San Francisco bakery sparks debate by refusing to serve armed police
San Francisco bakery sparks debate by refusing to serve armed police

Business says it doesn’t serve anyone who is armed

Business says it doesn’t serve anyone who is armed
San Francisco bakery sparks debate by refusing to serve armed police
Business says it doesn’t serve anyone who is armed
Business says it doesn’t serve anyone who is armed
Private business, police are not a protected class, the end.
Don’t give them ideas
Idk gives me some costume ideas tho.
Introducing: SUPERCOP
That would blow up in their face at this point. None of them want a challenge to section 1983 now that we know the full text of the law. It would strip them if qualified immunity.
Lol! "Bigoted and discriminatory"! As if they were born a cop, had no choice to be anything other that a cop, and could never be without a uniform or a weapon. Fuck 'em.
My partner was a charge nurse on a psych ward for 16 years. Many of her interactions with police were as follows:
POLICE: buzzes the desk
My Parnter: Yes?
P: This is officer so-and-so with the so-and-so police department. We have a warrant for the arrest of a patient on your ward. Let us in.
MP: Okay, but this is a secure ward and firearms are not allowed. Surrender your weapons at the security office and I'll grant you access to make your arrest when you return.
MP: Well, then can't enter this ward.
end of conversation
"bigoted and discriminatory"
What happened to those supreme court rulings they were so in favor of, that allowed poor little christians to blatantly discriminate against people they don't like
That sounds delicious to be able to tell them that. I got fired from a retail job I worked for five years for telling customers about the sign on the door that asks them not to carry. Got unemployment so at least the state knew it was bullshit.
"We ban firearms in this establishment."
"WE're cops!"
"Got a warrant? Otherwise, you're violating our rules and regulations and we ask you to leave."
Better yet, have them arrested for trespassing. LMAO
you can try.... I've actually been there. Sort of.
Used to work contract security. my client was next to a MLB ball field- their parking lot literally was next to the service entrance, so the various staff that weren't special (concessions, security, etc,) would park there. A lot of their ball game security are moonlighting cops or retired cops... they liked to tail gate after the game.... but the city would revoke the license for running a parking lot if we allowed alcohol.
Getting drunken cops to leave your property when the other cops tried to be like "what's the harm," etc is no good.
Fun story time... a couple of friends of mine were walking home after a night of drinking and some cops pull over and get out and say, "two white men in dark clothes just robbed the gas station down the road and you fit that description." One friend said, "you're two white men in dark clothes so you fit that description too. I'm going to have to make a citizen's arrest." My other friend said the cuffs got put on them at light speed. They got charged with public intoxication. We don't know if the two white men in dark clothes were ever caught.
something something gay wedding cake. Last I checked LEO isn't a protected class. And they aren't even denying LEO, just those that come in on-duty and are armed. So yeah, get fucked pigs.
Not all cops are bad. Don’t paint them all with the same brush.
Edit - Jesus y’all want to go lynch some cops. I wasn’t expecting so much bigotry from the crowd here. Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug I guess
Yes, they are. Good cops are actively forced out of police departments. It's a very well documented phenomenon.
Cop is a job where all sorts of people, good and bad, go to become bad people. Acab
They're the ones painting themselves.
What are the odds that the police take this snub badly and do something petty and vindictive in return?
Coppers do like their doughnuts.
I'd be surprised if they didn't start harassing those bakeries, sadly
Cops don’t like hearing the word “no” when it applies to them
That Oregon bakery who refused to sell to a gay wedding ended up winning in the appeal, so if you can say “no gays” you can say “no ______”
They didn't actually win. It had the some procedural non-decision that the Colorado bakery case had (i.e. the regulator failed to be sufficiently neutral). They got fined again and that is being appealed.
Police aren't a race, orientation or protected class. A cop can in fact remove his gun and uniform, it's not attached to his skin
A cop can in fact remove his ... uniform
They better have something on underneath it if they do that in public, tho.
I was going to say, "Actually that's not quite true in San Francisco", but it seems the law changed recently (2012)
Still, based on the existing laws, you could walk around in your underwear and be fine.
For "creative" endeavors, yes. If "creative" covers baking would probably be down to how good of a argument a lawyer could make is.
This policy doesn't seem weird to me at all, but I'm Canadian. I've seen establishments that don't allow weapons on site. So except in emergency situations, police officers need to secure their weapon before they enter the store (I think they put them in the gun locker in the trunk of their car?).
It's not weird. Cops are just butthurt that they can't be super special citizens that the rules don't apply to.
Or on the seat with the window down.
If its legal for someone to hypothetically not create a wedding announcement website for gay people because she doesn't want to serve those kinds of people, then there should be nothing wrong with not wanting to serve armed cops.
Baking food and making coffee could be argued to be every bit as "creative" as a website can be if the lawyer is good enough.
One is outright discrimination based on sexual orientation. The other is simply a policy applied to all patrons.
