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Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters – DW – 06/19/2024

The prehistoric megalithic structure in England has been targeted by activists spraying orange powder paint, social media footage showed.

Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters – DW – 06/19/2024

The prehistoric megalithic structure in England has been targeted by activists spraying orange powder paint, social media footage showed.

Environmental protesters sprayed paint on Stonehenge on Wednesday, with footage showing an orange powder covering some of the stones.

Two protesters dressed in white were seen running towards two of the megaliths, spraying paint, as another person attempted to stop them, in footage released by Just Stop Oil, an environmental activist group focused on the issue of human-caused climate change.


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  • This is for the deniers

    "Climate change is a liberal hoax! They just want to tax us to death! Look at all the research they fabricated in Climategate!"

    sees people spray orange paint on a rock

    "Wait a second. I think I was looking at this all wrong!"

    • So I take it you're taking a different course of action to bring awareness to the dire situation we are in? Or are you just posting here tarnishing Blackbeard's name with some boot licking?

      All these historic pieces will be destroyed by the climate, and the ones that aren't will be rendered moot as no humans are around to appreciate them. Its a message and you don't grasp it. Thats okay. But you should really stop punching down and laterally.

      • So I take it you’re taking a different course of action to bring awareness to the dire situation we are in? Or are you just posting here tarnishing Blackbeard’s name with some boot licking?

        Broseph, I've spent more time in the past 6 months advocating for this cause in a personal and professional capacity than you and your entire family have devoted to environmentalism in the past two decades. But keep going with the petulant, baseless namecalling, child.

        All these historic pieces will be destroyed by the climate, and the ones that aren’t will be rendered moot as no humans are around to appreciate them. Its a message and you don’t grasp it. Thats okay. But you should really stop punching down and laterally.

        I'd link you my graduate thesis on climate change and emissions regulation to convince you to stick your righteous indignation where the sun don't shine, know...doxxing and all that. Keep showing your ignorance and people will keep pointing it out to you.

        • The Les Grossman act just made you lose any credibility you might have had. I see people being activists, even if the method is questionable. They are working, as we are all here reading about it. Then you come in with some snide ass comment and vitriol. I see no ignorance on my part. I hope you're paper does double the work that my toddler is for the climate and wish you best of luck.

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