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  • Memphis design for the colors and patterns, Y2K for the colorful translucent electronics, and Frutiger Aero for the GUIs.

  • I was born and raised throughout the whole Memphis Design era, reluctantly tolerated the Y2K era, gained a little hope for humanity during the Frutiger Aero era, then subsequently lost all hope once the Flat Design era hit.

  • I don't share the hate for flat design.
    It's cleaner than the others, simpler and less distracting. Easier on the eyes, too. It takes itself seriously and does so successfully imo (nice try, aero). It feels professional in a way all the previous eras don't - they seem almost child-like by comparison.

    Modern design cultivates recognizable interactions by following conventions and common design language instead of goofy icons and high contrast colors. To me, modern software interfaces look like tools; the further you go back in time, the more they look like toys.

    Old designs can be charming if executed well and in the right context. But I'm glad most things don't look like they did 30 years ago.

    I'm guessing many people associate older designs with the era they belonged to and the internet culture at the time. Perhaps rosy memories of younger days. Contrasting that with the overbearing corporate atmosphere of today and a general sense of a lack of authenticity in digital spaces everywhere, it's not unreasonable to see flat design as sterile and soulless. But to me it just looks sleek and efficient.
    I used to spend hours trying to customize UIs to my liking, nowadays pretty much everything just looks good out of the box.

    The one major gripe I have is with the tendency of modern designs to hide interactions behind deeply nested menu hopping. That one feels like an over-correction from the excessively cluttered menus of the past.
    That and the fact that there's way too many "settings" sections and you can never figure out which one has the thing you're looking for.

    P S. The picture did flat design dirty by putting it on white background - we're living in the era of dark mode!

  • Memphis design will always win my vote. The weird ass electronics, the ground breaking UI components, just absolutely nutty decisions and insane product concepts built on everyone’s wild dreams of the future. I even think the same forward looking design concepts carried into the Y2K designs— particularly with personal electronics like phones.

  • Deleted my previous comment, felt like I should give this a bit more attention.

    To be honest I feel like all designs are good in their own way. I like the general vibe of Memphis, but being that I was born in the mid 90s, it's probably just that general energy you get from things that happened before you did, where they are "cool" due to how just-old-enough-to-be-old-but-not-old-enough-to-be-an-antique they are, yanno?

    Y2K design -- Well. I like the transluscent plastic on Gameboys and Macs. Really underrated aesthetic, wouldn't mind having it back. The DreamCast had some very sleek angles too.

    Frutiger Aero will never not "look like the future" to me. It was the age of computer interfaces having all sorts of fun colours and transparencies and animations, and it just LOOKED futuristic and neat. Don't care for the product designs of the era though. That shiny finish would draw in filth and fingerprints from accross the room and after a very short time it'd lose its prettiness.

    Flat design I have issues with, like the hamburger menus and the abandonment of descriptive text in favour of abstract icons -- It is also a bit too serious, but I understand and accept that, even if I miss the playfulness of Frutiger. -- But it DID finally bring us dark mode. And my eyes are forever grateful.

    ... Just wish solarized themes were the norm instead, no idea why they must have such high contrast. I'd even give light mode its time of day if it was a solarized light instead.

  • augh jazz cup my beloved. I wish we had loud baggy pants like that again.

    • I just bought myself a pair of parachute pants! They're not nearly as loud as the wind breaker suits of the 90s and early 00s, but I love them.

  • Tbh I kinda like flat design if done tastefully and within a confined scope, but that Alegria/Globo Homo bullshit from evil corporations and the weird full plastic boxes of nothing can rightly go to the dump.

    I will hate the decade though for its prevalence of the bland beige and off-white interior design.

  • The Nintendo Switch theme is the most boring shit I have ever seen in a recent handheld... At least it can be improved if you have it hacked... But 3DS were much better, anytime I open it up and the Phoenix Wright or Hotel Dusk BGM start to hit is the real deal!

  • Frutiger with the first 3Ds wins everything for me

    • Frutiger is the perfect mix of streamlined and personality, with a softness to make you feel like you aren't dying.