It should absolutely be legal to say 'no shoes no service' or 'has gun no service' even if it was not legal to discriminate based on sexual orientation/race/gender/etc. They aren't at all the same thing.
cops arnt even people so dont see the prob at all
odds on there being an 'incident' at that location in the near future, and the cops responding stop at dunkin' for coffee and a donut while on the way there....?
There are only two Dunkin Donuts in SF. Mainly because they are terrible donuts.
So, basically 0.
I would suggest Krispy Kreme, but I haven't seen one of those in CA.
Edit: looks like I'm going to Chula Vista. Haven't had a Krispy Kreme in years.
Does this police chief have beef with the MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS, and every other major sports organization?
None of them allow firearms on site unless you are on duty
And an off duty cop just shot someone at the White Sox game last week
Welp they're gonna catch a massive fine, and their whole security staff is going to hate their jobs for the next few years.
It's not like they check for concealed carry though. I did security checks for a MLB team for a bit and I definitely waved through guns after they flashed a badge.
You might be interested to know that cops, judges, politicians, and all other government officials don't actually have Qualified Immunity according to the full text of section 1983 of the federal code. The SCOTUS wasn't handed the full text in 1982 when they heard Harlow V Fitzgerald. The text was changed illegally in 1874 by one guy when he copied the 1871 Congressional Record into the Federal Register.
Look up "16 crucial words that went missing from a landmark civil rights law" for more info.
Look up “16 crucial words that went missing from a landmark civil rights law” for more info.
Why would you go through that entire description and end with that instead of just linking an article about it?
(Having said that, thanks for bringing it up, I hadn't heard about this.)
(Not OP) Thanks but that particular article is AI generated garbage (or just thesaurus generated plagiarism) - you can tell when they replace technical terms like 'judgement' or 'decision' with synonyms like 'choice'
While the Cato Institute are some sort of libertarian think-tank, at least this is a real human-written article, and it links back to some better sources:
Sure, they should be able to turn anyone away, no questions asked.
Is being a law enforcement officer a protected class?
Saying something like “I refuse to serve you in the basis of your race” is illegal because race is a protected class. Whereas “I refuse to serve you because your Lemmy hit-takes are dumb” is perfectly legal! Same as refusing to serve armed thugs masquerading as the good guys.
For some more context this place, reems, really isn't a bakery so much as a middle eastern take out place. The main store is currently closed down though so the only place they have open is a counter serve food court style place in the ferry building, so the cops didn't get kicked out of the place, they either went to the counter and the cashier refused to serve, or more likely, they saw the new policy online and threw a hissy fit without actually going.
The founder is a Palestinian leftist, so this probably was targeted towards cops/military.
I'd highly recommend going here if your on a tourist trip and end up in the ferry building, not just for the cop hate, but there wraps are great as well.
Since armed police is not a protected class then I hardly think it matters.
There is no debate, the bakery is private property. Fuck off pigs. Also please immediately respond if I call 911 kthxbye
yes and also yes. They have a job they agreed to do, and fuck them right off into the unemployment line if that hurts their feelings.
Can we stop posting articles from The Independent. Its literally owned my a Russian media mogul with ties to Boris Johnson and whose father worked in the KGB
TIL. Thank you, Internet stranger
Your welcome fellow internet stranger
Based bakery. If the sporting goods store where they bought the piece makes people not carry and they respect that then they should respect other stores that ask people not to.
Oh these poor disenfranchised pigs!!
Based lmfao
Take it a step further and say you don't serve any living cops, but you'd be more than happy to cater their funeral.
Catering to a cop funeral means serving living cops
Its fair. Bakers shouldn't have to serve anyone, for any reason or no reason.
We have had a surprising high number of bakery related controversies. I think I will continue to shop at my local supermarket bakery. I want a cake not to have to make a statement.
Sounds like someone wants to have his cake and eat it too lol
I do. Who wouldn't want that? Are you telling me if infinite cake that always took up the same amount of space was an option you wouldn't want it?
Seriously. Far less quicksand, killer bees, crocodiles in sewers, nuclear war, and global cooling than I was brought up to expect.
Far more bakery controversies and fascists than my childhood led me to prepare for, though.
Read the Madness of crowds. He has a whole chapter on the number of people who were fined, imprisoned, murdered over how pointy shows can be and how much or how little facial hair a man can have.
Enjoy your disgusting supermarket cake
I will and you won't get a single piece.
Also, forcing them to leave their guns “outside”, which in this case would be in the car wouldn’t just mean some criminal could break into the car and steal their weaponry?
I'm sure what the shop owner wants it to mean is that they go eat their donuts elsewhere. Safety of their firearms is the responsibility of the cops, not the bakery owner in any case.
Ease up grampa
businesses often give police discount to be in best terms in case they are needed, i know it shouldn't be that way, but still you wouldn't want to do the opposite
Fuck you anti-cop assholes. Get robbed, get mugged, get in an accident, lose your kid, need some help, and see what song you're singing then.
Most of them are good people doing good, noble work, and I'm not going to apologize for saying that and standing up for the profession. Screw y'all for painting them all as bad, just because some indeed are.
