“It is unfair how I am treated,” he said, “the moment I see a female and say ‘hello there female’ they always leave after saying something. I don’t know what they said because I wasn’t listening but they are being very rude.”
“I don’t understand what it is that makes women seem uncomfortable around me... likely they are just intimidated to be in the presence of a real alpha man like me. I don’t blame them for that.”
Wait, where's the part where he calls a woman a *fat whore who can keep chasing Chad but she better not come crying to him when she turns 30 and hits the wall?
*about 75% of this is just a reworded comment I saw today on an article about dating in my city.
That's what we were instructed to use to refer to a subset of our platoon-mates while working, in those rare cases where it made a difference. One of my DS, an MP from Halifax, would absolutely tear a strip off you if she heard you say 'girl' or 'woman', in barely comprehensible English out from under that scary red Beret, and you knew the woe was coming.
I have such a weird take on this, due to being in the military for so long. We absolutely do refer to one another as "males" and "females".
Ie. "There was a female SSgt that was really helpful in customer service" or "I had to remind a male Soldier to put on his cover when he left the building" or "I had a female troop once".
However, I try really hard when I'm speaking to a non-military member to switch up my phrasing. Sometimes I still slip up, and I gotta be like "shit, sorry, I mean that woman cashier over there" or whatever it is that I'm talking about.
I will say though, I do distinctly remember having that conversation during basic training, and fucking hating being referred to as "female" in the beginning, and that thought being shared amongst my flightmates. I can still hear the TIs shouting from across the parking lot: "GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW, FE-MALE!" Ugh.
It was just 16 years ago now, so "female" has become normalized.
I don't understand. My girlfriend calls women "females".
So long as you're not using it in a disrespectful way, there's no reason why women can't be called what they are. What's next? Getting upset because I call it a vagina instead of a "pussy"?
Those guys are the rapiest ones. It's disingenuous to act like the types of men who call women 'females' aren't the same guys who neg, space invade and spike drinks.
Ok I will totally admit that, especially when during DEI discussions or other similar meetings, when my brain is about to say "woman" I can freak out and over-correct and I have absolutely said "females".
I used to say "boys and girls", even my female wife says "girls" is fine, but 1 time in 2009 I got yelled at for using "girls" and I have never recovered.
Some of the guys I know seem to use it because they think it's a more PC way of saying it. One of them is married with kids who he has a good relationship with.
Back on reddit I remember getting downvoted a lot for that time I suggested a guy referring to women as "females" was a red flag. Glad I'm not alone in thinking that.
But you can be female and not be a woman, and be a woman and not be a female, am I correct? I've never used the term "female" to describe anyone, but I kind of thought it might be a bit more politically correct? I suppose not.
Image of the introductory coursework for people wanting to learn English.
It's crazy how the eldritch amalgamation that is the English language can have zero rules, yet a dozen unwritten ones of what you can and can't say. Good luck threading the needle if you aren't up to date with the latest cultural evolution in America. Add on top that the kids keep inventing sentences worth of new acronyms.
I get what group of people the article is poking fun at, one of them is on proud display in the comment section. Though I still feel people should have a better understanding that as the Internet's lingua franca you'll encounter people from a wide range of backgrounds, and their grasp of the language and culture will vary.
It's a stupid article because the guy in the picture is so hot no one would care what the fuck he would say. His words could be completely incoherent and everyone would still want to have sex with him.
It figures this "funny" article came from Australia, the worst country in the world. One day I hope AI finds technology to sink that that horrible island and all of it's koalas kangaroos and sexy resettled British convicts to the bottom of the ocean. The article is a good reminder to people from Australia that just because you're extremely sexy doesn't mean you're extremely funny.