washington has blacklisted several Chinese companies from acquiring advanced tech due to fears that the communist PLA will use them to further its military might. The White House also recently placed severe tariffs on several Chinese imports to protect its own investments with the CHIPS Act.

    Nevertheless, Chinese President Xi Jinping is still adamant that it can continue its technological development with or without U.S. sanctions. Although the country still lags behind in cutting-edge processors, China is already a powerhouse in legacy chip production. Furthermore, the Chinese government is continuously supporting local companies to develop homegrown tech that makes them resistant to external actions.

    Aside from ASML’s and TSMC’s latest move to protect American interests, the U.S. has also invested billions of dollars in the latter to move its chip production to North America. TSMC is also building facilities in Japan, which could help protect it from China’s ambitions in Taiwan.

    All these moves are a part of the U.S.-China trade war, as the former attempts to limit the latter’s ambitions of becoming a global power. While Washington’s moves are slowing Beijing’s efforts to achieve technological superiority, it’s also pushing the Asian power to innovate and work around the limits it’s facing. While China’s homegrown chips are currently several generations behind Intel and AMD’s products, they’re taking leaps and strides in advancements, and we may soon face Chinese technology that is similar or even superior to what the West has to offer.

  • According to documents from Denmark's Liberal Party-controlled ministry of defense, a donation to Ukraine of 100 vintage Leopard 1 tanks from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands has been so riddled with defects that the Kiev regime at one point refused to accept more.

    The defects includes cannons that couldn't fire due to missing parts and faulty electric and hydraulic systems. Especially the German subs industry is being blamed for not being able to keep it's promises.

    Some of the tanks had previously been used by the Danish army but were decommissioned in 2010 and sold to a German arms dealer who kept them on a lot in Flensburg until 2023 when the Danes bought them back and hastily restored them to send them to Ukraine.

    The tanks were supposed to be ready in April of 2023 but that didn't happen as the German company doing the restoration couldn't source the parts needed and the Danes had to dust off museum tanks to give Ukrainian crews something to train in. In September 20 tanks had been delivered to Ukraine. The Ukrainians found defects on all of the tanks and refused to accept any more and Denmark had to send teams of mechanics to Germany to help get the tanks ready.

    Today Denmark's Liberal Party-controlled ministry of defense claims that "more than 90" tanks has been restored to a state where they can be used by the Kiev regime.

  • Karim Khan going from the guy that the West, including Israel, wanted in the ICC a couple years back to safely ensure that nothing would ever happen to them, to the media going "So, is Karim Khan a bigger antisemite than Hitler, Goebbels, and Goring combined, and wants to murder every single Jewish person on the planet? We investigate this claim." is really very funny

  • Why does he look like a 49 years old man? Isn't he like 20 lmao?

  • She claimed by paying to push an article in the paper, I could get asylum in the US.

    Interesting thread on Chinese migrants taking the route through south america, this stood out to me though. This is a solid tactic to get negative stories written by people about a communist country that aren't true. If I was a fed I'd be doing this (and suspect these are feds).

    What would you do? You want to migrate to america but couldn't get a visa and you know you have a pretty poor asylum claim. So you pay to write some made up bullshit for an outlet or newspaper or whatever that you can then use as part of your asylum claim. You will never admit that it's made up bullshit too because your entire claim to asylum falls apart if you ever do that.

    Source thread:

  • if anyone wondered How America could justify the position the ICJ has no authority to make arrest warrants for Netanyahu, but does have the authority to make arrest warrants for Putin, they found a way. it's because evil, authoritarian countries like Russia will never punish their criminal president on their own, but Israel totally could try and sentence Netanyahu for war crimes. eventually. just give them time.

    "The ICC was established by its state parties as a court of limited jurisdiction. Those limits are rooted in principles of complementarity, which do not appear to have been applied here amid the Prosecutor’s rush to seek these arrest warrants rather than allowing the Israeli legal system a full and timely opportunity to proceed. In other situations, the Prosecutor deferred to national investigations and worked with states to allow them time to investigate. The Prosecutor did not afford the same opportunity to Israel, which has ongoing investigations into allegations against its personnel."

    very funny referring to the prime minister as just "personnel". and "no, he's of course not outside the law, can't you see he's already so well known for corruption that he's being investigated for bribery!" and "clearly there is no chance of anyone in his cabinet being indicted for war crimes, but isn't the theoretical possibility of him being indicted for political corruption years from now basically the same?"

  • There was a ~200 mph tornado in Greenfield (in Iowa) yesterday, huge chunk of the town looks legitimately flattened

  • Nyt talking out of both sides of their mouth about the Gaza pier

    They admit its a failure but imply the blame is in "looters" without elaborating. The solution?

    Paul D. Eaton, a retired major general, was in Somalia in 1993 when the U.S. military put a pier in place to deliver humanitarian aid to civilians caught in the war there. Some four light infantry Army battalions — 2,000 troops — were on the ground to help the aid get through, General Eaton said in an interview.

    Oh we just need to put 2000 American troops on the ground.

  • Michael Roberts wrote a piece a week ago where he talks about all the business with US tariffs on Chinese products. I think we're all familiar with the basic premise: the US is doing protectionist trade policies in the face of Chinese production of electric vehicles and renewable energy and such.

    Article TLDR:

    Chinese EV imports are only 2% of the US market and the new tariffs, in total, constitute only about 7% of US-China trade; so the US is still evidently unable to cut their reliance on China. The reason why the US cannot cut their reliance is that Chinese dominance in this territory is not just skin deep. China is dominant in EV production, and the battery manufacturing for those EVs, and the manufacture of cathodes and anodes for those batteries, and the refining of the chemicals that go into the batteries.

    China produces 80% of the world's solar photovoltaic modules, 60% of wind turbines, 60% of electric vehicles and batteries. In 2023 alone, China's solar power capacity grew more than the entire installed capacity in the US.

    Chinese firms have rerouted supply chains to the US via Morocco, Mexico, and South Korea, which have free trade agreements with the US. Most solar cells come to the US via various South-east Asian countries. In response, the US government has mandated that US automakers won't receive tax credits if any company in their battery supply chain has 25% of its equity, voting rights, or board seats owned by a Chinese government-linked company. Nonetheless, American firms like Ford and Tesla have partnered with China's CATL to make batteries, in a way that makes them compliant with that law. I mean, they kind of have to, given China's dominance in that sector. For what it's worth, Trump has expressed support for China building factories in America so long as they employ American workers.

    Here's the thing: this general strategy has been tried before. US protectionist measures against Chinese solar panels resulted in an 86% drop over the 2012-2020 period, and the US solar industry received billions in subsidies from Obama and Biden, but not only has it not revitalized the industry, the market share of the global solar industry has plummeted from 9% in 2010 to 2% in 2024. China has risen from 59% to 78% over the same period.

    Part of the reason is that China does subsidies much better than the US. Chinese businesses on average receive subsidies equivalent to 3.7% of their revenues, compared to 0.4% in the OECD (more or less, the imperial core). And subsidies in China are usually low-cost loans, while in the OECD it is tax concessions. Therefore, the Chinese government can maintain control while in the West, tax concessions just let the private sector fuck off with the money. Additionally, Chinese state aid focuses on boosting manufacturing and export sectors, not protecting weak sectors. The US does the opposite, which even the IMF admits is not a strategy for good long-term growth.

    The US accusing China of "non-market practices" given this context is obviously hilarious; so is the US pretending to discover that overcapacity resulting in mass exports is a thing that exists but only China is doing it.

    Obviously this will all have a big climate impact; reducing access to renewables isn't going to make renewables easier to build in the US. But even in an economics sense, because China is so dominant in so many industries, the protectionism just means that input costs will rise, not that new American industries will come along and replace Chinese imports. This reduces profitability, and obviously corporations will refuse to take that hit, so they'll raise prices for the working class.

  • Cool article on China's railgun testing and the US' failure to get very far with it

  • Looks like a huge Ukraine propaganda op is going on today. My reddit feed is filled with it.

  • The term of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky officially ended on Monday (20). Despite this, he will remain head of the country's executive.

    At war with Russia since February 2022, the country has since been under martial law, which makes it impossible to hold elections in the country. The election, which was scheduled to take place on March 31, had already been canceled long before, in November last year.

    On November 6, 2023, Zelensky released a message in which he said that it was not time for elections. At the end of February, he said that any talk questioning his legitimacy was a “hostile narrative”.

    In addition to martial law, the president and experts argue that it would be impossible to hold full elections in Ukraine due to the conditions of the country, invaded by the Russians, and its population -- many have had to flee their homes and even the country. In addition, soldiers would not be in a position to vote.

    The text of the Constitution is not entirely clear on this point. One of the articles, for example, states that the term of office is five years. But, according to “The Economist” magazine, constitutional experts in the country say that martial law provides for an exception, which is in Article 108 of the Charter, which states that the president exercises power until his successor is sworn in - except that elections are prohibited during the period of martial law. Ukrainian legal experts consulted by the Deutsche Welle news agency said they expect Zelensky to remain in power until a new president is elected.

    According to DW, the legitimacy of Zelensky's mandate after May 20 derives not only from the law, but also from broad popular support. A poll conducted by Ukraine's Razumkov Center in January revealed that 69% of respondents trust Zelensky. Less than a quarter said they didn't trust the president.

    Another poll, by the International Institute of Sociology in Kiev (IISK) at the beginning of February, showed that 69% of respondents believe Zelensky should remain in power until Martial Law ends. Only 15% of respondents supported holding elections under the current circumstances, and 10% wanted Zelensky to hand over power to the speaker of parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk.

  • They went and put ERA on an Abrams, the Warthunder memes are real

  • I send my warmest sympathies to comrades trapped on Terf Island in these trying times of cringe and liberalism. May you outlive the shitshow and see better days again.

  • Translation of an interview of someone who was in one of the helicopters that didn't crash:


    After our noon prayers, we departed towards the direction of Tabriz. The weather was clear, there was no weather condition to be worried about. After half an hour being in the air, prior to reaching the Sungun copper mine, there was a small patch of clouds; interviewer asks: “So there was no fog?” He replied, not at all. There was fog on the ground, but not in up the air where we were advancing with the helicopters. However in one small compacted area, there was a small patch of clouds above a cliff. In terms of height, this cloud was on the same height as our flight’s height.

    It was there when the now-martyred helicopter pilot, who was also the commander of the fleet, that told the rest of the pilots to ascend above the clouds. We were the 3rd pilot, behind the president’s helicopter. We came above the clouds, we advanced for approximately 30 seconds. Our pilot suddenly realised that the main helicopter carrying the president is missing.

    Interviewer asks: “You didn’t see the helicopter anymore after ascending?” He replied, yes exactly, after ascending above the clouds, we didn’t see the main helicopter. The ascension itself didn’t feel difficult or hard. Sometimes, when we use the plane we feel turbulence but we didn’t feel anything at all inside the helicopter this time, when ascending. And after we ascended there were no other clouds.

