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  • My next character is going to be a Tiefling College of Whispers Bard, using the new 2024 Tiefling, since they can be Small. They're an impish investigative reporter for a Westmarch setting I'm starting with some friends. Their goal is to make sure the governing body in the setting isn't able to have any secrets from the people, through espionage and the newspaper they print, so they're going to be stirring up a lot of trouble.

    Someday I will get to play them. Setting up a Westmarch is a big undertaking lol

  • I think I would dig playing one of a part of a multi-country collective of paladins that congregate when there's a threat to the realm, very much in the vein of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.

  • A former wizarding college student who got in a magic accident that scrambled his brain and awakened sorcery magic within him. But he thinks he's a wizard, so he carries around spellbooks and components and magic foci (they're all just non magical junk). Actually got to play him in a one shot but he's campaign-worthy

    Literally just me transported to Faerun and I'm a 4 hp commoner, just to see how long I can survive with bullshit shenanigans. IRL I have 0 fighting and weapons skills wish me luck lol

    A gelatinous cube who ingested a Headband of Intellect. Wants to become a professional philosopher.

    An evil lich who is so incompetent at being evil that he keeps blundering into doing profoundly good deeds. (Overthrows a monarchy, monarchy turned out to be an oppressive vampire family. Causes a famine, agricultural reform prevents monoculture that was destroying the ecosystem. Necromances a dead goblinoid tribe, saves them from the hellish afterlife of subservience to Maglubiyat. Etc.) This one is probably better as an NPC however.

  • An highly religious elf out on their Rumspringa.

    Any long lived race will work, I just think elf is the funniest. And long lived so that the rumsprimga can last for the entire adventure/campaign.

  • Just finished reading the beta for Everspark TTRPG and all of these are possible. Excited to play it with my teens.

  • I'm currently playing a tabaxi rogue based off Slinky Malinki, but I also want to play a tabaxi barbarian based off Scarface Claw.

    My kids really love those books, and it turns out kids books make great scaffolds for RP characters.