Germany right now
Germany right now
Germany right now
Sadly true. Fuck the CDU and AfD. Nazi helpers and Nazis.
SPD and Grüne are helping the rise of fascism too even if it's not on purpose. Die Linke are the only ones in parliament actually working against it.
Considering that Putin is the biggest fascist threat for all of Europe, your statement is laughable. The Left agree that Putin is doing bad things in Ukraine and other countries but their message is that the domestic social net is more important than Europe's survival and all weapon deliveries must stop. Let's talk instead.
If policies were up to them, they'd be helping fascism almost as much as outright Putin sheep
Not on purpose?
That Baerbock is a horrible warmonger
AfD has a guy called Helferich... A funny translation would be Helperling... I can imagine his role and his recap when they ruined Germany and Europe again.
"At least we're not as racist as the US!"
But we are working on yourself to catch up with the US.
I was told by a German person on this very site that they'd never go right wing again because of a unique type of centrism in the country that's hugely popular and that my tiny American brain couldn't comprehend. Oh well, guess that's just another common centrist L.
To be fair, Germany is still far better off than the US or some other European countries. In the national election that just happened, the far right party won about 20% of the votes and the (traditionally) centre-right party won while moving further to the right. That said they're still about as far right as the Democrats in the US.
It's just that Germans are on alert about the rise of fascism and are raising the alarm bells now, before the fascist actually take over control.
to be fair, this is the image the center parties have and upkeep. I, as a farly left person, already question if this seperation to right extremism will still be upheld in 4 years. Our Center-right partie CDU falls more and more for populist rethoric, which reminds me of the republicans or the toris.
So what you have been told is not wrong per se. But there is a significant amount of people in the country and politicans in the parlaiment, that argue the seperation between right exremism and center parties did already collaps behind the scenes.
I don't want to start a war or anything but as someone from neither the USA or Europe, Europeans online often come across as even more exceptionalist than Americans, despite the reputation to the contrary. Because, at least in leftish or liberal spaces, no one is more ready to shit on and call out the USA than Americans. And I don't mean they're anti-American or whatever, they just want their country to be better, so they call out all the shit.
Europeans on the other hand often seem more proud and / or defensive about their countries. Maybe they speak openly in their own country specific communities but I don't get the sense that they're as open and friendly to outside input or criticism as the Americans are.
The way I see it, we're all hooked onto the same stream of memes and billionaire owned news sources everywhere across the world. So thinking we're immune to being overtaken by dangerous alt right nonsense and ignoring all the obvious signs would be a very stupid move, wherever you are. If they're not taking this seriously, they're doing exactly what the Americans did and have done since 2016.
I have no idea how this can be possible, but europeans are proud of their roots AND want their countries to be better. And there are defensive people AND people openly shitting on their countries.
As if they see both sides of the coin. Or! OR it depends who you talk to!
I am getting a feeling that countries are more than a single person. And Europe, might be more than one country. Just like China has provinces/states. And USA.
"Centrists stand for the status quo, they would never change for the worse."
"What if the worse is the status quo and normalized with decades of propaganda and brainwashing?"
"That could never happen!"
Average centrist L.
in fairness, Germany's right-wing CSU/CDU could just as easily form a coalition with AFD. It is unique that they're still willing to stand by their principles and work to cut AFD out of the government, going as far as threatening a ban. The American Republican Party jumped into bed with the fascist Tea Party immediately, without hesitation, and rode the Trump train.
I still don't expect the new centrist coalition to materially address the underlying economic concerns that are driving AFD support, and it seems likely that they'll be too big to ignore by the next election. A future centrist L, if you were.
Whoever told you that was the one with the tiny brain. This is fucking scary and we have had warning signs for decades. /a German
Third time’s a charm!
Fascism is really good for the rich to get richer
Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to our beloved overlords. 💰OTL
Especially the AfDs Neo-Liberal fascism ^^
Sorry - is the Reese’s mug a reference to something I should know about?
Former FCC chairman and piece of shit, Ajit Pai used to have a cartoonishly large Reese's mug. Could be an old picture and all of the text has been changed.
There are more fucking neo-Nazis in the USA than in Germany. The shit AfD voters come from the Oklahoma and Mississippi of Germany, Thuringia and Saxony.
Definitely not true. It sounds like you are German and if so it is pretty sad how little you keep up with your own election even though it happened just a few days ago. There are more AfD voters in eastern Germany but most Bundesländer have >18% AfD votes.
People tend to forget that Hitlers NSDAP only needed 18% in 1930 and a rigged election in 1933 to completely take over the country.