    Interviewer asks: “So beyond this, there were no weather forecasts mentioning any disturbances in the weather to make it unsafe?” He replied, no there wasn’t any.

    Shortly after, we were able to see beneath us and there were no clouds anymore and we had reached the area of the copper mine. We realised however that our pilot is making an U-turn suddenly so I asked him why? He said that one of our helicopters is missing. We estimate that they made an emergency landing, because we also have no radio contact with it anymore. So I asked him when was the last time contact was made? The pilot answered: “A minute and 30 seconds ago, when the pilot told us to ascend above the clouds.”

    Our pilot circled around the area a couple of times, but the area with the cloud patch was also invisible to us and it was too risky to enter that area. We failed several times to make any radio contact. We were forced to make a landing after 30 seconds at the Sungun copper mine to investigate.

    During the flight, we had continuous cell phone calls with the passengers, including the bodyguard, Mr. Abdollahian, the governor of East-Azerbaijan and the Friday imam of Tabriz. However we tried calling all of them without luck.

    After some tries, calling the cellphone of the captain accompanying the president, someone picked the phone. It was Ayatollah Hashem, the friday imam of Tabriz. He told us that I’m not feeling well. He didn’t tell us anything special. I asked him what exactly has happened? He told us that he didn’t know what has happened, when asked on his whereabouts, he said that he didn’t know. He only described what he could see, described to us what he saw, e.g. surrounded by trees. I asked him about the condition of the others, the Ayatollah replied that he’s alone and couldn’t see anyone else and he’s alone.

    The copper mine had good facilities such as ambulances and the necessary vehicles. We formed a team to go and search for them. We requested for immediate emergency help as well.

    The bombshell is that there was apparently a survivor of the crash:

    After some tries, calling the cellphone of the captain accompanying the president, someone picked the phone. It was Ayatollah Hashem, the friday imam of Tabriz. He told us that I’m not feeling well. He didn’t tell us anything special. I asked him what exactly has happened? He told us that he didn’t know what has happened, when asked on his whereabouts, he said that he didn’t know. He only described what he could see, described to us what he saw, e.g. surrounded by trees. I asked him about the condition of the others, the Ayatollah replied that he’s alone and couldn’t see anyone else and he’s alone.

    This is bizarre. It doesn't seem likely that some 60+ year old dude would survive jumping off a helicopter that's about to crash into a mountain, so maybe there's some truth to the earlier reports describing the crash as a hard landing. I also remember the very early reports mentioning that they were about establish communication with some people in the crashed helicopter, so I guess they were talking about him.


    The U.S. military has, for the first time in generations, spent public money on minerals projects inside Canada: nearly $15 million US to mine and process copper, gold, graphite and cobalt in Quebec and the Northwest Territories.

    The U.S. has expressed escalating unease over its dependence on its biggest rival. China controls the global mineral supply, has cut off minerals exports in the past, and fears a potential standoff with the U.S. over Taiwan.

    Washington said two years ago that it was weighing funding Canadian mining startups under the U.S. Defense Production Act (DPA). It promised funding last year, and this month, it formally revealed the first such initiatives.

    The cash comes with no strings attached — for now. This is free money, in the form of grants, to help companies get through final feasibility studies and permitting.

    In other words, the U.S. military could leap to the front of the customer line.

    $15m is peanuts in the grand scheme of resource extraction and junior miners. Still, this is an interesting advancement. If either of these projects go ahead I expect the pressure, funding and expectations of the US military will increase

  • Israel cuts connection between Spanish consulate in Jerusalem and Palestinians in the West Bank


    Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced on Friday that he has decided to “sever the connection” between Spain's diplomatic representation in Israel and the Palestinians,” in response to Madrid's initiative to recognize Palestine as a state and an ‘anti-Semitic’ comment by Minister Yolanda Díaz.

    “Following Spain's recognition of a Palestinian state and the "anti-Semitic" statement by the deputy prime minister of the Spanish government [...] I have decided to sever the connection between Spain's diplomatic representation in Israel and the Palestinians, and to prohibit the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from providing services to Palestinians in Judea and Samaria,” i.e. the West Bank, wrote Katz in Spanish on the social network X.

    On its website, the Spanish consulate general in Jerusalem indicates that its demarcation covers this city, as well as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The embassy is in Tel Aviv.

    In the text, Minister Katz also strongly criticized Thursday's statement by Yolanda Díaz, second deputy prime minister and minister of Labor.

    In a video message published on the X network, Díaz, leader of the radical left-wing platform Sumar, defended the decision of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's government to recognize Palestine as a state from 28 May and concluded her comment with the phrase “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea”.

    The phrase is a reference to the borders of Palestine during the British Mandate, between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea, before the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.

  • I have very few words for the images I have seen from Rafah tonight, but they will haunt my memories for a lifetime or more.

    Israel must be dismantled. There is nothing else to say.

  • good NC article on US bragging about their behaviour in LATAM and how project colombia is a model for others, like ecuador/peru. Worth reading in full imo but here are some quotes.

    If there’s one thing most historians can agree upon, it is that “Plan Colombia”, the US government’s anti-narcotics drug-eradication program, was an unmitigated disaster — at least from an anti-narcotics perspective. Signed in 1998 by President Bill Clinton and his Colombian counterpart, Andrés Pastrana, it burnt through $10 billion of US and other overseas funds over two decades, worsened the violence in Colombia, bathed more than a million hectares of farmland in a rich brew of toxic chemicals, including Monsanto’s “probably” carcinogenic weedkiller glyphosate and exacerbated organised crime — all while overseeing a significant upsurge in coca production.

    Global cocaine production reached the highest level ever reported in 2016, with most of the production coming from Colombia, according to the United Nations’ World Drugs Report 2018.

    One of the main architects of Plan Colombia was then-US Senator Joe Biden. In 2022, former Colombian President Ivan Duque personally thanked Biden for helping to draw up the plan, which, he said, allowed the Colombian government to “confront and defeat many challenges we had.” But two years earlier, the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee admitted that Plan Colombia had been a resounding failure from a counter-narcotics perspective. It did, however, provide short-term benefits from a counter-insurgency perspective:

    As I reported in December last year, both Ecuador and Peru have entered into “Plan Colombia”-style initiatives with the US, with the ostensible aim of combating the increasingly powerful drug cartels. Since then, the Milei government in Argentina has announced plans for the Southern Command to deploy military personnel to an Argentine base in Tierra del Fuego, near Antarctica, and signed an agreement, through the General Port Authority, for The United States Army Corps of Engineers to have a presence along the Paraná waterway and fulfil “advisory tasks” on the management of ports and navigable waterways.

    tldr - war on drugs is used as cover to embed military assets into latin american countries as a warmed over monroe doctrine, with current major targets of US imperialism being ecuador, panama, peru and argentina. I wonder if USSOUTHCOM forces are being used in panama to go after land defenders and people who are against the cobre panama mine that first quantum was operating until they were shut down.

  • Utah man declined $100K offer to travel to Congo on ‘security job’ that was covert coup attempt (May 25)

    Marcel Malanga, the 21-year-old son of eccentric coup leader Christian Malanga, was detained by Congolese forces Sunday morning, along with a former classmate from their hometown of West Jordan, Utah, after his father was killed in a shootout while resisting arrest. His high school football teammate, Tyler Thompson, 21, was one of two other Americans arrested after an ill-fated attack on the presidential palace in Kinshasa.

    ... Although it’s unclear whether Thompson was offered money, multiple teammates told the AP that he had alluded to such incentives, telling one friend that the trip could be a “big financial opportunity.”

    ... “Marcel was pretty secretive about his dad. He didn’t even know him well until he spent last summer in Africa,” Gonzalez said. “There’s no way Marcel had any idea what he’d be getting us into or he never would’ve offered. He’s one of the best friends a person could have.”

    ... Marcel had told Gonzalez that his father was letting him hire a friend so he would have company during his summer abroad. He seemed excited to be able to offer such a substantial amount of money to a close friend who needed it, Gonzalez explained.

    The Malangas had promised on-the-job training, full coverage of travel expenses and the chance to explore a new part of the world while making an income, he said. Marcel insisted repeatedly that it was safe, but didn’t share details about his father’s background.

    So, what's the Hexbear take on this?

  • Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, also a Republican, called the move an “outrageous decision” that is “a slap in the face to the independent judiciary in Israel, which is renowned for their independence”.

    Graham said he will work with Republicans and Democrats in both chambers of Congress to “levy damning sanctions against the ICC”.

    A spokesperson for UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has denounced requests from the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and three Hamas leaders.

  • Kenya "mission" to haiti about to start btw, kinda nice how all the civilized world figured out you can hire some goons from outside to do your deeds, and then be like "wow, we woudl have done it better" (see morocco as well)

  • Caught NPR this morning as they brought someone on to tell us:

    • Raisi was the hardest of hard liners
    • He hated America
    • He even opposed the assassination of Suleimani, in an example of how hard-line he was
    • He was actually just a puppet of the supreme leader
    • And everyone in Iran hated him anyway

    So I guess it was an assassination then?

  • Sometimes I wish the Mongols conquered Europe.

  • Interesting report on the North Korean-Russian relationship that only seems to be growing. Obviously take this with a grain of salt because the source is "US intelligence officials" but it seems to have a lot of folks in Washington troubled.

    The Biden administration is increasingly concerned that the intensifying military alliance between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un could vastly expand Pyongyang’s nuclear capabilities and increase tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, six senior U.S. officials told NBC News.

    U.S. intelligence officials believe Putin is providing North Korea with nuclear submarine and ballistic missile technology in exchange for Pyongyang’s sending Russia large amount of munitions for its war in Ukraine, the senior U.S. officials said. North Korea provides Russia with more munitions than Europe provides to Ukraine, including millions of artillery shells.

    Officials are also concerned that Russia might help North Korea complete the final steps needed to field its first submarine able to launch a nuclear-armed missile.

    Pyongyang has long sought a long-range ballistic missile able to fly thousands of miles and then re-enter the atmosphere with the payload intact. U.S. officials warn that Russia could now be helping it achieve the final steps. A nuclear-capable missile with survivable re-entry vehicles would present a significant challenge for U.S. missile defense systems.

    Personally I'm hoping the Russians give the North Koreans some hypersonic glide missile tech. Scenes when the North Koreans have a weapons tech the Americans have failed to develop for over a decade would be too good to miss.

  • I tried donating money to the Municipality of Gaza and I got slapped by my credit card's fraud detection. As a test, I used the same credit card to donate to a gofundme that's unrelated to Gaza and the transaction completely processed like normal. The only irregularity I could think of is the Gaza donation needed a telephone number, so I just put a fake number, but I don't think my credit card would know or care about a fake telephone number. I know those fraud detection sometimes trigger if you have a financial transaction that's noticeably greater than your usual financial transaction, but it's not that much more.

