When you get bedbugs and want to prevent them from getting on your bed (after treatment, say) you pull your bed away from the wall, thus limiting the surfaces they can transfer from. If you also put your bedposts in interceptor traps you’re pretty safe from them. They’ll get stuck in the traps and be unable to get out.
Source: had to deal with the bastards for a year because of a useless landlord and incompetent exterminator. Got really, really good at pest management.
I heard that they can climb to the ceiling and drop down. Not sure how true it is, but helps to enforce how nightmarish they are, like they are some sort of unstoppable entity.
I've heard that too, but it seems pretty unlikely and I never experienced it when I had bedbugs. Plus it would have to be a pregnant(?) bedbug to continue to spread the infestation, otherwise the rare one that dropped on the bed would be stuck there and eventually die...
Yes, but some are removable. If you can’t remove it you’re pretty much screwed - good luck getting a headboard inside of an interceptor trap. Just the bedposts, wheels, or whatever the frame has go into the traps. Basically you need to limit the access they have from wherever they’re hiding to your bed.
Wtf next thing you're going to say you sleep with your arm hanging off the side of the bed or your feet sticking over the edge. I'm surprised you're still alive.
I guess just move your bed to the middle of the room and wait until you get used to it. I'm not sure about the subconscious/sleeping part... Maybe it'll just happen naturally over time?