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A quick note on the return2ozma ban:

You may have noticed a distinct lack of return2ozma. This is due to their admitting, in a public comment, that their engagement here is in bad faith:

I'm sure there will be questions, let me see if I can address the most obvious ones:

  1. Can I still post negative stuff about Biden?

Absolutely! We have zero interest in running an echo chamber. However, if ALL you're posting is negative, you may want to re-think your priorities. You get out of the world what you put into it and all that.

  1. Why now?

Presumption of innocence. It may be my own fault, but I do try to think the best of people, and even though they were posting negative articles, they weren't necessarily WRONG. Biden's poll numbers, particularly in minority demographics ARE in the shitter. They are starting to get better, but he still has a hell of a hill to climb.

  1. Why a 30 day temp ban and not a permanent ban?

The articles return2ozma shared weren't bad, faked, or from some wing-nut bias site like "", they were legitimate articles from established and respected news agencies, pointing out the valid problems Biden faces.

The problem was ONLY posting the negatives, over and over and then openly admitting that dishonest enagement is their purpose.

Had they all been bullshit articles? It would not have taken anywhere near this much time to lay the ban and it would have been permanent.

30 days seems enough time for them to re-think their strategery and come back to engage honestly.

tl;dr -


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  • I just don’t think any of these things are happening

    Lmao, I mean... Disagree? Look, it's right here even

    So to deal with the four bullet points one by one in more detail:

    • I am very confident that I never suggested that voting was the only thing that mattered. Someone saying that voting does matter is in no way saying that it's the only thing that matters. I think you will be hard pressed to find even a single comment on Lemmy saying that voting is the only thing that matters.
    • I don't think I am discouraging all dissent. I give vocal dissent to the Biden administration on Israel, as does the vast majority on Lemmy. You could maybe say that I'm trying to "enforce support" by presenting my logic in favor of voting for him in general, but I've also posted articles from Ralph Nader explaining how to withhold voting in order to put pressure on Democrats to produce better outcomes and said that I think that's a good thing to do. My main objection to the "I'll never vote for Biden" viewpoint is that it enables a 10 times worse outcome and does nothing to create the better-than-Biden outcome that you seem like you're claiming you want -- but I am not demanding that people support Biden or else. I think we both want better outcomes than Biden, and we are holding a discussion about how we could get them.
    • I do discourage dissemination of coverage that is unflattering to Biden, if I think it's dishonest -- but the issue is the dishonesty, not the unflattering. When it seems honest (e.g. when it pertains to Israel) I encourage it, I post it myself, again as does the majority on Lemmy.
    • I don't launch any crusade (even accepting that framing for typing a comment on the internet) against anyone who's insufficiently emphatic. If someone's actively hostile to the idea of voting in this election, then yes I'll disagree with them sometimes strongly and explain why, but that is allowed, yes? Almost everyone on the internet will sometimes "launch a crusade" against viewpoints they disagree with, by that definition.

    I get what you're saying in breaking down that paragraph of mine, and I can respond to what you're saying about it if you want me to, but I feel like I need to point out that in my eyes not a single one of those bullet points is in it, or anywhere near it.

    You said earlier "Most people who share my perspective have long since stopped trying to argue anything in good faith at all with centrists." I'm gonna be honest, I have reached that same point with a lot of the hivemind, and this is why. You are wildly mischaracterizing what I actually think, to the point where you're saying things I strongly disagree with (e.g. voting is the only thing that matters, any dissent against Biden is forbidden) and then attributing them to me.

    The conversation I would like to have with you is, we need better outcomes than Biden, how do we get there. It is frustrating and pointless to have to over and over again have that much more productive conversation be recast as, I am supporting Biden no matter what and squashing any dissent against him and actively hostile to anything better than him, and then for me to have to try to explain that that's not accurate and be lectured about the contents of my own mind and my own opinions, and have an extended debate about it where I'm apparently not allowed to the be the authority on what I think and what my opinions are.

    Surely that makes sense? Or no?

    • Look, I've written and shelved a few responses to this already, but I wasn't being coy when I said I think we've run this conversation bare. I'm having a hard time contending with what seems like willful rejection of my critique of your framing - which is fine, it's your political world-view and I can't possibly expect to change it in a day. It just seems there's an insurmountable disagreement that we can't get past, and the longer we talk the more exaggerated we're getting about the other's perspective and we're not getting any closer to an understanding than we already have.

