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  • A while ago, I read something about how back in the day, people would spend half of their evenings "thinking about sleep" and not really doing anything, talking about it like wasted time when you could be doing more fulfulling things. So it's weird to me to hear that people are recommending two whole hours of this.

    As someone who doesn't have ADHD, here's what works for me*: No heavy metal or intense video gaming right before bed. I usually just take one final scroll through the front page of Lemmy before I go to bed. And I leave my phone at my desk - that part seems more important. Studies have found it's harder to fall asleep while looking at a screen. I learned this a while ago and thought it was a no-brainer, then was surprised over the years to learn how many people are literally scrolling through their phones while they're trying to sleep. If you can give that up*, you'll fall asleep easier, and if your phone is out of arm's reach of your bed, your alarm clock will be much more effective in the morning.

    *I can't even guess how easy this would be to pull off with ADHD. Maybe it's about as easy as it is for anyone else (which may not be all that easy tbf,) maybe it's borderline impossible. If it's the latter, sorry, I don't have any ADHD-specific advice.

  • The sleep thing highlights how little we know about the brain. We have no treatment whatsoever which can safely induce sleep. This cliché advice, which is meant exclusively for acute insomnia of those who typically don't experience it, is the cutting edge of sleep medicine. Humanity and the most advanced scientific research currently available is totally ignorant of everything not covered by these tips.

    When I finally accepted that I have absolutely no control whatsoever of my sleep latency and there is currently nothing in all of medicine that can be done about it, my nights became a lot less stressful and a lot more enjoyable.

  • Weirdly, I can spend hours meditating. But meditating before sleep? Impossible. If I can't have Netflix, I require music