It's Working As Intended* as in there's a demand (guaranteed by schools) so we charge whatever the fuck we want! Supply is also high? Following supply and demand as theory is for chumps! Supply and demand theory is for us to use as we see fit and to ignore the aspects we don't like!
I think you know as well as I do that your honesty and integrity in describing how people are being fucked over by this process excludes you from neoclassical economics. Its always easy to catch out the fakers.
I mean, how am I supposed to justify tax breaks for the rich with that?
So close: "tax breaks, for the rich." If poor people stop paying tax too, whos going to pay to enforce enforce all the exploitation and wealth extraction done by the rich?
Lol sure, as you can tell from my comments here, I was being deadly serious the whole time.
Youre the one who got all weird. Everyone else could tell I was joking around. I even let you know my intention wasn't to be rude and that it seems to have been taken the wrong way.
Oh ok, so all your comments were just jokes and you don't actually believe that? Who is everyone else? Did you take a poll? I don't give two fucks about politeness, you're a coward who's scared of confrontation irl and apologize all the time for no reason. I like how you put lol after shit that's not funny like some kind of nervous tic.
They were half serious and an elaborate ruse. You see, I dont actually subscribe to neoclassical ideology. Crazy huh? Aren't words wild?
All the people who understood what was going on and voted on it. Youre the only person who's had a problem here and needed it all explained to you, in little bits. Just you, on your own.
As opposed to a big man who calls people a coward from safely behind their keyboard? Grow up.
No, i thought you had poor social skills and, as such, I couldn't be bothered with you. I said what I though would make you go away. Although, it turns out you're were even more bitter and poorly socialised than I thought you were which is really saying something.
Youre right about one thing at least, although you didn't say it directly. Much like everyone else in your life I, should've just ignored you. I won't make that mistake again. By all means, feel free to reply and scream into the void. It won't be read.