Judge people individually instead of painting them as all the same. That's the same mindset as a racist.
Fuck you anti-cop assholes. Get robbed, get mugged, get in an accident, lose your kid, need some help, and see what song you're singing then.
I come from a cop family, and I hate this argument. Of course people are going to call the police when shit happens. That is literally the only option available to reasonable and lawful people. Doesn't mean police haven't actively damaged their reputation with decades of abuse and corruption, and force the decent cops out if they try and buck the trend.
Police in general have some major issues right now, and first among them is outright denial there are any issues at all. Just look at 2020 where the first protests were met with immediate escalation and violence (it was like day 1 we had videos of cops shoving elderly people to the ground. They cracked that one guy's head open). Tone-deaf and completely dismissive of concerns raised by their own communities. Nothing has improved since then, in fact the police seem to have deepened that ' us v. them' mentality.
I'm not saying I agree with banning armed police, but I can agree that this type of stuff is where we're headed with the route police and their most ardent supporters are taking. Policing took a bad turn back when cops starting calling non-police 'civilians', as if police were a military branch. "Community policing" is dead, and it's no surprise the reputation went with it.
Any good cop left on the force knows all about this shit, calling into question how 'good' they are.
The police say the same thing about everyone who isn't them. "Fuck 'em". And that's exactly how I feel whenever I hear anything bad happening to them.
They're all guilty. Shutter the doors, fire them all and hire from a different psych profile, barring the current one, forevermore.
I am in the most dangerous for my life when I am in the presence of a cop, plain and simple, no context needed. These are stats. Facts not feelings. Since 2000 the police have stolen more from the public thru civil asset forfeiture than all other crime combined.
All cops are bad. All. Complicity is condoning. Criminals have invaded and took over the civic institution. Acknowledgement of this isn't a call for social anarchy. Acknowledgement of this is recognizing that anarchy is already here. The law applied unequally deserves no respect. Those on the top know they'll never see a cell. Those on the bottom know they will no matter their innocence, and that's a best case scenario. No respect is warrented. The lack of respect is entirely earned.
Ban them from public positions and office. Seize their pensions to pay a pittance towards restitution. They broke the public trust, I am not responsible for their public disdain. No one ever wrote a song called 'Fuck the firefighters'. Fuck 'em.
Not too mention that cops in the US got their start as the militant wing of the capitalist class, enforcing property rights for rich slave owners. ACAB. If they weren't, they'd have chosen a different profession.
They're a criminal gang. They murder, they rape, they steal and they even drug traffic.
They're a criminal gang that holds cities hostage by telling them they can't live without them.
Not just thievery. They commit more rape, murder, and assault than anyone else as well, the statistics are self reported so what we know about is only the tip of the iceberg
Most of them are good people
[citation needed]
I have been robbed a few times, mugged twice and have been involved in a hit and run. In none of those situations have the cops ever done ANYTHING to help, legitimately not a single thing. They come take a statement, look around for 30 seconds then fuck off never to be seen again.
But when I spent a few months homeless they were great at harassing me and threatening me for daring to try and find a safe place to sleep.
Fuck cops, and fuck mindless boot lickers like you.
At least they showed up for you. I had my car broken into and was robbed, called the police to file a report and they straight up asked me "so like what do you want us to do about it?". No one ever showed up to check it out or even asked if I had any security camera footage. They took my report and that was the end of it.
Cops don't stop crime they just show up afterwards. What planet do you live on dude, get a clue. Maybe your bfuck little town only has cops who you're buddy buddy with but open your eyes and look at all the police abuse videos. That's what you're supporting when u support the police. You're saying that stays quo is ok. That makes you a shitty person by definition.
If you leave a rotten apple in a bunch of apples, you end up with a bunch of rotten apples. A good cop would stand up and call for reform. They don't last long. The bad apples have already spoiled the bunch.
A bad apple spoils the bunch, as they say.
Getting a lot of mileage out of this one I'll admit.
Well, I'm singing the "please fill out this form for my insurance company" song if I get robbed, mugged, in an accident. In the case of the missing kid, it depends. Sometimes they'll mobilize if the family's a "good family" as far as they know, but a lot of times they'll just tell you the kid ran away and not look. So I might be very well singing the "please do a video on this" song to the true crime community on youtube.
There was a story recently about a 13 year old girl in Mississippi who was forced to give birth because of their anti-abortion laws. She had been raped at 12 by a stranger while playing outside in her yard. The cops did absolutely nothing about the case until Time Magazine called them about the story they were doing on the girl.
If cops won’t even look for someone raping children in broad daylight, what are they even for?
None of them abide by section 1983 of the Federal Code. Therefore they are all criminals.
Get robbed, get mugged, get in an accident, lose your kid, need some help, and see what song you’re singing then.
The song where there is no one else we can call in those situations, in some cases are legally required to call in those situations, and where their job isn't "do those things for people who like cops" it's "do those things."
The song where I will weigh the likely harm that will come from the arrival of police against what I think I need their help with.