    I think my credit card is purposefully blocking the transaction because it's related to Gaza. I've found some tweets that mention this, including one who tried to donate to the exact same Municipality of Gaza donation campaign.


    US DOD lift moratorium on V-22 Ospreys, allowing them to fly again, but with an extremely specific rule

    The services are barred from flying the controversial tiltrotor aircraft more than 30 minutes away from a suitable airfield to divert to in case anything goes wrong. That has caused some of the services, such as the Navy, to continue relying on other aircraft to accomplish tasks that the Osprey would have taken

    May the crashprey strike once more.

  • This might explain the both-sidesing of arrest warrants by the ICC

  • UK infected blood scandal made worse by ‘chilling’ cover-up, inquiry finds

    Full text

    UK infected blood scandal made worse by ‘chilling’ cover-up, inquiry finds

    Thousands of deaths could have been avoided, final report on infection of thousands with HIV or hepatitis C concludes Haroon Siddique and Rachel Hall Mon 20 May 2024 19.42 BST First published on Mon 20 May 2024 12.30 BST

    The scandal that claimed the lives of 3,000 people treated with contaminated blood was inflamed by a “chilling” NHS and government cover-up, a scathing report has found on what Rishi Sunak has declared a “day of shame”.

    In the long-awaited conclusion to a five-year public inquiry, Brian Langstaff, who chaired the investigation, said on Monday the calamity could “largely, though not entirely, have been avoided” – but successive governments and others in authority “did not put patient safety first”.

    He said the death toll was rising weekly among the 30,000 people who were infected with hepatitis C, HIV or both from the 1970s to the early 90s, either from receiving transfusions during surgery or through blood plasma products imported from the US to treat haemophiliacs.

    The 2,527-page report contains a litany of examples of unheeded warnings about what would become the biggest treatment disaster in NHS history. Clinicians and ministers were told about the risks but patients were lied to and infected during trials carried out without their consent or, in the case of children, that of their parents. There were also delays informing patients of their infections, stretching to years in some cases.

    “The NHS and successive governments compounded the agony by refusing to accept that wrong had been done,” said Langstaff, after being given a standing ovation on Monday at Central Hall in Westminster, London, by more than 1,000 victims and affected people gathered to hear the report’s findings.

    “More than that, the government repeatedly maintained that people received the best available treatment and that testing of blood donations began as soon as the technology was available. And both claims were untrue.”

    With the current government having come under fire in the report for its failure to compensate victims, Rishi Sunak said he would implement last year’s recommendations “whatever it costs”. He also offered a “wholehearted and unequivocal” apology for the scandal – including for “the loss and destruction of key documents including ministerial advice and medical records” – on what he called “a day of shame for the UK state”.

    The NHS England chief executive, Amanda Pritchard, also apologised to those who “put their trust in the care they got from the NHS over many years” and “were badly let down”.

    The report provides vindication for campaigners who, after decades and in the face of denials, have insisted that risks were disregarded, lies were told and tracks were covered.

    Langstaff wrote: “The answer to the question ‘was there a cover-up?’ is that there has been. Not in the sense of a handful of people plotting in an orchestrated conspiracy to mislead, but in a way that was more subtle, more pervasive and more chilling in its implications. To save face and to save expense, there has been a hiding of much of the truth.”

    He condemned a culture in which “financial and reputational considerations predominated”.

    Among thousands of tragic stories, he described the use of children as “objects of research” at Treolar’s school in Hampshire, where only 30 pupils remain of the 122 who attended the specialist school for people with haemophilia between 1970 and 1987, as “unconscionable”.

    In response, many of the affected experienced mixed emotions. Andy Evans, 47, the chair of Tainted Blood, who was infected as a small child with HIV and hepatitis C, said it was a “momentous day”, adding: “We’ve been gaslit for generations.”

    He added: “When we told people, they didn’t believe us. They said this wouldn’t happen in the UK. Today this proves this can happen – and did happen – in the UK.

    “When you’ve been building up to a single day for 40 years there’s no wrong or right emotion about it, but the campaigners who’ve been doing this for so long – relief, absolute relief, will be an overriding emotion. Certainly that’s the case for me.”

    Rosamund Cooper, 50, was diagnosed with Von Willebrand disease, a bleeding disorder, when she was eight months old, and found out she had been infected with hepatitis C when she was 19. She said: “We were told it was accidental. We were told … the decisions made were the best possible at the time.”

    The report “is showing that that’s not the case, and that people were covering things up, denying things, hiding things from us, which is disgraceful”.

    Langstaff said the risks of hepatitis posed by blood transfusions or the use of plasma were known before the NHS’s inception in 1948 and if measures to mitigate them proposed by the World Health Organization in 1952 had been adopted, “it is reasonable to believe that a significant part of the harm on which this inquiry is focused could have been prevented”.

    Significantly, he found the risks were sufficiently clear that factor VIII products imported from the US, created using blood plasma from high-risk donors including prisoners and drug addicts and used to treat haemophilia, should never have been licensed for import in 1973 – nor should other similar blood products later in the same decade.

    With Aids, the report says it was apparent by mid-1982 to “some clinicians and some within government” that whatever was causing it might be transmissible by blood and blood products. But ministers continued to give safety reassurances, as did doctors. Despite the risk, in July 1983 a decision was taken not to suspend the continued importation of commercially produced blood products.

    Langstaff said: “The failure of clinicians to tell people of the risks of infection from blood or blood products, the failure to tell people of the availability of alternative treatments, the failure to tell them that they were being tested for HIV or hepatitis C and, sometimes, the failure even to tell them, or to tell them promptly, that they had been infected with HIV or hepatitis by their treatment; the failure to explain these devastating diagnoses privately, in person and with sensitivity – these failures were widespread. They were wrong. They were unethical.”

    Reflecting the loss of faith in the state by victims and relatives, Langstaff said he would not consider the inquiry over until the government either implemented his recommendations or gave good reasons for not doing so, giving it a year to respond substantively.

  • Ah yes we have a permanent carrier strike group next to Iran but have you noticed however that [RAMBLING ABOUT INTERNATIONAL LAW]? Therefore we should nuke Teheran to save the Western Civilization (TM)

  • Mr. President we need to do something, we are losing popular support, we are not signing new trade deals and the IMF is refusing the send us funds. We need to distract the people, shall we order the armed forces to invade the Islands?

    No, I have a better idea. ancaptain

    Milei gives musical show, rails against abortion during book launch

    The president sang and gave a speech where he called abortion a ‘murderous agenda’

    President Javier Milei gave his followers a full show on Wednesday night for the presentation of his latest book Capitalism, Socialism And The Neoclassic Trap. The president gave a fiery speech railing against socialism and abortion — he called the latter a “murderous agenda” — but the headline was the brief musical show where Milei appeared as the frontman of a rock band.

    “I am doing this because I wanted to sing,” Milei told around 8,000 of his supporters as he went on stage at the Luna Park stadium in Buenos Aires. “I’ve always done this acapella. Now I wanted to have musicians.”

    Dressed in his customary black leather jacket, he sang Panic Show, a song by rock band La Renga that has become an anthem for libertarians in Argentina, despite the band’s opposition. The president frequently sings a part of this song before giving speeches to his supporters.

    The band that appeared alongside the president was made up of libertarian deputy Alberto “Bertie” Benegas Lynch, his brother Joaquín, and journalist Marcelo Duclos, co-author of Milei’s biography. After the musical performance, Milei gave an hour-long speech and later joined a panel with presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni and libertarian deputy José Luis Espert.

    The event was live streamed on the presidential YouTube channel, but the musical section was left out. The only footage of the moment was taken by people recording on their phones. No professional video equipment was allowed inside, aside from the devices used by the presidential team.

    Milei devoted part of his speech to speak about his book, claiming that it provides tools to fight what he calls “21st century socialism.” But he also went against abortion, despite recently saying that overturning legal pregnancy interruption in Argentina is not on his government agenda.

    Citing a passage from the Exodus book of the Bible, Milei claimed that abortion was a mechanism the Egyptians used in biblical times to “annihilate Jews.”

    “Abortion is an agenda that is over 3,000 years old, and it is completely murderous,” he said.

    Milei was initially scheduled to present his book at the Buenos Aires Book Fair on May 12. However, he decided to call it off and do it at the Luna Park stadium on the grounds that he thought the organization would “sabotage” the event. “We need to thank [Book Fair organizers] El Libro Foundation, which gifted us this party with their boycott attempt,” he said on Wednesday night.

    Tickets for the event at Luna Park were handed out free of charge. According to the government, the event was funded using earnings from the president’s book. Publisher Planeta announced on Wednesday that Milei had given up the book’s economic rights. The president later explained they were transferred to Distribuidora Belgrano Norte SRL (DBN), a music distribution company that paid for the rental of the stadium.

    In recent days, Milei has been accused of plagiarism in his new book. According to an investigation published by Noticias magazine, he allegedly copied exact paragraphs from published works by two Chilean economists and a group of researchers from Argentina’s top publicly-funded research institute, CONICET, as well as a United States website.

    “There is no plagiarism of any kind; everything is within intellectual property law,” the presidential spokesman said on Tuesday. Milei has already been accused of plagiarism on previous occasions.

    I want our next president to be the most boring ass bureaucrat possible, I've had enough of this wild ride (it has just been 6 months).

  • Spain Fully Withdraws Its Ambassador From Argentina

    Javier Milei said that he would not apologize "under any circumstances," arguing that he was the one attacked by the Spaniards.

    On Tuesday, Foreign Affairs Minister Jose Albares announced that Spain is withdrawing its ambassador from Buenos Aires following the diplomatic crisis sparked by Argentine President Javier Milei.

    After a meeting of the Council of Ministers, Albares noted that Argentina "will continue without an ambassador" since the situation has not changed, meaning Milei has not apologized for his remarks against Spanish President Pedro Sanchez and his wife Begoña Gomez.

    "For those who want to understand, cooperation is always more powerful than confrontation… Spanish institutions do not conduct politics, and much less foreign policy, through tweets nor do they participate in any show," Albares said.

    Previously, during an interview on the television channel LN+, Milei described the withdrawal of the Spanish ambassador from Buenos Aires as "nonsense."

    The diplomatic crisis between Spain and Argentina began on Sunday. At an event organized in Madrid by the far-right party Vox, Milei made statements implying, without directly saying it, that President Sanchez is "scum" and called his wife "corrupt."

    That same day, in an initial immediate reaction, the Spanish government summoned its ambassador in Buenos Aires, Maria Alonso, for consultations.

    "We are facing a case that is not only unique for this government but also in the history of international and diplomatic relations. There are no precedents of a head of state coming to the capital of another country to insult its institutions," Albares pointed out, highlighting that Milei made a "flagrant interference in internal affairs."

    "Ideas are debatable, but institutions, governments, and countries are not," said the Spanish Foreign Minister, who noted that Milei did not request any meetings with any Spanish institutions despite it being his first visit to Spain.

