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Search for a note taking app (solved)


I tried a bit of Notesnook. While it wasnt bad it didnt quite fit the expectation that obsidian created for me for what I want. Maybe it was user error but I honestly can't say what specific aspect bothered me.
For now I decided to stay with what I have experience witg and bought a year of Obsidian-sync for 1 Remote-Vault

Thanks to everyone that suggested me solutions to my really specific problem. I appreciate that and I love(d) the discouse I seemingly sparked in this post.
Please continue commenting. Maybe someone else still hasnt found their solution yet :)

Original Post:

Hello fellow lemmy users, for the lack of a better fitting community I hope my request for help fits here the best.

I am a bit of a scatter-brain, have some notes in Google Keep, OneNote, Obsidian and in GitHub or other places. This is partially multiplied by splitting my work stuff with my home stuff.

What I like about every app I use so far

  • OneNote: I like the way I can write on something like a canvas. Very useful if the note does fit the general theme of the page but not at the exact position. Also helps by utilizing the big space of a horizontal monitor. Also it now sports a very good mobile editor.
  • Obsidian: So easy to backlink between notes and I love the graph view. I also like the extension "code styler" which lets me format inline code blocks with syntax highlighting (e.g.: powershell icon Get-ChildItem -Path C:PathToFolder Filter XYZ).
    I like to learn scripting but I also use obsidian for RL-stuff and technical non-code like keeping track of configs, settings, wishlists etc.
  • Google Keep: I bastardize the check-box feature to keep track of (online) shop orders. Mostly the only reason is that checked items get hidden in a collapsed section

    Any other program that let's me to that (even with plugin/extension) is a valid replacement candidate

What I dislike:

  • OneNote:
    • Quite difficult to link between notes (unsupported on mobile)
    • Limited to 1 folder deep notes. Currently work around that by using the horizontal space or multi notes.
    • A bit clunky to edit bigger notes
    • By microsoft.
  • Obsidian:
    • No native way to have everything on a server outside of using the obsidian-sync service for $4 or the community plugin which requires me to use some novel type of db called couch-db (ugh, another service to keep updated/troubleshoot). I can stomach the $4 but am limited to only one vault which I don't really like.
  • Google Keep:
    • Google
    • No real way to have everything backed up. Only use it for quick notes or for my shipment list. Everything else is probably exported to Obsidian/OneNote if I feel like doing house-keeping.

How I currently manage/store my files:

  • Right now I use
  • OneNote which is stored on OneDrive (I like how Outlook (classic) works and I got 1TB of cloud storage),
  • Obsidian which syncs with the plugin "remotely sync" to my OneDrive folder.
  • Google Keep: Dunno. Probably some account storage on google

What I want:

  • A primarily server-side setup or with a native sync feature that works like on OneNote: The true source is my server or the cloud, the client only streams/caches the data locally. I have no problem with individual markdown files.
    I just dislike the general need to sync them manually with external tools like syncthing.
    I already have a good backup solution on my main server and secondary server (For the curious: Veeam backup and replication that backs my proxmox VMs). No need to manage another set of backups. Another reason I want everything in one spot as I already have everything scattered.
  • A tree view of my notes like obsidian and OneNote does. Plus point if the app can even do sections like OneNote does.
  • (Optional) A way change-log of the edits done. Some apps do it by implementing git or have a very rudimentary way to manage that
  • Mobile/desktop companian app: PWA is okay but I would probably miss out on the caching feature. I would prefer an actual (android) app on my phone. Same for Windows.

What I found so far but have issues so far:

  • silverbullet: Server-side but seems to miss the side bar with the tree view (which can probably be added by another extension). Seems like the best candidate so far
  • Joplin: Seems alright to use but I can't use callouts which (to me) is mandatory to use with coding/scripting tasks.
  • Obsidian: Fits best of all I found but I dislike the $4. But still miles better as the former option which was (i believe) $15 monthly
  • BookStack: I bit limited how it manages the change-log. Seems okay
  • Outline: No way to sync it without paying beyond manual sync. Didnt try it out much but I like how it looks.
  • Logseq: Same issues as with obsidian: Paid sync. Didnt look much beyond
  • Joplin: Sufficient but no callouts :(
  • Trilium Notes: Maintenance mode. Not a deal-breaker but I don't want to migrate something that could maybe die :/

Thanks for reading the wall of text and I wish you a good start into the year of 2025. ✌️

  • You are posting in self hosted by also referencing some software that isn't so I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for in that regard.

    Saber is the only non-onenote notes software that supports handwriting and is fully FOSS, to my knowledge. I use that and then back up with Syncthing.

    • Hello fellow lemmy users, for the lack of a better fitting community I hope my request for help fits here the best.

      And I am also mentioning self-hostable solutions like silverbullet. And there might be a program that nobody has listed yet but may fit all criteria.

      • Gotcha. I like Saber for handwritten notes. It also supports photos and PDFs, so I will get some meeting notes, upload them into Saber and then handwrite notes on top of the PDFs.

        It is cross-platform and has native NextCloud support, and they'll even give you a server to use if you sponsor the project.

  • I use Obsidian primarily and just push everything to git. Remember to gitignore .obsidian/workspaces.json to prevent conflicts on multiple devices.

  • Checkout Notesnook. I've tried most of the ones you've listed and have been really enjoying how well it works compared to the competition considering its end-to-end encrypted.

    A few features:

    • Clients and server are open source.
    • End-to-end encrypted note syncing.
    • You can publish public notes.
    • You can publish privates notes that require a password to view.
    • You can self-host the sync server.
    • You can self-host the publishing server.
    • Full offline mode.
    • At rest encryption.
    • Multi-platform clients with feature parity (Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, MacOS, Web).
    • Most if not all of the general features you'd expect from a notes taking application.

    One thing I really like about the project is how open they are about what they're doing, why they're doing it and what the future holds. It's been great seeing their roadmap ( and seeing promised features land with new ones being added, and I've only been using it for less than a year now!

  • Honestly it seems like Obsidian is the one matching most of your criteria. $4/mo isn't bad for a bullet proof sync solution with version history, imo. I also have my vault backed up on each client locally for extra protection.

    I'd love to suggest Logseq because FOSS, but man does the android app suck.

    That said, I find Obsidian really lacks in the simple to-do/checklist function. So I use Quillpad synced to my Nextcloud server for Google Keep-like functionality. Everything else goes into Obsidian.