      Here's a problematic exchange:


      I do not post memes ‘against voting for biden’, though I can understand interpreting it that way since I am mocking the essentialist and attitude that suggests it is the only thing that matters (I don’t mean anyone has actually said this, but the extreme sentiment conveyed certainly makes that implication clear). That attitude isn’t just short-sided, it is actively hostile toward critiques and agitation against democrats, who on their own routinely use it to rally support without offering real progress (anyone who pays attention to politics year-round might notice that these oppositional crises never really subside)


      I am very confident that I never suggested that voting was the only thing that mattered. Someone saying that voting does matter is in no way saying that it’s the only thing that matters. I think you will be hard pressed to find even a single comment on Lemmy saying that voting is the only thing that matters.

      The misconnect:

      "I never suggested that voting was the only thing that mattered". I know, that's why I said "I don’t mean anyone has actually said this". My point is that all political activity within this frame of view is interpreted through that electoral lense, and I'm pointing to that framing as not just problematic but the actual target of pretty much all effective agitation. That the spectrum of political action must fit through this narrow opening of election day is necessarily a rejection of the use of dissent outside of it. Your objection to and suspicion of bad-actors is a reflection of this, too: even honest critique from reputable sources is suspect of over-the-line provocation simply because the intent may be to distort public opinion away from voting for Biden in november, even if the substance of that provocation is acknowleged as fair. It is that idea that is the subject of my critique, but instead of addressing that problem you fall back to shit like this:

      "When they say “yes Gaza sucks please can we get a better president in the future but in the meantime also Trump is 10 times worse for Gaza among many other things"

      You say you can't see how this statement revolves/hinges around electoral essentialism, but I don't think that's true. I think (notice that I am stating an opinion and not a statement of fact) you do see it, but you believe it is the essential predicate to all agitative action that follows, which is a fair feeling (as i've acknowledged). Having acknowleged that perspective, I'm offering a challenge to that framing: that electoralist lenses collapse political negotiation into a partisan binary (you are either working for this electoral outcome or that one), and it functionally rejects activity that falls on the wrong side (e.g. critiquing Biden is fine (good even), so long as the intent is still to help him defeat trump, or at least that the intent is not to hurt his chances).

      I have repeatedly stated my opinion that effective protest is only that which implicitly threatens that electoral coalition. It seeks to sow discontent with the policies on-offer to put pressure on representation, and it isn't just yelling at the representative, it is an act of cleaving some portion of that base off so that the candidate must choose between their own goal of winning or relenting on the position being protested for.

      Protest is necessarily hostile toward the electoral political calculations, and by gatekeeping valid protest to activity that fits within that frame neuters its ability to push for change. Fostering tension is the goal. It seeks to be present in every political discussion about that candidate, lingering as an ominous and threatening presence that makes not just that candidate squirm and feel unwelcome, but all of the moderates who work to support them, too.

      You are wildly mischaracterizing what I actually think, to the point where you’re saying things I strongly disagree with (e.g. voting is the only thing that matters, any dissent against Biden is forbidden) and then attributing them to me.

      No, I fucking haven't. I am not attributing words as coming straight from your mouth, I am presenting you with what I think your underlying assumptions are. You have not literally said "voting is the only thing that matters, any dissent against Biden is forbidden". What you have done is rhetorically narrow the acceptable forms of dissent to that which fits into this electoral binary. Your method of identifying 'bad-faith' argumentation revolves around how or if that dissent is intended to effect electoral outcomes. I have become a broken record, repeating the same words endlessly:

      effective protest seeks to disrupt status quo coalitions, effective protest seeks to disrupt status quo coalitions, effective protest seeks to disrupt status quo coalitions

      The conversation I would like to have with you is, we need better outcomes than Biden, how do we get there.

      I've said this repeatedly, but sure, I will say it again. Political agitation involves being a relentless-fucking prick. It means dominating every political conversation with the shit you want changed, raise the issue until it cannot be ignored, and absolutely do not allow it to be dismissed as irrelevant noise or covert opposition. It involves being so relentless that their only reprieve is to forcibly remove you from the space you are occupying. That is what I am doing and what I think you should be doing too, and this is why MLK castigated white liberals as the single greatest hurtle toward black liberation. Their obstruction is defined by that line they simply will not cross, and it is the goal of agitation to drag those people up to the line and push their complacent asses over it.

      When you say things like 'why are you bothering people here with this, we agree with you'... Emphatically, no you fucking don't.

    • You are wildly mischaracterizing what I actually think, to the point where you’re saying things I strongly disagree with (e.g. voting is the only thing that matters, any dissent against Biden is forbidden) and then attributing them to me.

      My god welcome to the club. I gave up after he did it something like 4 times in a row to me. Strangest style of argumentation I've ever seen, incessantly whacking at strawmen that don't exist. Glad you can see it too, I thought I was starting to lose it.

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