    Regarding the measures taken by the government, Albares recalled that there have been three during the three days of the diplomatic crisis: the summoning of the ambassador in Buenos Aires for consultations, the summoning of the Argentine ambassador in Madrid, and today, the permanent withdrawal of the Spanish representative in that country.

    Albares emphasized that the Spanish government did not provoke the diplomatic impasse but is obliged to defend the "dignity and sovereignty of Spanish institutions."

    However, in an interview with the channel Todo Noticias, the Argentine president said he would not apologize "under any circumstances," arguing that he was the one attacked by the Spaniards.

    Pedro Sanchez "is such a coward that he needed to send women to hit me," Milei said, referring to statements made by Spanish Vice President Yolanda Diaz and Science Minister Diana Morant.

  • Slovenia to recognise Palestinian state by mid-June

    SARAJEVO, May 9 (Reuters) - The Slovenian government on Thursday initiated the procedure for the recognition of a Palestinian state as a form of leverage to end the conflict in Gaza, a move it announced in March, Prime Minister Robert Golob said.

    "The horrors we see every day in Gaza are inadmissible and must stop," Golob was quoted as saying on the government X platform. "I call on Israel to put an immediate end to its attacks on Gaza and to use the negotiating table."

    Golob said he would like his country´s recognition to be "an incentive for these negotiations to proceed more quickly" and speed up the dialogue in the United Nations on an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages and the security and existence of Israel through a two-state solution.

    The announcement came as Ireland, Spain and a number of other European Union member states are reportedly considering recognising a Palestinian state on May 21, according to a report by Ireland's national broadcaster.

    The date of Slovenia's recognition will depend on the success of the progress in peace talks, with June 13 at the latest, Golob said. If progress is accelerated, Slovenia will complete the recognition procedure faster.

    He said the decision to initiate the recognition procedures contained expectations for all those involved in the conflict - the progress in peace talks, release of hostages and in the reform of the Palestinian Authority.

    The ruling coalition agreed unanimously on this decision, Golob said, expressing hope that the recognition would inspire other countries to follow in Slovenia´s steps.

    Spain, Ireland, Malta and Slovenia said in March they had agreed to take the first steps towards recognising a Palestinian state. The countries reportedly have been waiting for a vote by the United Nations General Assembly on May 10 which could lead to the recognition of the Palestinians as qualified for full U.N. membership.

    Since 1988, 139 out of 193 U.N. member states have recognised Palestinian statehood.

    Israel has said that the four countries' plan constituted a "prize for terrorism" that would reduce the chances of a negotiated resolution to the Gaza conflict.

  • Im fucking euphoric , omg !!!

    Dont tell me it will not do something ! or it will not work .. It will .. work on fucking my fucking germans , this is HOW they work .. Authority .. And this is it Authority !

    Omg .. I will go go to the city hall, to the university , to the Rotary Club , The Opra ..

    "Have you seen a Mister Nethayu or Gantz around here ?" ,

    "They Are Accused of Warcrimes and Genocide !"

    "Will You Coperate if you see him" ?

    ,"Can you assure the Corporation of All Professors / Burocrats / under your Watch " ?

    "The International Commuity expect your Support "


  • Are there any comrades here who are well read on the current situation in Myanmar? It’s almost impossible to come to an understanding about this conflict for me for some reason

  • okay now I truly fucked up. A couple of days ago my entire twitter feed became infested with pro-milei troll accounts and shit. I've cleaned it up, mostly, and it went back to normal. Now I missclicked and opened up a tweet from this dork pavlou or whatever the fuck, think he's taiwanese and lives in australia or something. Don't care. Regardless, I opened one of his comments and my feed is now infested with NAFO, ukrainian ministry of defense and pro-taiwanese fascists tweets.

    This fucking sucks ass.

  • Al Qassam announce the capture of an IDF soldier; Israel denies it

    Cw: a bloodied body that is presumably alive

  • Resistance Sniper Triple cw iof death, no gore

  • Denmark's foreign minister, corrupt centrist booze-hound Lars Løkke Rasmussen, has made a statement on the ICC's requests for the arrest of zionist top war criminals Netanyahu and Gallant. Like many a liberal he is torn between on the one side white supremacy and deference to his imperial overlords and on the other side legalism and fetishation of the "rules-based international order".

    In a comment to the press he says:

    I view this with great seriousness. We acknowledge the ICC and stand guard over their independence. Therefore, I can't do anything more than take note of it

    So far, so good. He begrudgingly accepts the authority of the ICC although he's not going to lift a finger to put any pressure on the Zionists.

    But he's still pissy about the whole thing, especially how the garden-Aryan Netanyahu is so rudely lumped together with the jungle-Untermenshen in the resistance leadership and goes on to say

    It seems a bit precarious to me that the leader of a democratic state is mentioned equally with the leader of a terrorist organization, but that does not change my conclusion, namely that we have respect for the ICC,

    Apparently being "democratic" (ie. us-foreign-policy) means that you can do nothing wrong and he can't see the absurdity in the "democratic state" raking up a body count orders of magnitude greater than that of the so-called "terrorist organisation".

    The "democratic" excuse has seen lots of use in official western statements about the arrest requests. It is of course complete nonsense. Having rule by the people is no guarantee of that rule being benevolent to other people and especially not when the rulers are such a nasty and radicalised people as that of the zionist settlers.

    The "democratic" excuse is also a propagandistic sleight of hand that perpetuates the myth of the illegal zionist entity being democratic. It is patently not. Of the millions of people who call Palestine home, only zionist settlers and a small token minority of Palestinians living inside colonised areas are allowed to vote or even to be considered citizens. The majority of the Palestinian population resides in the ghettos in Gaza and the West Bank or have been expelled from Palestine altogether by the zionists.

    Even those Palestinians who are allowed to live in the colonised areas and who have been granted a so-called "citizenship" by the illegal zionist entity face severe and violent oppression and restrictions on their ability to act politically.

  • Argentine government spokesman Manuel Ardoni said that "there is no reason for the dollar to have an impact on prices" in the country. The BLUE dollar, which is the country's commercial dollar, has risen around 300 pesos in the last 5 months.

  • I shouldn't be shocked at this sort of reporting 7 months into this conflict, but wow...

  • Israel really just cannot help themselves, can they? They're magnetically drawn to their own destruction. They are begging on their hands and knees for the swift end of an apocalypse.

    The Resistance's strategy is clear:

    • Hamas draws Israeli troops deep into Gaza, where their tunnel networks and guerrilla warfare tactics are at their greatest possible effect, causing thousands of casualties+deaths and destroying hundreds of vehicles.
    • Hezbollah draws Israeli troops to the border and kills them gradully using attritional warfare.
    • Yemen maintains an economic blockade of Israel and simultaneously forces imperialists to maintain a naval presence which then cannot be used elsewhere
    • Iran provides weaponry for the whole resistance and maintains several trump cards (blocking the Strait of Hormuz; thousands of missiles that can be used on Israel)

    Israel has so far proved unable to meaningfully respond to any of this militarily. The Resistance knows that this is the case. They are aware that Israel will, in their rage and impotence, instead target civilians en masse in an attempt to buoy up morale inside their country.

    The problem is that killing civilians:

    a) doesn't solve a single problem for Israel. Bombing civilians is not even slightly productive for them. It doesn't even reduce civilian morale; survivors are more likely to join Hamas to resist Israel than turn against the people who are fighting the people bombing your children.
    b) creates entirely new problems for Israel, because these bombings aren't obscure like in the past, but captured in videos and photos that then reach the rest of the world, prompting protestors to go out and take new action against Israel.

    So they're stuck in this neverending cycle. They send a new batch of troops into Gaza. Those troops get killed and/or captured by Hamas. In revenge, Israel bombs civilians. This is captured and anti-Israel sentiment around the world escalates and BDS is strengthened. This weakens Israel further. To try and look stronger, they end a new batch of troops into Gaza. Repeat until collapse. So long as Zionism is and remains the dominant ideology in Israel, there is no way out of the death spiral. Tens of billions of dollars worth of weaponry funneled into them has done nothing except kill more civilians. They're in a weaker place every single time that the US sends another package. Even the US admits that Hamas is still perfectly intact.

    This is unbelievable. After 8 months of this, there hasn't been the slightest shift in strategy. They are the closest to collapse that they've been in their history, politicians and officials are threatening to leave the war-time government, the north is still depopulated of settlers and that's causing all sorts of societal mayhem, and they still aren't even attempting to get out of the death spiral. Even West-friendly global institutions are turning against them now. The Resistance really couldn't have asked for a less competent regime. You take the sense of military superiority and deterrence away from Israel on October 7th and it turns out that it was actually the singular load-bearing column of their entire society, and there's nothing else keeping it up.

  • Chinese Military Drills Around Taiwan Are Legitimate: Wang


    "The Chinese people will never waver in their resolve to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," he pointed out.

    On Thursday, Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that the joint military drills surrounding the island of Taiwan are legitimate and necessary.

    It's completely legitimate and necessary for the Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to conduct joint military drills surrounding the island of Taiwan, safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, strongly punish separatist forces seeking "Taiwan independence," and seriously warn against interference and provocation by external forces, he said, adding that the drills are fully in line with international law.

    Wang said that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. This is not only a historical fact, but also a real status quo. It will never change in the future.

    "Taiwan independence leads nowhere. The Chinese people will never waver in their resolve to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," he pointed out.

    All "Taiwan independence" separatist acts will be hit head-on by more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, and all "Taiwan independence" separatist forces will be hit hard in the face of the historical trend of China's complete reunification, he added.

    "We urge the U.S. side to stop emboldening and supporting the 'Taiwan independence' forces and stop interfering in China's internal affairs. Any act that endangers China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity will be resolutely and forcefully counterattacked by China," the spokesperson said.

    In response to another query about whether China plans to conduct more "punishment" drills, Wang said each time "Taiwan independence" separatists make waves, it garners stronger effort from China and the rest of the world to defend the one-China principle.

  • Our favorite ancap busted for shamelessly plagiarizing other loser ancaps:

    The researchers who documented Javier Milei's plagiarism of other neoliberal economists referred to him as the "King of Copy-Paste".

  • NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has argued that members of the US-led military bloc should let Ukraine freely use their weapons to launch strikes deeper into Russian territory.

    “The time has come for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have put on the use of weapons they have donated to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said on Friday in an interview with The Economist.

    “Especially now when a lot of the fighting is going on in Kharkov, close to the border, to deny Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very hard for them to defend themselves.”

  • Former President of the United States and Republican Party candidate Donald Trump was booed this Saturday when speaking at the Libertarian Party convention. In the speech, he said that libertarians should nominate him too.

