When the GOP sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are convicted felons.
Conservative comments on this joyous event can be divided into three groups.
Group 1: how dare the government do this to our golden god!?
Group 2: this is good for Trump’s campaign for reasons
Group 3: the demonrats are going to say mean things about us
Note that none of these are “oh man, I might have been wrong to support him.” The complete absence of regret coupled with severe delusions around trump are more than slightly distressing in the long term.
Holy crap... Did you guys read the bottom bit about Georgia voters?
"Another man Bob, playing with his bluegrass band outside a café, was more sure. He wanted a positive outcome for Donald Trump and said a conviction would not change his mind. What would?
“If he was convicted of murder, I'd be like that's not a guy I want to go for!” "
Not surprised, tbh, but I still find it ridiculous to read.
Trump's civil trials: Half a billion in fines, lost ability to do business in New York.
Trump's Jan 6 Federal case: stuck with SCOTUS deciding on presidential immunity by looking at polls in September.
Trump's Stolent document case: postponed until an inept judge can figure out how to have a trial where one of the exhibits is "stolen plans to assassinat all current world leaders: CIA, do not distribute" without all world leaders catching wind.
Trump's Georga interference case: Trying to get the other 10 defendants guilty before going after Trump
This was the only case that could have given him prison time before the election. Let's see the judge screw it up.
This is only going to be considered by the swing voters come the election.
Die hard Trumpers will double down.
Die hard Republicans would never vote for a Democrat, so better a felon than a Liberal.
Die hard Democrats would never have voted for him anyway.
People who flip between the two parties now have another thing to consider when casting their votes, and only their internal compass will direct them to Trump or Biden
I think the best we can hope for is house arrest, which would still be really good since he couldn't campaign. I doubt he will go to prison even though it would be amazing and hilarious to see him in those paper thin orange prison jump suits. He could be roommates with Nicholas Tartaglione, but I can only get so optimistic
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted the "SHAM trial" on X. "You don't see this level of corruption in a banana republic", she wrote, directing people to a Trump fundraiser.
I don't know I've seen such a direct example of, " I'm saying this so that you will give us money", as this in a while.
Why are people so happy to be part of a scam? What do they expect their money will do? Is it a metric republicans use to compare to each other? 🤷
What happens to the jury now? I almost wonder if they need something equivalent to witness protection, or at a bare minimum some protection from the state of New York. MAGA is a terrorist organization that preaches swift, bloody retribution against dissidents. I don't know if basic juror anonymity will be enough to protect all of them.
Pfff the only thing achieved so far is speaking that he's guilty. Of (of all things) not disclosing payment for sex. No prison, no drop from the ballot, so far nothing that's actually useful.
I think that the best immediate thing that will come from this will be Trump rule 34 fanart. Or, who knows, I might be mistaken already...
Sadly "justice has prevailed" is a little premature, because he probably won't do any time and will just have to pay a fine; and probably a mediocre one at that. Justice would be him serving the rest of his life in prison, but that probably won't happen.
Nothing's gonna happen. He's just gonna make up some new "ex president/presidential candidate immunity" that prevents some category of person that includes him from going to prison even for state crimes, and his various federal court nominees will see to it that it's tied up indefinitely.
Does anyone take this verdict seriously? This is the same criminal justice system that locks up the poor, vulnerable and ethnic minorities. They have criminalised whistleblowers and other truth tellers. They are enslaving ordinary people. The laws they use are often racist. The CIA are assassinating people and subverting nation states with total impunity from this same criminal justice system.