Assuming so, from what you've said in this thread, it seems from what you've said that you're at least pro-choice, pro-lgbtq+, and pro-separation-of-church-and-state.
So, my question is, "in what sense exactly are you "conservative"?
They identify as conservative because all they want is to fit in with the local "in group" and actively refuse to see if they actually maintain anything that could be referred to as a "standard"
Not op. Before 2016 republicans could be broken down as being fiscally conservative, socially conservative, or both. The person you described above is a fiscal conservative. Republicans are now more fascist then conservative.
They drove out the blue-dog republicans years before.
It is nice that there is a specific year, though, that we can point at for when the moderates lost plausible deniability when it comes to being enablers of the far right.
Well, the time that moderates should have started actively questioning if "Are the dems and pinkos right?" if nothing else.
But for the lefties, it was pretty much Reagan that shouted it out that they were anti-worker.
If firing the air traffic controllers, and making cocaine a race based drug (drawing attention to crack being a 'black drug') and the general hatred towards workers movements didn't have them questioning what side they were on then...
Well, I'm just not surprised that those people are confused about why suddenly they are suddenly being compared to the old German American Bund.