  • As a history fact, Iranian Azerbaijan (which includes the provinces of East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan and Ardebil, sometimes Zanjan province is also included for being majority Azeri) is the OG Azerbaijan, with the modern country of Azerbaijan having historically referred to by other names:

    The name Azerbaijan was first adopted for the area of the present-day Republic of Azerbaijan by the government of Musavat in 1918, after the collapse of the Russian Empire, when the independent Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was established. Until then, the designation had been used exclusively to identify the adjacent region of contemporary northwestern Iran, while the area of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was formerly referred to as Arran and Shirvan. On that basis Iran protested the newly adopted country name.

  • Iof have been invading Jenin for two days now, killing nearly a dozen

  • Less than a day of the UK election being announced and the discourse is already mostly intolerable centrist smugness, might go seek refuge in the Cuban embassy.

    (Sunak announcing it in the pouring rain is funny though)

  • Clown country:

    He was a Coca-Cola Scholar

  • Industrial strength significantly increased by the creation of a unified Reich


    Edit: Here is the video it came from:

    "Christian Conservative" posts this "for context" as though the video doesn't make this even more of a fascist ad.

    Edit 2: fucking blue maga in the replies

  • I finished the semester so im making an post about the election is México since i couldnt last week meow-fiesta

    The mexican presidential election is next week and the current polls have been favorable for Morena's candidate Claudia Sheinbaum with around a 10 point lead over the PAN-PRI-PRD (PRIAN) coalition candidate Xochitl Galvez. And the 3rd candidate for the MC Jorge Álvarez Maynez is sitting around 8-10% but in a few states he gets more votes than Galvez

    I missed the 3rd debate last week but in general Galvez still mostly attacked Sheinbaum and didnt answer the reporter questions, while Sheinbaum mostly shared her policy ideas, Maynez was the same.

    For a while the PRIAN tried to get Maynez to drop and give support to their candidate using journalists and the leader of the PRI but our sistem doesnt even accept a candidate dropping so votes for him wouldnt even be counted to the PRIAN.

    Also the PAN has been trying to use catholicism to criticize Sheinbaum since she is of jewish descent.

    There are also governor elections for 8 states and the capital:

    • in Tabasco the only favorite to win is Morena since thats the state the president is from and he has a lot of support there.

    • in Yucatan is a really close race between PAN and Morena, PAN support comes mostly from the capital where more that half of the population lives and Morena support comes from the rest of the state

    • in Chiapas Morena has a 30 point lead, the state currently suffer from a big problem with violent crime that has even affected the zapatistas, Morena's campaign is that only they can pacify the state

    • in Guanajuato PAN has used all the tools in their disposal to keep their bastion state, it was the only state last election that didnt vote for AMLO and the PAN has ruled over it for 33 years, violence hit its tipping point with the asassination of a Morena candidate and MC has slowly gain support there over the years

    • in Jalisco MC is the ruling party being one of the 2 states they control, and their candidate Pablo Lemus has had a decent showing in the debates however the governor Alfaro of MC has been dropping in support which has affected Lemus and Morena's candidate has had a very active campaign so its not a decided race yet

    • in Morelos is a close race between Morena and PRI-PAN-PRD, at the start it was a big lead for Morena but due corruption allegations against the governor it has hurt Morena numbers

    • in Puebla is an interesting place, the last 2 governors had early deaths and their interim sucessor decided to not run, Morena has a small lead over the PAN candidate running with an ex-senador

    • in Veracruz some polls have Morena with a 30 points lead and other the PAN with 8 points, this is due to a similar situation as Morelos except this time the Morena candidate has allegations of corruption and has been slowly dropping in support over the last months

    So thats how the election is shaping up to be, there is still a week left so things could change. Also the Communist party after decades has decided to run an independent campaign again and i have being following them but i think since they arent registred in the INE they wont get plurinominal representation still if they get enough votes that may change for next election but we will see.

  • Ancap Update: ancaptain

    Police have joined anti-austerity protesters in the province of Misiones, Argentina. Officers are now on strike, and Milei's “libertarian” government has had to send federal agents from the capital to try to keep order.

    Misiones is a strategic province bordering both Brazil and Paraguay. The protests began as a teachers’ strike against low pay and inflation. The police then refused orders to repress the population and instead joined them, citing their own low pay as the reason.

    A police mutiny is illegal, and if it spreads to other regions, it would be a threat to Milei's power. Numerous Latin American countries have seen a coup result from police mutinies, such as Bolivia in 2019 and Ecuador in 2010.

    The coups of 2019 and 2010 were backed by the US. It failed in Ecuador because Rafael Correia literally slapped the coup leaders in the face and the army, with the support of Correia's supporters, stormed the headquarters and arrested the coup plotters.

    The 2019 coup was temporarily successful, but in the following election, due to internal pressure, Jeaninez had to accept the results of the election, which elected Lucho.

    In Argentina, things seem to be getting worse and worse for Ancaptain. If the police stops following his orders, his only option would be to use the Armed Forces to maintain order and crush the strikes, and unlike in Brazil and Colombia. The president needs the congress approval to put the Army on the streets (I believe it's because of the 1976 coup). De La Rua, during his last days of goverment attempted that and failed, the next day his goverment was over and he fled the capital by helicopter.

  • There will be the-podcast live show today on youtube meow-floppy

  • Would Taiwan actually go to war for independence should China attempt an invasion?

    Of course I’m not talking about fighting back, because the vassal government would do whatever the U.S. tells it to do in that situation, which would be fight, likely with US aid.

    What I’m asking is whether or not the people of Taiwan would put their lives on the line for something like that? Like what is the consensus, generally?

  • United Kingdom to Go to Early General Elections on July 4

    PM Sunak's unexpected decision comes as the Tories are trailing far behind the Labour Party.

    On Wednesday, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the advancement of the general elections in the United Kingdom to July 4th.

    The unexpected decision comes as the Conservatives are trailing far behind the opposition Labour Party, according to all polls, and on the same day it was revealed that inflation dropped to 2.3 percent in April, its lowest level in almost three years.

    Sunak informed King Charles III of his intention to call for elections on July 4th, despite having the option to do so anytime before January 28th, the end of the parliamentary term.

    After assuring that the United Kingdom has gone through its most challenging period since World War II, Sunak said his administration has focused on restoring economic stability to the country following the COVID-19 pandemic.

    "I came to government promising economic stability, and thanks to collective effort, we have achieved two milestones: our economy is growing faster than anyone anticipated... and inflation has returned to normal levels. This is proof that our priorities are working," he added.

    In a statement that turned into his first campaign act, Sunak said that the UK will have to choose between his Tories and the Labour Party, which, in his view, "would be like going back to square one."

    This morning, Sunak had reiterated in the government control session in Parliament that his intention was to call the elections in the second half of this year, but did not specify when.

    Asked by the leader of the Scottish Nationalists in the House of Commons, Stephen Flynn, about the abundant speculation on an early election, Sunak insisted on his intention to hold the elections in the second half, without clarifying when.

    The announcement has taken analysts by surprise, given the 20-point lead that polls give the Labour Party over the Tories, which could be enough to achieve an absolute majority.

    Just three weeks ago, municipal elections were held in which the Conservatives had historically low results, losing half of their councilors in the localities where voting took place.

    Tories are going to eat shit dean-smile

    Labour is going to win, but they are lead by a bunch of neoliberal ghouls dean-frown

    Unless Labour somehow does the same self-sabotage they did in the 1992 election, they should get a majority with a chance of a supermajority. Too bad they will do barely anything to help the working class.

  • The BRICS and De-Dollarisation: Opportunities and Challenges (Volume 2, Issue no. 1, 17 May 2024)

    This issue of the international edition of Wenhua Zongheng (文化纵横) explores the widely debated topic of de-dollarisation. The articles examine the US dollar’s hegemonic status in the international economic order, efforts across the Global South to develop alternatives, and the role of the BRICS in this process.

    Open access, with four articles that should tickle the hexbear newsmegahead reader

    WENHUA ZONGHENG (文化纵横) is a leading journal of contemporary political and cultural thought in China. Founded in 2008, the journal publishes issues every two months, featuring articles by a wide array of intellectuals across the country and building a platform for discussion of different ideological positions and values in China’s intellectual community. The publication is an important reference for debates and developments in Chinese thought, on matters ranging from China’s ancient history and traditional culture to its current socialist practices and innovations, from the important cultural trends in contemporary Chinese social life to Chinese views and analyses of the world today. Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and Dongsheng News have partnered with Wenhua Zongheng to publish an international edition of the journal, releasing multiple issues per year featuring a selection of articles that hold particular relevance for the Global South.

  • “I deeply admire this man”, says Oliver Stone at the screening of the documentary “Lula” in Cannes

    Tickets sold out as soon as the box office opened for the screening of “Lula”, by Oliver Stone and Rob Wilson, this Sunday (19) at the Cannes Film Festival, outside the official competition. Many people queued at the door in the hope that there would be last-minute cancellations and that they would be able to get in.

    The screening in one of the rooms at the Palais des Festivals was packed and the film's crew was warmly applauded. The veteran American filmmaker said before the screening that the documentary is “about a special person in today's world, a unique leader”. Oliver Stone recalled some of the highlights of the Brazilian president's life and added: “I deeply admire this man”.

    He also said that he knows “that many of the elite hate Lula” and asked the people in the audience “not to hate him”. The general director of the Cannes Film Festival, Thierry Frémeaux, tried to reassure the filmmaker by saying that the audience, made up of many Brazilians, would “love him and understand him”. Finally, he joked: “Let those who don't like Lula raise their hands!”, provoking laughter.

    “Lula” was shown in the “Special Sessions” section of the Festival's official selection. The film portrays the life of the Brazilian president, focusing on his imprisonment between 2018 and 2019, his election in 2022 and his “triumphant” return to power.

    The directors had privileged access to interviews with the Brazilian president and his advisors. The main interview, conducted by Oliver Stone with the then PT candidate for re-election, took place during the 2022 election campaign. He also spoke with Glenn Greenwald, founder of the website The Intercept, to reveal the intricacies of Operation Car Wash, which led to Lula's imprisonment.

    The film emphasizes the importance of “Vaza Jato”, published by Greenwald, for the release of the PT leader. The film denounces the so-called “lawfare”, or political instrumentalization of justice, and the involvement of the United States in the Car Wash operation. In addition to unpublished interviews, the classic documentary is constructed with archive footage, enhanced by an instrumental soundtrack. For Brazilian audiences, “Lula” doesn't bring much new - the film's message is aimed at an international audience.

    At the end of the screening, which was widely applauded, co-director Rob Wilson said he hoped the audience would “realize that it is possible for democracies around the world to have a politician like Lula, who, once in power, keeps the promises he makes”. Stone has made other films with Latin American themes, such as the fictional “Salvador”, in 1986, with James Woods.

    During his career, the director has also made documentaries about personalities from the continent, such as the three projects about Fidel Castro, released between 2003 and 2012, or “My Friend Hugo”, about former Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. Several scenes from these films were reused in “Lula”, which is competing for the “Golden Eye” award for best documentary selected at the Cannes Film Festival.

