Let's see. The government tells us that poverty is trending down for decades, yet the number of people living paycheck to paycheck has been increasing. The number of renters that cannot afford their rent has been increasing, homelessness is at the largest level ever recorded, but the claim is poverty is decreasing. Have you ever stopped to consider? Maybe they are lying?
Ah so you're doing that disingenuous bullshit where you're saying the TOTAL number of homeless has gone up while intentionally implying you meant the homelessness RATE has gone up.
Guess what? Our POPULATION has gone up over the past hundred years too.
Even just looking at pure numerical data, only last year did the number of homeless edge above the 2012 level, which is the earliest we have good data for. There's no way in hell it's beating out 2009-2011 after free great recession, much less the great depression.
As for poverty, it's currently around HALF of our earliest data from 1925. Trending down steadily.
Capitalism has its problems, but trying to paint a picture of life getting worse over time is absolutely bullshit.