Coping doesnt get us anywhere. Its not always "the others" that vote far-right. Its the whole country, the educated just as well as the uneducated, the poor and the rich. Almost everyone has family members or friends that vote far-right and we need to talk to them, try to understand their motives and make them understand that AfD wants to make everything they fear 10 times worse.
Almost everyone has family members or friends that vote far-right and we need to talk to them
I try. My family calls themselves left of center and liberal, yet no books on Marx but certainly have books on Hitler. My brother who works in finance lauds great mathematicians in history, but he won't read about Einstein's politics because I smoke weed therefore my recommendation is "hard to take seriously." They think the rise of fascism is just media sensationalism, and things are better than ever because "the markets say so / GDP is higher than ever." I try to explain, through the words of economists, that GDP and markets aren't a good measure of wealth disparity, and they accuse me of being envious that I don't have as much money as them. I try to explain that money isn't everything, they roll their eyes like i'm on some hippy-revolutionary kool aid and no different from MAGA. They say I should stop worrying about "the news" and "focus on yourself," meanwhile i'm disabled from hyperthyroidism and they roll their eyes at my pain and immobility like i'm being lazy. They don't read anything, they'll be the first to admit they choose to stay away from politics, while simultaneously acting like they have the most informed and balanced perspective. Fuck "enlightened centrists" they walk and talk just like fascists do.
The shit AfD voters come from the Oklahoma and Mississippi of Germany, Thuringia and Saxony.
That's only kinda true. The east has way more Nazis, but just because the AfD is stronger there with 32% of the votes, doesn't change the fact that 18% of West German voters voted for them too.
Yeah, sorry, but that is like looking at the map in 1930 from these ones and saying "the NSDAP voters come from East Prussia only, don't complain about the Nazis in Germany!"
Your map is correct, but modern Germany does not have the Versailles Treaty, out-of-control inflation, an economy that was on it's knees and the Prussian military influence that was hell bent on revenge for WWI.
Is that per capita?
Both countries are full of neo nazi.
CEO of racism
Meanwhile on Ich eil iel:
So many people have this misreading: it's ich_iel (im echten Leben, in reallife) not eil
I thought it looked weird. Thanks friend!
Are we subscribed to the same sub. Dach talks about literally nothing else but politics right now so don't tell me ich_iel only having like 1/3rd political posts today is some kind of smoking gun.
Germany was never truly de-Nazified.
Seeing as some left to Argentina or were recruited by the US and the USSR for NASA, no they never were de-Nazified, they just wiped the blood off their name tags.
Yep, prominent Nazis were even given leadership of NATO, such as Adolf Heusinger. The Soviets ended up being far harsher to the Nazis, hence why so many fled to Latin America to get away. Makes sense, considering the absolute devastation the Nazis wrought on the Soviets and the 20 million Soviet lives the Nazis took, and how comparatively little the US saw, as the 2 major powers emerging from World War II.
That’s the thing: you can’t kill an idea by killing the man. The idea only dies with good education, proper social support, social cohesion and good (economic) prospects for the future. Same goes for Hamas IMO: try to kill as many soldiers as you can, the collateral damage among civilians breeds only the next soldier in line
Blessings be bestowed upon us.
Once upon a time, I told a German that if their country goes fascist, we won't spare them a second time. That was wrong and naive of me to say, but not too far off. There won't be a rebuilding if that happens.
Only problem is that the entire worlds governments are going fascist. There won't be anyone with enough power to fight them.
WW3 won't be a nuclear war between States. WW3 will be a global class uprising, I just fear we'll have to go through 100+ years of 'Equilibrium' or 'V for Vendetta' type dystopia before that happens. Why does that have to be the sensible approach? Why not rip off the bandaids now while billionaires addresses are still public information?
Oh Im pretty sure we will be spared by the country that went full fascist just a few weeks ago. Thats definitely not the part Im worried about.
Calm your bloated tits! How about addressing the fascism in your own country first?
Don't worry, we are adressing it as we speak. Let's just say my country is also close enough to Germany to adress it as well.
The best pepe
the "CEO of racism" is the "best pepe"?
It's funny and unique
Man, the size of brains of people calling someone racist just because they vote right, completely unaware of their own contribution in this matter. Guess, anyone who doesn't vote right is antifa
If you vote for racists, then you are racist. It's as simple as that.
Exactly. Just because they say the same stuff, want the same changes and behave the same way as racists, doesnt mean theyre racists!
Hi german here, the AfD is judicialy allowed to be called a Faschist party :) And are racist and their votes are too
Plus many CDU/CSU voters and members are too
Being anti-fascist is a good thing.