  • Ancap Update: ancaptain

    The Argentine Chamber of Deputies today rejected a motion presented by Javier Milei's party, Liberty Advances to condemn the reaction and words of the Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, against the Argentine president. Only the Republican Proposal, by Maurício Macri, supported the initiative, which was rejected by a large margin.

  • Today I'm gonna turn my living room into a laser shooting range. I use laser cartridges in my guns, little laser pointers that fit snug in the chamber and flash a dot on where the bullet would hit. They make them so you can practice shooting indoors, quietly and on the cheap. I got tired of quickshotting the same lamp over and over and I thought "if only I had moving targets"

    Then the laserbulb went off in my head and I started looking up good budget projectors. There's a pretty decent one I can go pick up today for like $70, although if anyone has recommendations for a really good one under a hundred, I'm all ears.

    Anyway I plan to point it at my wall and start drawing up targets in Inkscape, then have it randomly shuffle through slides to make the targets move unpredictably. Might fuck around and add the House of the Dead 2 music

  • Please, somebody listening please tag the Yacht Sinking Orcas… Yacht Sinking Orcas, if you can hear us… please Yacht Sinking Orcas– please save me. Please save me Yacht Sinking Orcas, please. I'm asking. Please save me- Please get these rich people away from me. In dear God's name please stop these rich people. Please.

    Link to the reference for the joke I’m making above for those who don’t know it


  • Denmark's succdem-led right-wing regime supports an independence Palestine — at some point in the distant future.

    When asked whether Denmark should follow the lead of Norway, Ireland and Spain and join the consensus among the international community on Palestinian sovereignty, foreign minister and boozed-up grifting centrist Lars Løkke Rasmussen rejected, giving the following reason:

    That decision is reserved for a situation where there is a state. To be a state, you need to have a territory you control and some authorities that can control it. And that's not exactly the situation right now.

    If you squint really hard you can kind of see the contours of a good-faith argument based on a realist theory of stratehood. But don't be misled, the man is a scoundrel who would rather see thousands of non-white children burn then he would upset his masters in Washington.

    He then goes on to do the liberal sleight of hand where he says something that sounds like the opposite of what he's actually saying. In this case he's making "we'll never recognise Palestine" sound like he actually wants to go just that:

    We reserve it for that day, or for a time when there is an irreversible peace process that will surely lead there

    He follows up with the usual phrases about supporting a "two-state solution", the thing literally nobody wants but who has become the go-to thought-terminating cliché for liberals who doesn't want people to get mad at them.

    Rasmussen describes what he sees as the issues preventing the imagined "irreversible peace prices":

    Right now, we have a Hamas in Gaza that does not want any two-state solution. They want to eradicate Israel. We have a government in Israel that also doesn't seem to have much appetite for a two-state solution,

    So actually both sides are bad. One side is worse than the other though as it wants to "eradicate" the other whereas the other simply don't have "much appetite" for a lukewarm liberal compromise. Rasmussen doesn't seem to wonder how it can be that the good side has a civilian body count orders of magnitude greater than the bad side.

    Instead of recognising Palestine, Rasmussen wants to "use his efforts differently", namely to:

    … promote a process where we get people to meet with each other in the same room. And yes, it is a Danish ambition and has been for 10 years, that the day can come when we can recognize Palestine.

    If just the victims and the perpetrators of the genocide could talk it all out and find a compromise, and if just that commentary could be guaranteed to work flawlessly until the heat death of the universe, then maybe, some day the Danish government could be arsed to recognise Palestine.

  • Oh hey what a surprise, small modular reactors are a joke, at least in the west.

    For the record, here's my small modular reactor roadmap - wait for China to do it. If it makes sense, they will and then we can buy them. Boom done, I just saved the taxpayer several billion dollars that would otherwise be hoovered by oil and gas interests

  • The Bloom | Breakthrough West Of Klishchiivka And South Of Staromaiorske. Military Summary 2024.5.22

    Ukraine is on a clear direction out of the Stale ..with Klishchiivka and Robotine , Russia has now reconquered everthing that Ukraine once Took in the counter offensive , and we see the ominous trains again rolling west from Tula and Novosibirsk with the always chefs-kiss russian music ,. Its like its January 2022 ..

  • Reuters - Slovak PM Fico's attacker may not have acted alone, says minister [19/05/2024]

    The suspect in an assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico may not have been just a "lone wolf" as previously believed, the interior minister said on Sunday, as security services try to shed light on an attack that sent shockwaves through Europe.

    Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok said an investigation team had been set up, which would also look into whether the suspect acted as part of a group of people that had been encouraging each other to carry out an assassination.

    One factor suggesting the involvement of other persons was that the suspect's internet communications were deleted two hours after the assassination attempt, but not by the suspect and most likely not by his wife, Estok said.

    This indicated "the crime may have been committed by a certain group of people," Estok told a news conference.

  • ABC - Ukrainian colonel presses for more US arms as his brigade battles Russian onslaught: Reporter’s notebook [23/05/2024]

    Despite the advances made but the Russians, [Col. Oleksandr Bakulin] pushed back at the idea that Ukraine is losing the war, saying, “I personally think that we have already won this war. The question is at what point it is going to end, and at what stage.”


  • Debunking "Amnesty International" CIA lies about the Islamic Republic of Iran and shaheed Ebrahim Raisi during the time of the late 80's

    Description: Amnesty International has alleged that the Iranian authorities in the summer of 1988 carried out the mass executions of peaceful political prisoners for their opinions. This presentation refutes this as a complete distortion of what actually happened and why Amnesty has, in fact, become a supporter of terrorism and the abuse of human rights.

  • Can't believe Telesur is using the tweet I've posted earlier for their news article lol:

  • The faces of Jenin

  • Tourism to Venezuela Grew by 220 Percent

    The agreement for direct flights between China and Venezuela will further boost this industry in the coming years.

    On Tuesday, Tourism Minister Ali Padron announced that the number of international visits to Venezuela increased by 220 percent in the first four months of 2024 compared to 2023.

    This growth is the result of greater air and land connectivity with neighboring countries such as Colombia and Brazil, as well as the arrival of visitors from Europe, Russia, and Poland.

    Venezuela received about 1.6 million foreign tourists, surpassing pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. Padron also highlighted a 20 percent increase in domestic tourism, a percentage that demonstrates the revitalization of the industry within Venezuela.

    The Bolivarian minister emphasized that the signing of the agreement for direct flights between China and Venezuela will further boost his country's industry in the coming years.

    New economic prospects in the tourism sector will also open with the signing of similar agreements between Venezuela and other Latin American and European countries.

    The Venezuelan tourism industry has important natural assets thanks to the availability of a variety of ecosystems and landscapes unique in the world.

    For example, in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Venezuela, is the Los Roques Archipelago, which is known by international tour operators for its impressive landscapes of crystal clear water and white sand.

    "This place has been a national park since 1972. It has an impressive biodiversity, 221,120 hectares made up of crystal clear waters, and over 300 cays, islets and sandbanks," Estampas Magazine recalled.

    Currently, the Tourism Ministry is also promoting the establishment of Tourism Development Zones (ZDT) as part of a long-term strategy for the sustainability of this industry.

  • Guardian - Polish foreign minister calls for long-term rearmament of Europe [25/05/2024]

    In an interview with the Guardian, Sikorski said Poland backed the right of Ukraine to strike at military targets inside Russia, arguing that the west had to stop constantly limiting itself in what it does to support Ukraine. The US national security adviser Jake Sullivan has been holding out against Ukraine using US weapons on Russian territory.

    He said Europe had to learn to play the escalation game better by keeping Putin guessing about its intentions.

    He was sceptical about Russian threats to use nuclear weapons, saying: “The Americans have told the Russians that if you explode a nuke, even if it doesn’t kill anybody, we will hit all your targets [positions] in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we’ll destroy all of them.”


  • Create buffer zone in Belgorod Kharkiv region, capture Odessa to create a buffer zone for Crimea and now Putin-Lukashenko making plans for a Belarus Ukraine buffer zone. Everything except Kiev -> Galicia will be a buffer zone.

  • yen continues to eat shit in the last year. shame the-doohickey doesn't work as an explanation, would be good meme. Not fun having to run deficits on imports huh

  • Love norm, I’m also so glad he laid off on the constant referencing of Soviet propaganda to demonstrate how bad Zionist lies are

  • Argentina’s economy shows sharp declines across the board as parallel pesos weaken

    Families are borrowing money to afford food as purchasing power is pulverized and thousands of jobs are axed

    Argentina has fallen into recession. Key indicators released over the past week show slumps across the board, from consumer spending to manufacturing. Families are increasingly resorting to loans to afford food. Meanwhile, the informal dollar exchange rate, or “blue dollar,” reached an all-time peak of AR$1,300 on Thursday.

    March economic activity fell by 8.4% year-on-year and 1.4% from February, the INDEC statistical bureau reported Wednesday. Activity has fallen for six straight months and was previously flat between August and September. This confirms the economy has shrunk for two consecutive quarters, meeting the technical definition of a recession. Argentina’s GDP fell by 1.6% in 2023, and the International Monetary Fund forecast a 2.5% drop for 2024.

    Consumer spending has tanked, too, with separate March INDEC figures showing yearly drops of 9.3% in sales at supermarket sales, 10.7% in wholesalers, and 11.3% at shopping malls. The Córdoba Grocers’ Center measured a 30% drop in sales in April compared to March, a fact the center’s vice president Vanesa Ruiz attributed to incomes falling far behind inflation.

    “People are no longer consuming and buying food,” she said. “Families are completely indebted. Nine out of ten households need to finance their food,” she said. “48% do so by having a tab in the store, 33% by using credit cards, and 8% by borrowing money.”

    The dollar

    The informal U.S. dollar rate known as the “blue dollar” peaked at AR$1,300 on Thursday, easing to AR$1,220 on Friday. After months of relative calm, it jumped by 8.9% in one week. The figure is well above the 2% crawling peg, the rate by which the official peso is devalued each month. The government has maintained this policy since it devalued the currency by 54% in December.

    Analysts attribute the greenback’s rise to recent decreases in the Central Bank’s benchmark interest rate, making the peso less attractive for investors and therefore increasing demand for dollars. The current nominal rate is 40% and the effective rate is 49.1%. Interannual inflation was 289% in April.

    Leandro Zicarelli, a financial analyst and host of podcast Financiero, Monetario e Irreverente, said the government may be looking to cause a “small currency run.” Soybean exporters can sell 20% of their dollars in the financial market, so a higher blue-chip swap rate would give them higher profits. The remaining 80% must be sold in the official exchange market, meaning that sales bolster the Central Bank’s international reserves.

    Production and consumption

    Activity flagged across nine sectors in March, INDEC data showed. Construction and manufacturing declined 29.9% and 19.6% year-on-year, respectively.

    Similarly, a report by the Argentine Confederation of the Medium Enterprise (CAME, by its Spanish acronym) published on Sunday revealed that the industrial activity of small and medium-sized companies saw an interannual drop of 18.3% in April — the fifth in a row and the harshest in the last three months.

    Paper and printing suffered the worst, plummeting 32.3% inter-annually, according to CAME. A La Rioja paper company representative quoted in the report said production was “falling much more than expected.” The metal, machinery and equipment sector came next, with companies working at a loss and complaining of paltry sales.

    Matías Kulfas, former Production Minister under Alberto Fernández, blamed the Milei administration’s economic policies for the body blow to industry and construction. “They are both closely associated with the domestic market, which is suffering the consequences of the drop in income caused by December’s devaluation,” Kulfas told the Herald.

    “We are forecasting that cement sales will be around 9.2 million tonnes this year,” he said. “In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, sales were 9.8 million tonnes.” He argued that government plans to open up imports for products in the basic basket could worsen Argentine industry’s predicament by forcing struggling companies to compete with cheap imports.


    The slump is already hitting jobs. News site Infobae revealed this week that 275,000 “cuentas sueldo” — the type of bank account used to collect paychecks — closed down in the first three months of the year, indicating that that number of jobs disappeared in that period. Using public information, the Centre of Political Economy (CEPA) revealed last week that 62,000 people lost their jobs in the private sector from December to February.

    Last week, Changomás supermarket laid off 152 workers from eight branches in Buenos Aires province. There were also layoffs at Acindar, FV, PepsiCo, General Motors, Whirpool, Mabe, and Fate. The job destruction exceeds that during the pandemic. Meanwhile, President Javier Milei seems undeterred. On April 24, during a speech in the Fundación Libertad, he said the economy would rise like a “scuba diver’s fart.” The results, however, remain to be seen.

    Contradictions, contradictions. Just when they think they're winning, the losers will claim their prize. They are creating the conditions for their own demise.

  • russia cossed the border into ukraine again , here east of volchansk

  • The collapse of the structure during a campaign event in Mexico ended in tragedy. At least 9 people died when the campaign stage fell in Nuevo Leon, during a campaign event for the Citizen Movement candidate, Jorge Maynez.

    The governor of Nuevo Leon, Samuel Garcia, confirmed that so far there are 9 people who have died. The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, expressed his solidarity with the families of the victims.

  • manu is visiting new caledonia, godspeed to kanaks rat-salute-2

  • We need the alternative version of hamas-red-triangle here, which is the green triangle, used to designate friendlies.

    Also there's something intrinsically funny funny about hamas-red-triangle, like I imagine it's telling me "over here! over here! over here!" while pointing at a soon-to-be-dead zionist soldier.

  • Finally got telegram and wow. The videos are much crisper than the Streamable mirrors.

    Any good channels to follow? Middle East and Russia/ukraine content since they’re the most topical. But I’m lacking news from Africa and Asia.

  • Hear me out pepe-silvia

    6 days ago: Russian Military Transfers to Belarus Reignite Ukraine Attack Fears

    The Community of Railway Workers of Belarus, which opposes Lukashenko's regime in Minsk, reported an increase in measures for Russian military personnel and equipment to be moved between the countries.

    Yesterday, 2 BRDM-2RKhb were spotted being moved by train in Russia along with a bunch of other equipment, including bridge-layers, with Northern Group of Forces markings.

    What's so interesting about those specific BRDMs? They have minimal armor and weapons, and are specifically designed for dealing with nuclear/biological/chemical threats.

    Which place in northern Ukraine has both nuclear contamination and rivers that need to be crossed? Yeah, it's the area between Belarus and Kiev, near Chernobyl. The area Russia attacked through in 2022 when pushing toward Kiev.

    Anyway, this is just a wild theory. I'm not sure Russia can currently afford to make such a risky move.

    Edit: The OSINT nerds geolocated the train, and apparently it was headed southeast from Tula oblast, which means it was probably going to the Kharkiv offensive. I still like my theory. sicko-wistful

    Edit2: I just followed the train tracks on google maps and I think still might be a route to Belarus train-shining

  • Permanently Deleted

  • azerbaijan deez nuts

  • SEA Headlines

    Global Times - US hypes over ‘military base’ in Southeast Asia aim to turn China into a ‘threat’

    SCMP - Malaysia’s Anwar under pressure to ditch airport [privatization] deal with BlackRock entity over Israel arms links

    VietnamPlus - Vietnam’s bamboo diplomacy gains Russian scholars’ interest

    The Bangkok Post - Q1 GDP grows 1.5% y/y, above forecast

    Vastly below the growth of the rest of the ASEAN-5.

    Xinhua - China-ASEAN economic, trade prospects remain bright -- experts

    VietnamPlus- Vietnam's foreign policy, defence strategy introduced in Venezuela

    Random site - China and ASEAN countries are rapidly rising in the global university rankings

    The rankings suggest that Asian countries, led by China, will become more dominant in academic research in the next decade, potentially changing the global landscape of higher education and science.

    VietNam News - Gov't defines electronic money, Bitcoin not included

    The Strait Times - MAS [Monetary Authority of Singapore], China’s central bank plan further collaboration in green finance

  • Spain's foreign minister, José Albares, has recalled the Spanish ambassador to Argentina for consultations, following statements made by the country's president against the president of Spain, Pedro Sanchez.

    On an unofficial visit to Spain, Milei said that Pedro Sanchez's wife is corrupt, and that Sanchez is “destroying” the country with his “socialist” policies.

  • Heat Wave Will Affect 32 Mexican States

    Citizens are advised to take preventive measures such as avoiding prolonged exposure to solar radiation.

    On Wednesday, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) reported that 27 out of 32 Mexican states will experience temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius in the midst of the third heat wave of the year, which began this week.

    In nine of these states, temperatures will exceed 45 degrees Celsius: Campeche, Guerrero, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, and Yucatan.

    Temperatures between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius will occur in Aguascalientes, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, Sonora, and Zacatecas.

    The SMN expects temperatures between 35 and 40 degrees in Baja California, Baja California Sur, and the State of Mexico, and between 30 and 35 degrees in Mexico City and Tlaxcala.

    "Due to the mentioned temperatures, the public is advised to take preventive measures such as avoiding prolonged exposure to solar radiation, staying properly hydrated, and paying special attention to chronic patients, children, and the elderly," the authorities indicated.

    This heat wave comes just days after the second one, which occurred from May 3 to May 13 and left at least 14 dead, as well as 10 cities with record temperatures, including Mexico City, which recorded a historic 34.3 degrees Celsius on May 9, less than a month after marking a high of 34.2 degrees Celsius on April 15.

    On Wednesday, the National Water Commission (CONAGUA) warned that there will be heavy rains in Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Hidalgo, State of Mexico, Mexico City and Chiapas. The rains are expected to be accompanied by gusts of wind, electric shocks and hail.

    The CONAGUA experts also warned about the possibility of landslides, flooding, flooding, and the increase in the levels of rivers and streams.

  • They’re too goated, they can’t stop pulling action movie shit in their anti colonial struggle

  • Forgot to post this banger ambush

  • ( ) Israel prohibits the Spanish embassy in Israel from providing consular services to West Bank Palestinians and vows, "those who harm us, we will harm in return".

    In one way this reminds me of their threat (possibly in action) to cut off PA from tax revenues that they collect on their behalf. In that, whenever western nations do something Israel doesn't like, Israel reacts by punishing Palestinians, and not just the Hamas-indoctrinated baby terrorists of Gaza who threaten Israel with their pacifiers, but in the West Bank. This collective punishment against a population that didn't even wrong them is barely mentioned by the western press.

  • News mega is acting choppy for me today. Comments are loading slowly, upbears aren't saving, scrolling is janky. Is this just me?

  • I'm surprised my "mounting heads on pikes" comment didn't get removed I thought that would have fedposting too hard.

  • I really want to go full Rimworld on all IOF troops.

  • The Polisario front released a video


    The Sahrawi People's liberation army, And what will make you realize what the Sahrawi People's liberation army is? protector of the people, the holder of the torch, the warhead in the battle of existence, defeater of the enemies, creator of glory.

    Salutations to these strong men, the fighters in the fronts, those who don't allow a day to pass without the destruction of enemy strongholds, with their tools and souls.

    The Sahrawi people's liberation army

    Power - Continuation ... for liberation


    The Buenos Aires City Police, In Argentina, on Friday morning, he assaulted the news team of teleSUR covering a peaceful protest in solidarity with the mobilizations of thousands of workers who have spent more than a week in the province of Misiones, in the northeast of that country.

    While taking images of trade unionists in the Argentine capital, a police officer sprayed the cameraman Cristian Ibarra directly in the eyes, at close range and with pepper spray, and caused considerable damage.


    Luis Abinader- PRM (Right-Wing Socdem with minor Left-Wing factions) : 2.366.971 votes- 57,16% (Elected)

    Leonel Fernandez- FP (Left-Wing Socdem) : 1.214.887 votes - 29,34%

    Abel Martinez- PLD (Old Socdem) : 422,735 votes- 10.21%

    Among notable issues during the campaign was the effects of the political unrest in Haiti and increased migration from the latter country. During a debate, President Abinader pledged to continue the deportation of illegal immigrants and finish construction of a wall along the border with Haiti. Both Leonel Fernandez and Abel Martínez also supported a harsh stance on migration.

    Despite losing the presidency by a large margin, the Fernandez family has a lot to celebrate today. Omar Fernandez, the son of Leonel Fernandez, is leading the polls for the seat of Senator of the Republic, for the national district, the largest in the country.

  • I'm late to this but I found it interesting the the BBC used the headline which says that the

    USA "hints at support for sanctions" on ICC, but FT went with "signals support [...] to push for sanctions"

    I cut two words on the later to make it make sense in my sentence.

    I feel the latter sounds much stronger right?

  • Would Iran gain anything by alleging conspiracy? I have the vague feeling that they're gonna end up blaming Israel whether or not Israel actually crashed their helicopter (pretty likely that it was just an accident, but it is sus), but not entirely sure if the benefits of escalating outweigh the costs.

  • bye plushy sunak bye

  • Colombian President Petro Rejects Far-Right Call for Coup

    Previously, Alvaro Uribe made statements suggesting that the Armed Forces should act independently of Petro.

    On Wednesday, Colombian President Gustavo Petro rejected former President Alvaro Uribe's calls for an uprising of the Armed Forces against his administration.

    Previously, the far-right politician suggested that Petro was not really interested in the fight against irregular groups and that the Colombian Armed Forces should act independently of what the President wants.

    In response to the calls for a coup d'état, Petro reminded Uribe that his statements are classified as crimes in the Penal Code.

    The Colombian president also reminded the far-right politician that he persecuted human rights defenders and critical thinkers during his term from 2002 to 2010.

    Fifteen years ago, for example, Miguel Beltran, a professor who was attending postdoctoral studies, was accused of terrorism. After three years in prison, however, he was released due to the lack of evidence against him.

    “It is State terrorism. They try to silence those of us who think critically, defend human rights, and oppose. Alvaro Uribe embodied State terrorism,” Beltran said.

    Currently, the far-right politician, who is being tried for accusations of paramilitarism, is trying to revolt the Colombian armed forces against President Petro.

    “Uribe has always maintained that policy. But it's not just him but also a good part of the Colombian political elite... At this moment, they appeal to citizen security and citizen rights to continue the war," conflict analyst Jertza Merchan Diaz said.

    “When Uribe was president, what was most evident was the violation of human rights and the muzzling of thought,” she added.

  • sadly only in german Goverment PR Confrence after the ICC warrent application..

  • Some good news from Argentina

  • The Country of the Week is Azerbaijan!

    Feel free to post or recommend any books, essays, studies, articles, and even stories related to Azerbaijan.

    If you know a lot about the country and want to share your knowledge and opinions, here are some questions to get you started if you wish:

    • What is the general ideology of the political elite? Do they tend to be protectionist nationalists, or are they more free trade globalists? Are they compradors put there by foreign powers? Are they socialists with wide support by the population?
    • What are the most important domestic political issues that make the country different from other places in the region or world? Are there any peculiar problems that have continued existing despite years or decades with different parties?
    • Is the country generally stable? Are there large daily protests or are things calm on average? Is the ruling party/coalition generally harmonious or are there frequent arguments or even threats?
    • Is there a particular country to which this country has a very impactful relationship over the years, for good or bad reasons? Which one, and why?
    • What are the political factions in the country? What are the major parties, and what segments of the country do they attract?
    • Are there any smaller parties that nonetheless have had significant influence? Are there notable separatist movements?
    • How socially progressive or conservative is the country generally? To what degree is there equality between men and women, as well as different races and ethnic groups? Are LGBTQIA+ rights protected?
    • Give a basic overview of the last 50 or 100 years. What's the historical trend of politics, the economy, social issues, etc - rise or decline? Were they always independent or were they once occupied, and how have things been since independence if applicable?
    • If you want, go even further back in history. Were there any kingdoms or empires that once governed the area?

    Check out our reading list. Nothing on there for Azerbaijan yet, unfortunately.

  • Argentine Public Media's Websites and Social Networks Suspended

    The Milei administration "is clearly incompatible with the freedom of expression," former presidential candidate Castañeira said.

    On Tuesday, the administration of far-right President Javier Milei temporarily suspended the websites and social media posts of Argentine public media outlets.

    The intervenor of public media, Diego Chaher, stated that only the manager of digital media will handle social media accounts of Public Television and National Radio.

    "All types of transmission and/or social media content posting are suspended until the criteria changes are established,” he said.

    The measure started at midnight and affected the portal and social media accounts of the Public Television, the National Radio, musical chains FM Clasica and Rock, cultural channel Encuentro, and children's channel Paka Paka.

    The message appearing on these media outlets' websites is identical to the one published in March on the state-owned agency TELAM, which was shut down by Milei arguing that "it had been used in recent decades as a Kirchnerist propaganda agency."

    “With what happened today, the emptying of public media is deepened, a process that began with the measures taken against TELAM,” said Agustin Lecchi, the secretary of the Buenos Aires Press Union (SIPREBA).

    "The government is not interested in restructuring these media outlets, some of which were profitable... The only thing they are interested in is destroying their social role,” he added.

    “That’s why they attacked TELAM and the National Radio stations. Now they are attacking their capacity to reach people through social media. Indirectly, this impacts all workers because it affects social media expression,” Lecchi added.

    Meanwhile, this week, the Argentine Senate is expected to discuss a bill that would allow Milei to completely dispose of public media by selling them to private companies.

    On February 5, the far-right president issued a decree allowing him to intervene in state media for one year as part of his policy of "reorganizing public companies." This intervention, however, could be extended.

    The list of media outlets to be intervened includes the portal, National Radio, Public Television, TELAM, Encuentro, Paka Paka, Depor TV, ACUA Mayor, and ACUA Federal.

    “We repudiate Milei's attack on the right to information and communication by suspending social networks and interrupting the content of various public media. His policy also makes allusions to the 1976 dictatorship by using the 'reorganization process' concept," said former presidential candidate Manuela Castañeira, the leader of the New MAS movement.

    “It is clear that freedom of expression and the right to information are incompatible with his administration. All our solidarity with public media workers. We call on all democratic sectors to repudiate the government's censorship and threat. Enough of Milei!,” she added.

  • This F*cking Guy episode is a pretty good/comprehensive take-down of melon-musk : Elon Musk: Everything You Didn't Know About His Sh*tty Past

    The show seems to be aiming for being kind of a videocast version of Behind the Bastards. I don't know how radical/anti-capitalist they actually are, though. Still, kind of funny. They do have a short segment about Ukraine which could indicate some liberal brainworms, but they only touch on it very briefly from more of a "one more thing Musk's criminal enterprises are getting subsidies for and not following through on" angle, so it's hard to be sure.

  • Does the RSS feed link work for other people? Last I can see is April 20


  • Haiti: Violence Impacts on Education

    The spread of insecurity also reaches other provinces where the agency has not yet counted the impact.

    On Wednesday, official sources stated that violence in Haiti is having a devastating impact on education after insecurity led to the closure of some 900 schools from mid-2023 in the provinces of Artibonite and Port-au-Prince.

    UN agencies have recorded more than 30 attacks on schools so far this year alone, as armed groups expand their control in neighborhoods across the capital.

    As a result, nearly 200,000 young people lack access to education and four thousand teachers remain unemployed. The spread of insecurity also reaches other provinces where the agency has not yet counted the impact.

    However, humanitarian organizations are supporting the delivery of school meals that have benefited almost 400,000 children since the beginning of the year.

    Armed gangs have caused the internal displacement of 362,000 Haitians, half of them children, according to UN figures.

    According to the International Organization for Migration, some 95,000 people fled the capital between 8 March and 9 April, 60 per cent of them to the southern departments.

    The UN estimates that at least 5.5 million Haitians will need humanitarian assistance by 2024, up from the 5.2 million estimated before the escalation of recent months.

    The agency also warns of a disproportionate burden of the current context on women, after rape rates skyrocketed due to unsafe conditions in many displacement sites.

    In response, humanitarian organizations organize prevention and awareness-raising activities, while identifying survivors and ensuring that they receive appropriate care.

  • Shahjaks vs IRChads:

    At 0:30, one of the IRChads starts kicking the filming shahjak while he's on the ground.

  • Serious question, but why aren't we doing the crab-party for Ebrahim Raisi? Sure he was against the west and the Iranian revolution was preferable to the western puppet king. But he was deeply right wing and murdered communists during the Revolution.

  • Big Raisi L

  • Genuinely so fucked up that jreg featured the theory written by a tgirl I know through the internet as a wacky ideology that doesn't exist in the real world

  • #Death to Israel #811 1/6


    memes are real and impact peoples' working conditions

  • #Death to Israel #810 3/6


    Pakistan makes textiles, note taken

  • Edit: Oopsie wrong megathread 😭

  • As always, death to Israel
    #Tradle #812 3/6


    Exports looked kinda Cuban but are too small even when taking sanctions into account, so I went Jamaica -> Curacao -> Aruba

  • #Death to Israel #808 3/6


    figured it had to be a mountainous country - and it was

  • #Death to Israel #807 3/6


    tried Greece first, then Uruguay, then it could only be Chile

  • #Extremely Authoritarian Death to Israel #813 3/6


    distance hints making finding which small island it is easier example

  • Permanently Deleted

  • I think this is a good articulation of why the ICJ order is not at all sufficient, but also important, from Ori Goldberg in a lib-friendly way. There is a big caveat here though; that he's extremely gunshy and squeamish about saying or implying that this is a deliberate systematic campaign of genocide though, despite the fact that is exactly what's happening. I also think there's a little bit of cope, tinged with western chauvinism at the end, but still an interesting read.

    There are two ways of looking at the ICJ decision given today, issuing warrants for opening the Rafah border passage and for Israel to stop fighting in ways that could cause total or partial destruction of the Palestinian people. Both ways are logical in context.

    First, there is the irate way and rightfully so. The ICJ delivered a decision that is open to interpretation and thus lets Israel off the hook. Israelis will say that IDF operations in Rafah cannot bring about destruction and that this makes such actions legitimate.

    The ICJ should have ruled in a much more conclusive way, making it clear that Israel must stop the war in Rafah without any provisos or disclaimers. The fact that it did not do so despite Israel's contempt for the court says much about the latter's lackluster nature.

    I think this way of looking at the decision does not do the decision justice. The reason? Those assuming that the court could and should simply rip Israel a new one fail to appreciate correctly the depth and strength of the structural bias in international law.

    Israel epitomizes this bias, still grounded in the acceptance and validation of western/(global) northern supremacy. It may seem strange to think of the Palestinians as part of the global south and of Israel as part of the global north when they occupy the same territory.

    It is not. This distinction is not a strictly geographical or physical. Those who have are accepted by the global order as the image of normalcy, with any challenge to their innate privilege immediatey branded a dangerous, destabilizing anomaly to be contained.

    Those who have not are trespassers, wrong and at fault simply for being and subjected to an always stringent assessment of their actions and motivations. Assuming that the have-nots possess essential natures, that they are what they are, is always a damning practice.

    But the assumption made the other way, towards the haves, simply restablishes them as "normal". Israel, for example, is a victim. From this victimhood stems legitimacy to attack Israel's attackers by whatever means and for whatever duration.

    This approach is a cornerstone of the current international legal order. The ICJ decision today is the first hesitant step towards change. Why? First, because it sanctions Israel for its choice to simply ignore the court's previous decision. This is unprecedented.

    Yes; Israel should have been stopped. That is not an option in the current system. Israel must first be dragged off its pedestal for the system to even register the possibility of change. The bias really is that deep. Change requires political vision and backing.

    Israel, not just Netanyahu, offers the complete opposite. Israel will defy and dither, continuing to kill innocent Palestinians to "prove" that it is not blustered. Israel has nothing but Palestinian death (and dead hostages) to present as "achievements".

    The world is reluctant to admit its shortcomings. But the world is also angry at Israel for having exposed the "state of things". Israel has placed a mirror before the world and the world does not like what it sees. Its judgment will come, I think, right quickly.

    This is of no consolation to the victims of the genocide. This process lacks basic morality. Still, it is the only game in town. Israel is "outraged" because it is afraid. It has failed in all its goals. Israel has been defeated. This is how its world ends.

  • Why the fuck does my dogshit state have a primary for down-ballot candidates and a caucus for presidential candidates and why are the elections held on two separate days?!

  • .

  • switched back to Windows 10, 11 doesnt support my cracked games smh my head

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